Agenda item

Public Question Time

Questions are invited from members of the public present at the meeting about the work of the Council and the Council’s services.


Approximately 30 minutes will be set aside for Public Question Time, if required.



A period of fifty minutes was allocated for members of the public present at the meeting to ask questions about the work or performance of the Council or Council services. The Chair allowed the extension of the Public Question Time in view of the number of public present at the meeting wishing to ask questions relating to the agenda item Alternative Services – Under 5’s.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: Why has Children’s Services been chosen for budget cuts?

Response: The Council is being forced to make cuts across all the services it provides. There are £16 million of cuts to make on top of the substantial cuts that have already been made. The Council will have lost up to 50% of its budget by 2015/16. Under these financial pressures it is not possible to maintain the level of services as they currently stand. The way Council services are provided will have to change and some services will no longer be provided.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: There is concern that the loss of this provision will have an impact in the long term. Has the Council considered this?

Response: The Council has considered the long term need. Bury has high levels of deprivation (as detailed in the Index of Multiple Deprivation) and those areas would be targeted. Children’s Centres provide an effective universal service but more could be done through targeted outreach work. The proposal would introduce more front line staff to achieve this. Just keeping the existing Children Centre buildings open but not providing effective services would not be the best way forward.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: Women will be affected through the loss of the universal service through closure of centres which has helped many new mothers avoid post natal depression and developed confidence for mothers to breast feed their baby. Do you accept the point that this will have an impact on other services down the line?

Response: This is a good point. Consideration must also be given to the later cost of those children from families in most who are not accessing these important services. The Council will continue to work in partnership to ensure support for breastfeeding is still available.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: What audit data was used across the borough? There is evidence to show that nursery places are available so what are the Council doing to get places taken up rather than offer more?

Response: We have data to show areas of lower take up and this relates to the locality of the nursery provision. The proposal will target families to take up the 15 hours nursery provision.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: The Children’s Centre has helped my wife to breastfeed our baby and she is willing to give something back as are other people. Is the consultation with all interested stake holders going to consider other ways of providing services rather than closing centre?

Response: Yes, the Council will be consulting across the board. This is a proposal and provides a starting point for the discussion to begin. This will include community groups, Township Forums and all stakeholders.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: The proposal appears to be based on financial savings being made on management costs, is this so? There is no financial information on the 2 year offer. You are changing the model.

Response: The proposal is based on targeting efficient service provision. We consider this to be the best way to promote the universal service and 2 year old offer. The whole policy is being consulted on and to make the process effective the report submitted is honest and open because we want people to be aware of what the challenges are. The Council cannot change the service without changing the model it would be irresponsible to not look at this as a whole.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: I am an immigrant to this country and have made many friends through the children’s centre where I live. How will immigrants meet other people if they don’t have this kind of facility?

Response: The new hubs will have the ‘stay and play’ as part of the universal service and this will provide a chance for parents to meet. The targeted service will also look to help and support isolated mothers.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: As part of the consultation could service users be targeted to record their experiences of the services in children’s centres to recreate a similar service in the new proposal? This could help to improve the quality of life for users.

Response: Yes it is very beneficial to record the views and experiences and service users’ advice to help enhance the new proposals.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: All new mothers feel isolated and need social contact with other mothers, where will they have the opportunity to meet? I have made many friends through the children’s centre and the breastfeeding group.

Response: individual meetings with mothers would not prevent breastfeeding groups from continuing to meet up or other services to be provided.  


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: Not all new mothers can absorb the information from a 1 to 1 meeting shortly after giving birth. It helps being in a group of other mothers to learn and gain confidence.

Response: These issues can be addressed by providing more clarity and information as part of the consultation process.


Topic: Alternative Services Under 5’s

Question: Could the Council look at providing services in community centres in a more cost effective way to prevent the loss of universal services.

Response: The consultation process will allow you to put forward your ideas and we welcome this.