Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 11th May, 2004 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 11th May, 2004
Peel Room, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor A J Cummings (in the Chair);
Councillors K Audin, R A Bibby, K S Briggs, D M Cassidy, M Connolly, Y Creswell, W J Davison, D L Gunther, E K Grime, A K Matthews and Y S Wright
40 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2004 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 29 June 2004, in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and that that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the sites:-

42314/04: Broad Oak Playing Fields Oak Lane, Bury - East Ward
Provision of Children’s Play Area, multi-use games area and football pitch

42166/04: 163a Bury Old Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
New residential three storey detached dwelling and detached garage

42309/04: Cheddleton Lodge, West Road, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward
Change of use form private residence (Class C3) to medical consulting rooms Class D1)

42156/04: 11 Church Meadow, Bury - Unsworth Ward
Two storey extension at side; single storey extension at rear with roof terrace
Delegated decision:

1. That the Committee Approve the following applications with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions detailed in the report and/or added by the Committee:-

42219/04: Land at Bridge Hall Lane, Bury - East Ward
Two storey office accommodation with car parking (resubmission)

42215/04: 929 Walmersley Road, Bury - Moorside Ward
Single storey extension to side and rear

42204/04: Manchester Road Recreation Ground, Bury - Redvales Ward
Installation of multi-use games area

42286/04: 87 Grange Road, Bury - Church Ward
Single story extension

42126/04: 132 Warwick Road Avenue, Whitefield - Holyrood Ward
Two storey front extension; single storey side extension and first floor rear extension

412182/04: 31 Broadstone Close - St Mary’s Ward
First floor extension at side over existing garage and conservatory at rear

42117/04: Land adjacent to 5 Miller Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe North Ward
Erection of detached dormer bungalow

42295/04: Polyflor Ltd, Radcliffe New Road, Whitefield - Radcliffe South Ward
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of new warehouse

42152/04: 21 Chestnut Avenue, Tottington - Tottington Ward
Two storey extension at side

42307/04: 7 Oswestry Close, Greenmount - Tottington Ward
Two storey rear extension

42153/04: Smiths Yard rear of 95 Bury Old Road, Whitefield -Pilkington Ward
Extension to first floor over existing garage

42206/04: Hollins Grundy Playing Fields, Hollins, Bury - Unsworth Ward
Installation of multi-use games area

42261/04: 54 Croft Lane, Bury - Unsworth Ward
Single storey extension to side

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning and Economic
Development Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions detailed in the report and/or added by the Committee:-

42312/04 Former Elton Cop Dyeworks, Walshaw Road, Bury -Elton Ward
Mixed employment (Class B1) and residential development

This is subject to a 106 Agreement and the following additional condition:

Condition 16. Prior to the commencement of development on site, the applicant shall submit to and agree with the Local Planning Authority a scheme providing adequate drainage to accommodate high levels of rain-water run-off from the carriageway to prevent flooding along Walshaw Road.

42224/04: The Mill, Water Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe Central Ward
Residential Development - 38 apartments (resubmission)

This is subject to a 106 Agreement.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 8:25pm


P.1616No declarations of interest were made at the meeting.
P.1617The Minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2004 were submitted. Reference was made to Minute P.1492 regarding the proposed changes to officer delegation for the determination of planning applications.

A member suggested that as an alternative to increasing the officer role in the determination of planning applications, the number of Planning Control Committee meetings held during the year could be increased to cope with demand.

Councillor Connolly stated that the issue had been discussed at length at the last meeting and Members had had the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes during the consultation period.

The Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer reported that no comments had been received and explained to the Committee that any applications received which were in any way controversial or where objections had been received would be submitted for consideration by the Committee. The changes proposed were designed to speed up the decision making process for minor applications.
P.1619Reports of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer were submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers:

42219/04, 42314/04, 42204/04, 42286/04, 42312/04, 42126/04, 42166/04, 42224/04, 42309/04, 42117/04, 42295/04 and 42206/04.

The Committee gave the opportunity for representations to be made from the applicant and/or objector in respect of each application submitted; this was limited to two minutes for each speaker.
P.1620A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted giving a summary on the recent appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate and listing appeals that had been lodged since the last report.

Councillor Creswell expressed her disappointment with regard to the decision of the Planning Inspectorate to allow the appeal in respect of application number 40831/03.
P.1621The Chair took the opportunity to thank Members for their even handed approach to the work of the Committee during the year. Appreciation was also expressed to officers for their work in supporting the Committee.