Meeting documents

Wednesday, 13th June, 2012 6.00 pm

Wednesday, 13th June, 2012
Meetings Rooms A & B, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor M Connolly (in the Chair);
Councillors G Campbell, I Gartside, A Isherwood,
J Lewis, J Smith, R Shori and S Walmsley
3 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors N Parnell and T Pickstone
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the minutes of the meeting held on 4 April 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

Delegated decisions:

That approval be given to permit the charging of pre-application planning advice as set out below and that this take effect from 1 July 2012.

Category of development: Householder developments
Size of site: not applicable
Proposed fixed fee: Free
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Listed building proposals
Size of site: not applicable
Proposed fixed fee: £100
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Prior approval notifications telecoms
Size of site: All
Proposed fixed fee: £100
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Any small commercial development including changes of use
Size of site: on a site or occupying a site of less than 0.5ha or less than 1000m square
Proposed fixed fee: free
Output for applicants: -

Category of development: Major commercial development including changes of use
Size of site: on a site or occupying a site more than 0.5ha or more than 1000m square
Proposed fixed fee: £500
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Residential development schemes
Size of site: up to 10 dwellings
Proposed fixed fee: £250
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Residential development schemes
Size of site: more than 10 dwellings
Proposed fixed fee: £500
Output for applicants: For 1 meeting and/or a letter response

Category of development: Winning or working minerals and applications involving waste
Size of site: 0.5ha or above
Proposed fixed fee: £500
Output for applicants: Up to 2 meetings and/or a letter response

Follow up advice - this will be charged on an hourly rate basis (whole hours not part thereof) whether for attending meetings or producing written responses.

Examples of hourly rates for 2012/2013 are:
- Assistant Director - £100
- Development Manager - £75
- Senior Planner - £65

Planning Performance Agreements - Where major applications are proposed and would require numerous officer meetings to take place throughout the process, the fees for such agreements shall be established on a case by case basis.

All fees exclude VAT and VAT will be charged at the rate applicable at the time of submission. The income raised must not exceed the cost of providing the service. Where a surplus or deficits of income in relation to the cost of estimated income are realised, thee will be taken into account when setting charges in future periods.

Reasons for the decision:
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) encourages pre-application discussion, although costs were not reclaimable as part of the processing costs of a planning application. The Local Government Act 2003 provides planning authorities with a discretionary power to charge for pre-application advice, although it is not obliged to provide it. Planning authorities can recover at least some of the costs incurred before the submission of an application.

Other Greater Manchester planning authorities already charge for pre-application advice.

Other options considered and rejected:
1. To amend the proposals for charges outlined within table 1 of paragraph 2.6 to permit the charging of pre-application planning advice.

2. To reject the proposals for charges outlined within table 1 of paragraph 2.6 to permit the charging of pre-application planning advice.
Delegated decisions:

1. That the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health be noted and that the commitment to wellbeing in all partner organisation policies is based on five ways to wellbeing:

1. CONNECT with others. Social relationships are critical to our wellbeing
2. BE ACTIVE. Exercise improves our physical health, mental health and wellbeing
3. GIVE. Linking to the wider community can be incredibly rewarding, creates connections with people and gives a sense of belonging
4. TAKE NOTICE. Be curious. Heightened awareness enhances an individual’s self understanding and in turn increases our feelings of wellbeing.
5. LEARN. Learning encourages social interaction and increases self esteem and feelings of competency to achieve:
- Starting well: enabling good health in mothers before, during and after pregnancy and good parenting
- Developing well: encouraging healthy habits and avoiding harmful behaviour
- Growing up well: identifying, treating and preventing mental health problems and creating resilience and self-esteem
- Living and working well: choosing lifestyles and behaviours that influence health and productivity
- Ageing well: supporting resilience through social networks and activity and providing protection from preventable ill-health.

2. That the report submitted form the basis for Public Health considerations concerning the implementation of Council policy decisions.

Reason for the decision:
There is a statutory national state requirement for the publication of an annual public health report.

Other option considered and rejected:
To reject the Recommendations.
The meeting started at 6.00 pm and ended at 6.30pm


CA.102Councillor Connolly declared a personal interest in any matters likely to impact on the fact that his partner is employed by Adult Care.

Councillor Isherwood declared a personal interest in minute number CA.106 Bury Public Health report 2011 for the reason that his wife had taken part in the BEATS (Bury Exercise and Therapy Scheme) which had received Council funding.
CA.103A period of thirty minutes was allocated for members of the public present at the meeting to ask questions about the work or performance of the Council or Council services.

No questions were submitted under this item.
CA.105The Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods and Regeneration submitted a report providing the Cabinet with details of a proposal to charge for pre-application discussions for certain types of planning proposals.

Bury Council is a Local Planning Authority and provides pre-application planning advice as part of delivering a good planning service. Many of the requests received are speculative and do not lead to the submission of an application. A fee is currently charged only when an application is submitted and this is for its consideration and not the pre-application advice. A table of proposed charges was included in paragraph 2.6 the report.
CA.106The Cabinet Member for Adult care Health and Wellbeing submitted a report which described health problems in Bury, especially inequality and discusses how these could be tackled in the medium to longer term.

The Cabinet also received a detailed presentation from Dr Peter Elton (Director of Public Health NHS Bury).