Agenda item

Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work or performance of the Council or the Council’s services relevant to the Whitefield and Unsworth area.



The Chair invited questions from the members of the public present about the work or performance of the Council or Council’s services relevant to the Whitefield and Unsworth area.


Aldi Store car park – has anything been done following the suggestion made that the separate smaller car parks be amalgamated for the safety of pedestrians and drivers. Can the Council approach the store owners to raise this issue? The road marking needs to be amended to divert traffic to go from a double to a single lane on to Higher Lane – It was reported that a similar request had been made in 2004 without success. Councillor Mallon reported that he had spoken to a store owner about a broken flag stone but there was no interest from the owner about maintaining the footway.


Rufford Drive – cars parking on pavement causing a hazard. Councillor Grimshaw suggested local residents approach the shop owners to raise the matter and work towards co-operating.


Ringley Road Trees – Can the Council take action to reduce the size of the trees along Ringley Road which have become potentially dangerous to pedestrians and road users if one should fall? Street lighting has become impaired. – This will be reported to the department responsible.


Bank Street Tipping – There has been tipping taking place on Bank Street in the area behind the Garrick Theatre.


Sunnybank Road – Action is needed to reduce the speed of vehicles on Sunnybank Road which has become worse since the Croft Lane closure. Residents have received abuse as they have challenged drivers and the noise has been going in to the early hours of the morning. There have been a lot of near miss accidents. There are schools and a playground nearby. – This should be raised with Inspector Kenny (GMP).


South Close – Drivers are ignoring the roundabout and driving straight over it because it flat. Could the roundabout be raised to make vehicles slow down? – This will be passed for the attention of the Highways officer.


Croft Lane – The meeting was attended by Lesley and Simon from United Utilities. It was reported that Croft lane would be opened to traffic from 19 December until 5 January 2015. There had been no changes to the design of the works taking place. There was an issue regarding services that had been uncovered.


The Chair invited questions.


Will United Utilities reimburse me for my taxi fare from home to the Blackford Place? - Yes. 


There has been no work on site for some time when will work restart? There is a ten mile detour to get to Pilsworth by – It was anticipated that work would start on the services on 19 November for around 5-10 days. It was anticipated that Balfour Beattie would restart work the following week. It is accepted that there is frustration for local residents and information would be circulated as soon as possible.


In view of the change to the design and that a single pipe to be installed during the works, could the road be opened up on one side? Also will further work be likely in the future? – The diameter of the pipe is now larger because it will take in two inputs it would not be possible to open the road. It is not anticipated that further work will be required once this has been completed.


Will service user bills see an increase due to the investment being made in these works? – No United Utilities will be working to make services more efficient.


Could more be done to remind residents that there is a shuttle bus available travelling to Pilsworth? Yes, information will be circulated.