Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 20th January, 2004 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 20th January, 2004
7:00 p.m.
The Peel Room, Town Hall, Knowsley Street

Attendance Details

Councillor A Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, R A Bibby, K S Briggs, D Cassidy, Y Creswell, C Fitzgerald, K Grime, D Gunther, A Mathews and Y Wright
100 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor M Connolly (CL)
Item Description Decision
P.1084 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 16th December, 2003 7:00 p.m.
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 16 December 2003 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next meeting of this Committee on 10 February 2004, in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed Development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings, and that arrangements to be made for the Committee to visit the following sites:-

1. Erection of new industrial unit 41590/03
Land at Vale Street, Breightmet, Radcliffe North Ward

2. Installation of two flag pole antennae equipment cabinet and ancillary works
41577/03 Fabricad Design, 258 Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom Ward

3. Listed building consent -installation of two flag pole antennae equipment cabinet and ancillary works
41578/03 Fabricad Design, 258 Bolton Road West, Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom Ward
Delegated decision:

That the various planning applications submitted by the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer be dealt with as set out below:-

(Note: Unless otherwise indicated, the conditions attached to any approval and the reasons for any refusal or deferment are set out in the report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer and/or the officer’s supplementary sheets, each of which were submitted at the meeting. These documents also indicated those applications in respect of which representations had been received and which were considered at the meeting)

1. Erection of block of twelve flats (outline)
41644/03 Site of former Ashkirk Garage, Glenboro Avenue, Bury, Church Ward - Withdrawn

2. Single storey side extension
41693/03 6 Mile Lane, Bury, Church Ward - Approved

3. Outline residential development - 8 three storey town houses
41537/03 286-288 Walshaw Road, Bury - including land at rear of 60-66 Goodlad Street, Elton Ward - Refused for the following reasons:-
The pair of semi-detached houses at the rear of the site would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities of the occupiers of adjacent dwellings by reason of their height, size and position, contrary to policy H2/1 - the Form of New Residential Development of the adopted Bury Unitary Development Plan.

4. Refurbishment/conversion and new build to create 16 dwellings
41220/03 Hornby Lodge, Bury New Road, Prestwich, St. Mary’s Ward - Approved

5. Outline - 30 flats in 2 x 3 storey blocks
41143/03 Land at rear of Park Street, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward -

6. Block of four stables and schooling ring
41390/03 Three Gables, 49 Arthur Lane, Ainsworth, Radcliffe North Ward -
Approved subject to the amendment of Condition 4 by the addition of the following words at the end of the Condition “and for no commercial use or financial gain whatsoever.”

7. First floor extension including balconies to front and rear
41551/03 27 Cockey Moor Road, Ainsworth, Bury, Radcliffe North Ward -

8. Two storey side extension
41484/03 27 Standford Hall Crescent, Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom Ward - Approved

9. Retention of temporary portable building
41587/03 Land at Kay Brow Yard, Kay Brow, Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom Ward - Approved

10. Outline - demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection of 49 residential units including improvements to highway
41597/03 Reddisher Works, Holcombe Old Road, Holcombe Brook, Ramsbottom Ward - Refused

11. Demolition of existing house and erection of new detached house
41434/03 400 Holcombe Road, Greenmount - Approved

12. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension
41552/03 32 Sheep Gate Drive, Tottington, Tottington Ward - Approved

13. Front porch
41626/03 20 Booth Street, Tottington, Tottington Ward - Approved

14. Residential development -9 town houses and 4 flats
41565/03 Land off Mode Hill Lane, Whitefield Refused

15. Demolition of existing house and erection of 10 apartments
41618/03 10 Ten Acre Drive, Whitefield, Pilkington Park Ward - Refused

16. Change of use from house to office premises (B1)
41625/03 210 Bury New Road, Whitefield, Pilkington Park Ward - Approved

17. Residential development -18 flats
40942/03 Land off Britain Street, Bury, Unsworth Ward - Approved
Delegated decision:

That approval be given to the confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order relating to 187-189 Bolton Street, Ramsbottom, as detailed in the map and schedule (TP254) submitted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 8:35pm


P.1083Members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had an interest in any matters to be discussed at the meeting. The following Councillor declared a non pecuniary interest and took no part in the consideration of the application referred to:-

- Councillor A Mathews - Application Number 41565/03
P.1087A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted regarding a recommendation for the confirmation of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury (187-189 Bolton Street) Tree Preservation Order 2003.
P.1088A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted summarising the outcome of recent appeals and appeals still waiting a result.