Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 19th April, 2011 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 19th April, 2011
7.00 pm
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor W Davison (In the Chair)
Councillors I Ahmed, K Audin, S Cohen, M D’Albert, M Hankey, J Harris, A K Mathews, A Quinn, R E Walker and Y S Wright
25 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors A J Cummings and J Smith
Item Description Decision
P.505 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 15th March, 2011 7:00 pm
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 March 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Chief Planning Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

53747 Prestwich Service Station, 19 Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Manchester - Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
Prior notification for 14.8 m high streetworks pole including 3 antennae and equipment cabinets

53638 Springside County Primary School, Springside Road, Bury - North Manor Ward
Retention of temporary classroom (nursery unit) and associated toilet block for 3 years

53645 Land at Bury Road/York Street, Radcliffe, Manchester - Radcliffe East Ward
Outline planning for mixed use scheme including erection of 200 dwellings; new warehouse (7435 square metres) and land remediation and raising of land; raised emergency access to Bury Road; open space and car parking
The decision to approve is subject to the following additional conditions:-

Condition 35. The type of waste and materials that shall be deposited on the site shall consist only of inert material, which has been demonstrated as being suitable for use. In particular, any biodegradable materials, plastics, timber, metal or paper wastes or any putrescible material shall be strictly excluded.
Reason: In the interests of proper site restoration and to ensure that only clean, non-polluting materials are used, to prevent the pollution of the land and water environment pursuant to Policy EN7 - Pollution Control of the Bury Unitary Development Plan and PPS23.

Condition 36. Full details of lighting with regard to the extension to the warehouse shall be submitted as part of the first reserved matters application relating to that element of the site. Details shall include column designs, heights, fixtures, lighting intensity, direction and fitting and the development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details only.
Reason - The site lies in close relationship to a Wildlife Corridor and to enure that there is no undue impact upon residential amenity by reaon of light pollution pursuant to EN6/4 - Wildlife Links and Corridors, PPS9 - Biodiversity and Geological Conservation and EN7 - Pollution Control.

53647 Locomotive Works, Baron Street, Bury - Bury East - Redvales Ward
Renewal of planning permission 49349 to carry out engineering fill operation prior to accommodating new rail track infrastructure

53660 Fairfield General Hospital, Rochdale Old Road, Bury - Bury East Ward
Construction of a single storey woodland tree house

53705 Unit 2, Albert Close Trading Estate, Whitefield, Manchester - Whitefield & Unsworth - Besses Ward
Extension at side and rear (resubmission)

53730 Leigh Bank, 4 Glebelands Road, Prestwich, Manchester - Prestwich - Holyrood Ward
Variation of condition no.2 of planning permission 52762 - Approved drawings to allow alterations to single storey extensions at rear

53723 George and Dragon Public House, 415 Rochdale Old Road, Bury - Bury East Ward
Change of use of public house into 3 no. dwellings with 1 no. new dwelling at side

(Note: Councillors Ahmed and Wright left the meeting at this point).

53726 Bury Grammar School, Farraday House, Bridge Road, Bury - Bury East Ward
Extension to Bury Grammar School to provide new lecture theatre and sixth form social area (resubmission)

53763 Land off Elton Vale Road, adjacent Elton Vale Reservoir (Parker’s Lodges), Bury - Bury West - Church Ward
Erection of 5 dwellings (4 to be used as holiday lets); visitor centre and store/toilet block; creation of car park and associated landscaping

53804 Land adjacent to 59 RIngley Road, Whitefield - Whitefield & Unsworth - Pilkington Park Ward
Erection of detached garage (Resubmission of 53131)

(Note: Councillors Harris and Quinn left the meeting at this point).

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Chief Planning Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:

53453 Pilsworth South Quarry, Pilsworth Road, Bury - Whitefield & Unsworth - Unsworth Ward
Vertical and lateral extension, re-phasing and enhanced restoration and ecological scheme at Pilsworth South Landfil within the consented site boundary

Delegated decision:

That the Committee approve the addition to the Validation Checklist and agree to publish the additional criteria for a consultation period of 14 days.
Delegated decision:

1.That the report be noted.

2.That the officers involved with enforcement work be congratulated on the continued performance improvements reflected in the report.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.

The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.45 pm


P.504Councillor J Harris declared a personal interest in respect of planning application 53453, relating to Pilsworth South Quarry, Pilsworth Road, Bury, as a member of the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority. Councillor Harris left the meeting during consideration of the application.

Councillor Walker declared a personal interest in respect of planning application 53647, relating to Locomotive Works, Baron Street, Bury, as a member of the East Lancashire Railway Trust representing the Authority, and as a family member is a Director of the East Lancashire Railway Company. Councillor Walker left the meeting during consideration of the application.

Councillor Hankey declared a prejudicial interest in respect of planning application 53660, relating to Fairfield General Hospital, Rochdale Old Road, Bury, as a Governor of the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust. Councillor Hankey also declared a prejudicial interest in respect of planning application 53720, relating to Leigh Bank, 4 Glebelands Road, Prestwich, as Chair of the Bury Drug and Alcohol Abuse Panel. Councillor Hankey left the room during consideration of both of these applications.
P.506A report by the Chief Planning Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 53453, 53645, 53705, 53720, 53726, 53747 and 53763.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker.

Councillor Garner spoke as a ward representative in respect of application 53747.
P.507A report from the Development Manager was submitted which described the amendments set out to the regulations for the validation of planning applications and the adding of criteria for applications for works to trees in Conservation Areas (Section 211 Notice) and those designated Tree Preservation Orders.

P.508A report from the Assistant Director (Planning, Environmental & Regulatory Services) was submitted providing statistical information on Enforcement Activity for the year between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011, together with an update of Enforcement Activity since the last report on 15 March 2011.
P.509A report by the Development Manager was submitted listing all recent Planning application decisions made by officers using delegated powers.
P.510A report by the Development Manager was submitted which presented a summary of recent decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate. Details of recent appeals lodged against delegated decisions of the Committee and the Chief Planning Officer, were also included.

P.511The Chair, Councillor Davison took the opportunity to thank Members for their even handed approach to the work of the Committee during the year. Appreciation was also expressed to the officers for their work in supporting the Committee.

Councillor Cohen, on behalf of all members of the Committee, thanked Councillor Davison for his work and committment as Chair of the Committee during the year.