Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 21st July, 2009 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 21st July, 2009
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor B Vincent (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, D Bigg, S Briggs, S Cohen, A J Cummings, M D’Albert, D O’Hanlon, M Hankey, Y S Wright and J W H Taylor
28 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors A K Matthews and J Harris
Item Description Decision
P.176 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 16th June, 2009 7:00pm
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 16 June 2009 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decisions:

1. That consideration of the following application be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 18 August 2009:

51307 Plane Trees Farm, Bradley Fold Road, Ainsworth, Bolton - Radcliffe North Ward
The erection of a new barn and change of use of existing barn to a dwelling.

2. That arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the above site for the reason that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding areas is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings.
Delegated decisions:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

51063 65-69 Rochdale Road, Bury - Bury East Ward
External Alterations and improvements, including new shop front to form 5 new shop units

51225 65-69 Rochdale Road, Bury - Bury East Ward
Change of use from part of shop (A1) to hot food takeaway (A5) (unit 1)

51171 130 Bury New Road, Whitefield - Besses Ward
Change of use from shop (Class A1) to hot food take away (Class A5)

51265 Mulberry Bush Nursery, Stewart Street, Elton, Bury - Elton Ward
Single Storey detached building and associated parking

51295 61 Harvey Street, Elton, Bury - Elton Ward
Variation of Condition 2 of planning permissions 31911 and 34162 to read “the café shall not be open outside the hours of Monday to Saturday 0730 hours to 1830 hours, Sunday 0900 hours to 1300 hours and 0730 hours to 1400 hours on Bank Holidays”.

51343 Unit B2, JF Business Centre, Fernhill Mill, Hornby Street, Bury - Moorside Ward
Change of use from Class B2/B8 to fitness gymnasium (Class D2) (retrospective) re-submission of planning application 49824

51352 Travis Perkins, Bury and Bolton Road, Radcliffe - North Radcliffe Ward
Erection of new builders’ merchants building and alteration of existing storage to facilitate the storage and distribution of building materials and trade counter

51372 8 Warwick Street, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward
Change of use to beauty and fitness

51411 33 Redvales Road, Bury - Redvales Ward
Change of use from office (Class A2) to private hire booking office (Class B1)

51420 Highbank Rehabilitation Centre, Elton Unit, Walshaw Road, Bury - Tottington Ward
Single storey extension

51429 Sillinghurst Farm, Castle Hill Road, Bury - Moorside Ward
Installation of wind turbine (resubmission)

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:

50887 Land at Dumers lane and Morris Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe East Ward
Outline - Mixed use development of upto 215 dwellings and 12734 square metres of employment floorspace (Use Class B1, B2 and B8) together with Riverside Park including associated land raising, new accesses, landscaping and flood mitigation measures

51144 Land at former Allen’s Green, Sion Street, Radcliffe - Radcliffe West Ward
Development of 22 residential dwellings (2, 2.5 and 3 storey)

51239 Land off Bridge Hall Lane, Bury - Bury East Ward
Residential development consisting of 24 units; revised layout of planning application 49309

3. That approval be given to application 51375 in respect of the internally illuminated fascia sign and canopy mounted totem sign located at the ALDI food store, Railway Street, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward for. That the application for a totem mounted sign be refused. This decision is in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included.
Delegated decisions:

1. That no objection be raised in respect of the application.

2. That a request be made for a Public Meeting to be held by Manchester City Council or the Developer to obtain the views of the local residents of Prestwich prior to the consideration of the application by Manchester City Council.

3. That should the application be approved by Manchester City Council, it is recommended that the following conditions be included:
- 1. Condition requiring the illumination of the pitches to be turned off after 22:00 hours each night in order to protect the residential amenities of the properties adjacent.
- 2. Condition required, ensuring that mitigation measures are in place prior to the facility becoming operational as the scheme has inadequate peak period parking provision and in order to protect the amenities of the residents on the access road to the development.
- 3. Condition requiring full noise mitigation measures to be in place prior to the bringing into of the use in order to protect the residential amenities of the nearby properties.
- 4. Condition / S.106 requiring availability of sports facilities for free local community use in accordance with a scheme to be agreed by Manchester City Council and the Developer.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

1. That the report be noted.

2. That the officers involved in enforcement work be thanked for their ongoing efforts in this important area of service.
7:00PM - 8:40PM


P.175There were no declarations of interest made in respect of any of the items on the agenda.
P.178A report by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 50887, 51225, 51307, 51343, 51352 and 51429.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker.
P.179A report by the Development Manager was submitted regarding an application by Goals Soccer PLC to Manchester City Council for a proposed sports development within the north-west area of Heaton Park. Under Article 10 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Bury Council has received notification of the application as part of a consultation notice from a neighbouring authority. The proposal is for six tennis/netball courts, twelve 5-a-side pitches, one 7-a-side pitch, one skate park, a rock climbing wall, rest and viewing areas. Also included in the proposal is a single storey building with changing, shower and toilet facilities, multi-use rooms, an office, café and lounge area. Externally there will be 48 car parking spaces and 20 cycle spaces with soft landscaping and boundary treatments included. Bury Council’s suggested response detailed in the report submitted, raises no objections to the application and makes three recommended conditions, in line with Bury Council policy, for inclusion in any subsequent approval notice.

The Development Manager informed the Committee that Bury Council had been contacted to make comment only. Any objections from residents and/or Ward Councillors should be forwarded to Manchester City Council to be dealt with under its planning process.

Councillor V D’Albert was invited by the Chair to address the Committee as a Ward Representative and made the following points:
- Were independent sources used to provide traffic survey figures for the proposal?
- 48 spaces is not sufficient parking, additional cars would congest the roads adjacent to the development at peak use times.
- The costs of hire (£40 per pitch) could exclude some residents of the Borough and discussion needed to take place regarding the use of the facilities by local schools and community groups at a discounted rate.
- The flood-lighting of the pitches should be restricted, with a switch off at 9:00pm in the winter and 8:00pm in the summer.

The Development Manager informed the meeting that the recommended conditions put forward in the report addressed the points raised. With regard to a lighting policy, Bury Council allowed lights to be switched on at similar venues until 10:00pm. The 48 parking spaces for the development would supplemented at peak times by an additional existing 200/250 spaces located close to the development within Heaton Park. Goals Soccer PLC is a private enterprise and had indicated that provision could be made to allow free use of the facilities to schools and community groups at off peak times when they were not required by paying clients.

The Highways Officer reported that the traffic survey data is provided by the applicant. This data would be sourced from existing traffic data for other similar developments around the country. It was noted that the data was not specific to the area adjacent to the proposed development and this could result in a loss of amenity for the residents on and around St Margaret’s Road.

Councillor Cohen suggested that a public consultation meeting be proposed between the developer and local residents.
P.180A report by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) was submitted which presented a summary of recent decisions
made by the Planning Inspectorate. Details of recent appeals lodged against delegated decisions of the Committee and the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer were included.
P.181A report of the Development Manager was submitted providing the Committee with statistical information on enforcement activity within the Borough for the period 1 January 2009 to 30 June 2009 and an update on enforcement activity since the last report on 21 April 2009.