Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 25th March, 2003 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 25th March, 2003
Peel Room, Town Hall

Attendance Details

Councillor A Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, R Bibby, K S Briggs, D Cassidy, Y Creswell, W Davison, C Fitzgerald, K Grime, S. Mason, A Matthews, J Taylor and Y Wright
There were 60 members of the public present
Item Description Decision
P.1330 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 20th February, 2003 7.00p.m.
Delegated Decision:

That consideration of the following application be deferred to the next meeting of this Committee on 22 April 2003, in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and, that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the following site:-

Erection of block of 17 apartments 40174/02
Site of former garden centre Tottington Road, Bury
Delegated decision:

That the various planning applications submitted by the Chief Planning Officer be dealt with as set out below:-

(Note: Unless otherwise indicated the conditions attached to any approval and the reasons for any refusal or deferment are set out in the report of the Chief Planning Officer and/or the Officers supplementary sheets, each of which was submitted at the meeting. These documents also indicated those applications in respect of which representations had been received and which were considered at the meeting.

Erection of fifteen bungalows - 40098/02 - Larch Street/Wash Lane, Bury
Approved subject to the reserved details required under Conditions 4 and 6 being considered by the Committee at a future meeting.

Erection of detached dormer bungalow 40310/03
Land at Mafeking Avenue, Bury Approved

Residential Development - Erection of 12 flats - 40311/03 66-70 Walmersley Road, Bury - Minded to Approve

Change of use from retail to hot food takeaway 40400/03
65 The Rock, Bury - Approved

One detached dwelling and detached garage 40218/03
Milestones 357 Ainsworth Road, Bury Refused for the following reasons:

Reason 1. The proposed development would by reason of its size position and design, be a prominent and intrusive feature and would, therefore, be out of character with the surrounding area. The proposed development, therefore, conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development and H2/6 - Gardens and Backland Development.
Reason 2. The proposed development would by reason of its size position and design, create a loss of privacy and outlook to the adjoining properties. The proposed development, therefore, conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development and H2/6 - Gardens and Backland Development.
Reason 3. The proposed development would constitute backland development involving the loss of a private garden which would increase the concentration of such developments in the surrounding area and thereby conflicts with Policy H2/6 Gardens and Backland Development of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
Reason 4. The proposed development would be detrimental to the residential amenities of the surrounding properties with regard to the increase in noise and disturbance due to the heightened intensity of use on the site and from vehicular movements and turning on site. The proposal, therefore, conflicts with policy H2/6 - Gardens and Backland Development of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

First floor dormer extension above and two storey dormer extension behind the existing garage at the side and the continuation of the pitched roofs over the existing dormers - 40250/03
30 Bispham Close, Bury Approved

Residential development:- 36 dwellings with associated landscaping and parking (approval of reserved matters) 40200/03
Land off Holme Avenue, Bury Minded to Approve

Single storey rear extension - 40247/03
3 Blandford Close Approved

Two storey extension to side and rear (revised details) 40194/03 - 12 Hereford Drive, Prestwich Refused for the following reasons:

Reason 1. The proposed development would be detrimental to the amenities of the adjacent property by reason of its height, size and position. The proposed development, therefore, conflicts with Policy H2/3 - Extension and Alterations of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
Reason 2. The design of the proposed extension is neither appropriate to, nor sympathetic with the existing structure, and would be detrimental to the visual amenity of the area. The proposed development, therefore, conflicts with the following policy of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/3 - Extensions and Alterations.

Outline residential development - 40304/03
Former Claremont elderly persons home Bury New Road, Prestwich Approved

Extension to existing play area and a multi-use games area - 40313/03
St Mary’s Park, Bury New Road, Prestwich Approved

Approval of reserved matters - 19 apartments in 2 blocks access and parking - 40031/02 - Land at Greengate Lane, Prestwich - Deferred

Single story rear extension -40249/03 - 3 Willow Road, Prestwich -Approved

First floor extension at side - 40301/03 - 58 Prestwich Hills, Prestwich - Approved

Alterations to and extension to service road and erection of new 460sq.m bulk storage building - 40143/02 - Martins foods, 137 Eton Road, Radcliffe - Approved subject to the following additional conditions:

Condition 7. The visibility splays indicated on the submitted plans shall be implemented before the development is brought into use and subsequently maintained free of obstruction greater than 0.6 metres in height other than the new chain link fence proposed.
Condition 8. The turning facilities indicated on the approved plans shall be provided before the development is brought into use and shall be maintained free of obstruction at all times.
Condition 9. The highway improvements indicated on the submitted plans shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority before development is brought into use.

Single Storey extension at rear and side - 40148/02
89 Bury and Bolton Road, Radcliffe - Approved

Two storey building - public toilets to ground floor; office and boardroom - 40213/03
Two storey building adjacent to existing stand Radcliffe Borough FC, Stainton Park, Colshaw Close East, Radcliffe - Approved

Two storey extension at side/rear - 40234/03
492 Bolton Road West, Holcombe Brook - Approved

Conversion of dwelling house into 2 flats - 40243/03
285 Bury New Road, Tottington - Approved subject to the following additional conditions:

Condition 2. The development hereby approved shall be improved only as Class C3 residential units and for no other use or purposes.

Condition 3. The sound insulation of the party walls shall be improved in accordance with the method outlined in the Building Research Advisory Service Note TIL 42 (or similar method), the details of which shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority and implemented prior to the occupation of the flat.

Reserved Matters - 3 detached dwellings together with access road - 40312/03 -Land off High Street, Walshaw - Approved subject to the following amended and additional conditions:

Condition 2 amended to read: Before the development is commenced, the applicant shall submit detailed plans and particulars to the Local Planning Authority, and obtain their approval under the Town and Country Planning Acts, of the following reserved matters; landscaping.

Condition 7. A desk top study shall be conducted to assess potential contamination risks at the site. If found necessary, a site investigation and assessment shall be conducted to assess possible contamination risks and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any required measures shall be implemented during the course of development.
Condition 8. No plants, shrubs or trees shall be cut, lopped, topped, felled or cleared during the nesting season of birds’ resident on the site.

Erection of portacabin to be used as children’s day nursery - 40229/03
Land off Frankton Road, Whitefield - Approved

Approval of reserved matters: erection of 6 single storeys - 40140/03
Land at Dumers Lane, Bury - Approved

Single storey extension at rear - 40205/03 - 24 Harris Lane, Bury - Approved

Decked external patio extension: internal alterations and new stairway/landing to side elevation - 40309/03
The Swan and Cemetery Public House, 406 Manchester Road, Bury - Approved subject to the following additional condition:

Condition 3. No development shall take place unless and until a landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to achieve a satisfactory shelter belt of screen planting on the westerly edge of the site next to the boundary with houses in Lakeland Crescent. The approved landscaping scheme shall be implemented not later than 12 months from the completion of the development hereby approved.
Delegated Decision:

That the Tree Preservation Order relating to 25 and 27 Nuttall Hall Road, as detailed in the report be confirmed.
Delegated Decision:

That the application to divert part of Public Footpath Number 69 be approved and the Council Solicitor be authorised to process the necessary orders.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 9.05pm


P.1329Members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had an interest in any matters to be discussed at the meeting and none were declared.
P.1333A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted seeking confirmation of a Tree Preservation Order made by the authority on 24 October 2002, under Section 102 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, in respect of 25 and 27 Nuttall Hall Road. There had been an objection received to the order, details of which were included in the report.
P.1334A report of the Borough Engineer was submitted relating to an application received under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. to divert part of Public Footpath Number 69, Bury in order to allow development to take place off Cemetery Lane, Bury.