Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 14th January, 2003 7.00 am

Tuesday, 14th January, 2003
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor A Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, R Bibby, K S Briggs, D Cassidy, Y Creswell, W Davison, C Fitzgerald, K Grime, S. Mason, A Matthews, J Taylor and Y Wright
There were 60 members of the public present.
Item Description Decision
That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 26 November, 2002, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next meeting of this Committee on 20 February 2003 in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed developments on their surroundings is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and, that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the following sites:-

Outline- Demolition of industrial premises and erection of 80 residential units 39705/02 Tagg Wood Works, Regent Street, Ramsbottom

Carport with roof terrace at side 39855/02 80-82 Rowlands Summerseat

Single storey extension to rear 39938/02 2 Woodhead Close, Ramsbottom

Two storey side extension with accommodation in roof space at side; single storey extension at rear 40057/02 37 Longsight Road, Holcombe Brook

Approval for reserved matters - 16 dwellings 39803/02 Land off Bury Road

Demolition of public house and erection of 26 apartments 40094/02
Nailers Green, Bandlesholme Road, Greenmount

Erection of 27 dwellings 40110/02 Land at Albert Road, Prestwich

Erection of two storey house 39737/02 Land adjacent to No. 5 Westlands,

Residential Development - 19 dwellings 39674/02 Land off Hollins Lane, Bury

Residential Development - 2 dwellings 39877/02 Land at Brook Lane,
Off Hollins Lane, Bury
That the various planning applications submitted by the Chief Planning Officer be dealt with as set out below:-

(Note: Unless otherwise indicated the conditions attached to any approval and the reasons for any refusal or deferment are set out in the report of the Chief Planning Officer and/or the Officers supplementary sheets, each of which was submitted at the meeting. These documents also indicated those applications in respect of which representations had been received and which were considered at the meeting.

Residential development 13 houses 3981102 - Land off Bridge Hall Lane, Bury - Approved

Creation of children's play area 30249/02 - Land off Limefield Brow, Bury
1. Approved
2. That the Director of Environment and development be requested to investigate the feasibility of providing a restriction for non-pedestrian access to the play area.

(Councillors Cassidy and Taylor declared a prejudicial interest in the above application, and left the meeting during consideration and vote).

Change of use - recording studio to dance studio 40062/02 - Alexander House, Phoenix Street, Bury - Approved

Single storey side extension 39903/02 - 1 Wheeton Close, Bury - Approved

First floor extension over existing at front (resubmission) 39966/02 -
14 Rothbury Close, Bury - Approved

Conversion of disused church into 14 apartments 39834/02 -All Saints Church
Off Orrell Street, Elton - Approved

Listed Building Consent conversion of disused church into 14 Apartments
39835/02 - All Saints Church, Off Orrell Street, Elton - Approved

Dormer Extension at front single storey extension and conservatory at side/rear, first floor extension at rear 39952/02 - 8 Cheviot Close, Walshaw - Approved

Change of use from hot foot take away to massage studio 39828/02 - 217 Bury Old Road, Prestwich - Approved

Two storey extension at side 39998/02 - 135 Albert Avenue, Prestwich - Approved

Two storey extension at side part two storey part single storey extension at rear 39999/02- 137 Albert Avenue, Prestwich - Approved

Two storey side and rear extension and conservatory at rear 39573/02 - 26 Woodward Road, Prestwich - Approved

Residential development - 125 dwellings and industrial units (B1) and associated works 39489/02 - Land at Allens Green Works, Hutchinson Way, Radcliffe, Minded to refuse

The Committee were informed that application number 39489/02 would be determined by the Planning Inspector as a result of an appeal lodged against the authority by the developer involved for non-determination of the application.

Under paragraph 2 of the supplementary information circulated an amendment was made to the second sentence to read "studies are being commissioned".

Two storey extension to rear 39888/02 - 10 Spring Grove, Whitefield, Approved

Levelling of Garden, railway sleeper retaining wall and erection of fence
(retrospective application) 39983/02 - 4 Eccles Street, Ramsbottom - Approved

Retention of tarmac recreation ground to North of buildings 39985/02 -
Darul Uloom Islamic College, Holcombe Old Road, Holcombe
Approved subject to the deletion of the condition in the Chief Planning Officers report and the following conditions being attached:-

1. The recreation area shall not be used for car parking and details of a suitable barrier to prevent vehicular access shall be agreed in writing with the local Planning Authority and implemented within three months of the date of the Planning Permission.

2. No lighting of the recreation centre shall be installed without prior written agreement of the Local Planning Authority.

Erection of floodlighting around No.1 green 40019/02 - Nuttall Park Bowling Club, Nuttall Park, Ramsbottom - Approved.

Restoration of former National School demolition of Victoria Hall erection of new community facilities (revised scheme) 39751/02 - St Annes, Parish Church, Chapel Street, Tottington Refused for the following reasons:-

1. The design of the proposed building is neither appropriate to, nor sympathetic with the listed Building and its setting, and it would be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area. The proposed development therefore conflicts with policy EN2/3 -Listed Buildings, of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

2. The development would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities of nearby occupiers, by reason of close proximity of the new building and the noise and smell disturbance and general activity associated with the proposed use. The proposed development therefore conflicts with policy H3/1 - Assessing Non -Conforming Uses, of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

3. There is no provision for off street parking at the church. The proposed development will lead to an intensification of uses of the building and consequently increased traffic and congestion contrary to policy CF1/1 - Location of New Community Facilities, of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

Listed Building Consent - restoration of former National School demolition of Victoria Hall erection of new community facilities (revised scheme) 39795/02 - St Annes, Parish Church, Chapel Street, Tottington - Refused

Two storey extension at side incorporating dormers at front and rear 39943/02 - 22 Hillstone Close, Greenmount -Approved

Construction of car park and associated landscaping works Sports Field 39988/02 - Tottington St Johns, Beryl Avenue, Tottington - Approved

First floor side extension and single storey rear extension erection of detached garage at rear 39744/02 - 45 Billberry Close, Whitefield - Approved

Two storey extension at side and conservatory at rear 39881/02 - 47 Kenmore Road, Whitefield - Approved

Amendmdent to part of scheme to provide 12 townhouses and 8 apartments (previously approved scheme 6 detached houses and 3 town houses) 39402/02 - Former Bury (Stand), College Lane, Whitefield - Refused for the following reasons:-

1. The development would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities currently enjoyed by the occupiers of nearly dwellings because of the overlooking and loss of privacy it would cause and due to the overhearing effect it would have on the affected properties by reason of its height, size and position. The development therefore, conflicts with the following policy of the Bury Unitary Development Plan H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development.

Two storey extension at rear 39941/02 - 29 Ringley Drive, Whitefield, Approved

Part single storey and part two storey extension at side/rear two storey front extension 39989/02 - 29 Marle Croft, Whitefield, Approved

Reserved matters new warehouse, office building associated yard and car parking 39931/02 - Thumbs Up (Bury) Limited, Dumers Lane, Bury - Approved
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 9.45pm


P.954Members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had an interest in any matters to be discussed at the meeting and the following interests were declared:-

Councillors Cassidy and Taylor - (Application 39248/02)
Councillor Mason -(Applications 39674/02 and 39877/02)