Agenda item


An update on local Police issues will be provided at the meeting, subject to the availability of an Officer from Greater Manchester Police.


·         Lesley Wildeman, Chair of the Forum, opened Public Question Time and explained that these meetings were an excellent way of giving information to the public and for individuals to bring issues that is of great concern to residents to the attention of local Councillors.  Lesley stated that several issues however have never been addressed, including; flooding at the end of Nuttall Street, speed cushions disintegrating and no longer easily seen, parking on footpaths, causing danger to pedestrians having to walk in the road and yellow box junctions no longer being marked up sufficiently due to the lack of maintenance.


Councillor Connolly explained that all issues raised at Open Forum are recorded and actions required are tabled and the Township Co-ordinator passes these through to the relevant departments and Officers.  However, due to funding constraints and loss of staff, which have not been replaced due to the budget cuts, all services have to be prioritised and unfortunately not every issue raised can now be addressed as there is no longer the staff or resources available.


·         Harry Reed stated about the grid on Rochdale Road that always flooded and asked if it was correct that there was £10 million available now towards road maintenance.

Councillor Connolly stated that £10 million is available but for over the next 7 years and this is in fact another Government cut.

The Township Co-ordinator stated that he had met with the Highways engineers about this particular grid and it was to be sorted within the next 7 days.


·         Mr Iqbal also reported further flooding at grids on Heywood Street and Fletcher Street which is a major health and safety concern as all the local children are leaving the Mosque and on these dark nights it is very dangerous.


Councillor Connolly stated that he would look into this.


·         Victor Hagan reported that 8,000 residents of Six Town Housing properties had received a letter explaining a change to the tenancy agreement which he felt was threatening.  He stated that he had contacted Six Town Housing and was told to contact the Council.


Councillor Connolly stated that the new tenancy agreement had been approved at Cabinet and this was designed to protect good tenants.  There are tenants that can make others lives a misery and the new tenancy agreement is to remove anti social behaviour from areas where the majority of residents make excellent tenants.





·         Tim Boaden asked regarding Bury’s Rangers’ Service which has depleted from 10 to 2 following the budget cuts and how would the volunteer Rangers manage if there was no longer the equipment, tools or storage available. Could a report and feedback be reported back to the Township Forum regarding this?


Councillor Connolly stated he would be happy to investigate and report back, however, the cuts to the Rangers are directly from the Council’s budget cuts and unfortunately, as explained previously, services had to be prioritised.  Councillor Connolly stated how much the volunteer Rangers were appreciated.


Harry Reed explained that Tim should contact the Parks’ Manager who was very helpful in relation to tools, equipment and storage which were still available.


·         Mr Iqbal offered thanks from the local Muslim community to the Council following a funeral which had taken place in November 2014, in relation to their help with parking and organisation in the area, with the volume of people that attended the funeral.  Councillor Connolly acknowledged the thanks and stated that he and Councillor Holt had been working closely with the Muslim community to try and solve any issues they may have.


Councillor Holt expressed how important it was for the whole local community to work together to try and resolve many issues as brought to the Forum this evening as unfortunately there is not the same budget or resources available to immediately address these.