Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 16th June, 2009 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 16th June, 2009
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor B Vincent (In the Chair)
Councillors P. Ashworth, K Audin, D Bigg, S Briggs, S Cohen, M D’Albert, D O Hanlon, A K Matthews, Y S Wright and J W H Taylor
100 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor A J Cummings
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 May 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 21 July 2009:

51144 Land at former Allen’s Green, School Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe West Ward
Development of 22 residential dwellings (two, two and a half and three storey) (the committee having resolved to reject the recommendation of being minded to approve the application)

51265 Mulberry Bush Nursery, Stewart Street, Bury - Elton Ward
Single storey detached building and associated parking

2. That arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the above sites for the reason that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding areas is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings.
Delegated decisions:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Director of Environment and Development Services in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

51167 11 Bolton Street, Bury - East Ward
Change of use from shop (use class A1) to hot food takeaway (use class A5)

51208 Prestwich High School, Heys Road, Prestwich - Holyrood Ward
Dining hall and teaching base extension

51209 Prestwich High School, Heys Road, Prestwich - Holyrood Ward
Auditorium extension with link to extension building

51226 4-6 Market Street, Tottington - Tottington Ward
Change of use of ground floor from retail (Use class A1) to café (Use class A3)

51266 Former Co-op store (Morrisons), King Street, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward
Installation of various illuminated new and replacement signs, including one internally illuminated totem sign

51272 Unit 5, The Radius, Fairfax Road, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward
Change of use from retail (Class A1) to licensed bookmakers (Class A2)

51286 52 Ainsworth Road, Radcliffe - Radcliffe West Ward
Change of use from residential to shop (Class A1) at ground floor with first floor flat above (Class C3)

51313 Land off Sandgate Road/St Josephs Avenue, Whitefield - Holyrood Ward
Prior approval for replacement of existing equipment cabinet and support unit with new equipment cabin; installation of 1.8 metre close boarded fence on inside of existing palisade fence

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve application 51143 relating to land at former Allen’s Green, School Street, Radcliffe in Radcliffe West Ward for a development of 28 residential dwellings (two, two and a half and three storey). The decision is in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Director of Environment and Development Services in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included.

3. That application 51185 regarding land at Lydgate Close, Whitefield in Besses Ward for a residential development of 4 dwellings (resubmission) be refused for the reason that the development would result in the loss of a valuable area of urban open space contrary to UDP Policy OL3/1

4. That application 51254 regarding land to the west of Old Hall Lane, Whitefield in Pilkington Park Ward relating to an outline application for erection of primary school (resubmission) be refused in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Director of Environment and Development Services report and supplementary information submitted.

5. That arrangements be made for Councillors B Vincent, D O’Hanlon and S Briggs to consult with planning officers regarding the decision not to approve application 51144, prior to the site visit arranged for 21 July 2009.
Delegated decision:

That approval be given to make ‘The Metropolitan Borough of Bury St Mary’s Conservation Area (Prestwich) Article 4 Direction 2009’ under Article 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 in the form proposed and hereby authorise the Council Solicitor to affix the Common Seal thereto.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 8:45pm


P.671. Councillor B Vincent declared prejudicial interest in respect of application 51254 for the reason that he had previously attended a meeting with the school governors before being appointed as a member of the Planning Committee and left the meeting during consideration of the application.

2. Councillor S Cohen declared prejudicial interest in respect of application 51254 for the reason that he has grandchildren attending the school concerned and left the meeting during consideration of the application.

3. Councillors K Audin and A K Matthews declared a prejudicial interest as a member of the Rivers Management Committee in respect of application 51185 and left the meeting during consideration of the application.

4. Councillors M D’Albert and D O’Hanlon declared a prejudicial interest in respect of the report relating to the St Mary’s Conservation Area (Prestwich) Article 4 Direction and left the meeting during the consideration of the item. The Councillors informed the meeting that they were members of a working group involved in study work and preparation of the Management Plan.
P.70A report by the Director of Environment and Development Services was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 51143, 51144, 51185, 51254, 51266 and 51313.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker.

Prior to the meeting the Committee held a site visit in respect of application 51185.

In the absence of Councillor B Vincent due to a prejudicial interest in respect of application 51254, Councillor Y Wright was appointed as Chair.
P.71A report by the Implementation Manager was submitted seeking approval to make a direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 in the form proposed to exclude permitted development rights located within the St Mary’s Conservation Area of Prestwich.
P.72A report by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) was submitted presenting:-
- The outcome of planning appeals decided by the Planning Inspectorate
- The outcome of an appeal against an enforcement decision.
- Details of recent appeals lodged against a delegated decision of the Director of Environment and Development Services.