Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 29th June, 2004 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 29th June, 2004
7:00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor AJ Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors DM Cassidy, S Cohen, M Connolly,
WJ Davison, W Flood, EK Grime, S Magnall,
A Matthews, RH Redstone, JWH Taylor, YS Wright
170 members of the public were in attendance

Apologies for absence:
Councillor KS Briggs (cl)
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 11 May 2004 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 27 July 2004, in view of the fact that the impact of each proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the sites relating to the planning application deferred:-

42606/04 - H&A Holdings Ltd, Limefield House, Limefield Brow, Bury - Moorside Ward
Telecommunication development consisting of 5 pole mounted antennas and equipment room.

42278/04 - 7 Ettington Close, Bury - Elton Ward
Two storey extension at side, conservatory at rear

42293/04 - Bury Boot & Shoe Company Woodhill Mill, Brandlesholme Road, Bury - Elton Ward
Outline - conversion of building to residential and live/work units

42468/04 - 18 Sergeants Lane, Whitefield - Pilkington Park Ward
Demolition of existing house & erection of two storey block of 4 apartments

42683/04 - 10 Ten Acre Drive, Whitefield - Pilkington Park Ward
Demolition of existing house and erection of apartment block (10 units)
Delegated decision:

1. That the Committee Approve the following applications subject to the reasons and conditions presented by the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted:-

42314/04* - Broad Oak Playing Fields, Broad Oak Lane, Bury - East Ward
Provision of children’s play area, multi-use games area and football pitch

42420/04 - 129 Rochdale Road, Bury - East Ward
Change of use from retail/office to A3 Asian sweets and hot food takeaway.

42123/04 - Clarence recreation ground, Walmersley Road, Bury - Moorside Ward
Construction of new pumping station and access path together with demolition of existing pumping station (resubmission)

42553/04 - Site numbers 32 and 33 Jubilee Way opposite Tenterden Street, Jubilee Way near corner of Tenterden Street, Bury - Redvales Ward
Internally illuminated free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit
(It was reported that site number 32 had been withdrawn)

42556/04 - Site number 21A corner of Angouleme Way/Knowsley Street opposite Town Hall, Bury - Redvales Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42561/04 - Site number 52 Manchester Road opposite Beechfield Drive, Bury - Redvales Ward
Internally illuminated free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42562/04 - Site number 3, 'The Rock', corner of Butcher Lane, Bury - Redvales Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42563/04 - Site number 23 Angouleme Way adjacent to subway slope opposite Market Parade, Bury - Redvales Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit
42509/04 - Land off Newbold Street, Bury - Church Ward
Creation of operational works compound (storage)

42518/04 - 16 Turton Close, Bury - Church Ward
Two storey/first floor extension at side, conservatory at rear

42523/04 - Former Kirklees Industrial Estate off Garside Hey Road, Tottington - Elton Ward
Residential development - substitution of dwelling types on plots 1-27, 99-128 and 141-142

42467/04 - 13 Peveril Close, Whitefield - Holyrood Ward
Two storey extension at side, conservatory at rear

42557/04 - Site number 59 outside 476 Bury Old Road, Prestwich - Holyrood Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42559/04 - Site number 58 corner of Bury Old Road/Derby Road opposite Welcome Inn, Whitefield - Holyrood Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42275/04 - 26 Meade Hill, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
Two storey extension at side, two storey, single storey and first floor extension at rear

42442/04 - 33 Turks Road, Radcliffe - Radcliffe North Ward
Two storey extension at side and front porch

42495/04 - 25C Greenside Ainsworth - Radcliffe North Ward
First floor and two storey extension at side/rear, single storey granny annexe

42525/04 - Land adjoining 2 Edgeworth Avenue, Ainsworth -Radcliffe North Ward
Outline residential development - 1 detached dwelling

42531/04 - 15 Ashcombe Drive, Radcliffe - Radcliffe North Ward
Two storey extension at side

42445/04 - The Blue Bell Public House, Manchester Road, Blackford Bridge, Bury - Radcliffe South Ward
Alterations and extension to public house including the formation of beer garden

42349/04 - Old Hall County Primary School, Springside View off Brandlesholme Road, Bury - Ramsbottom Ward
Erection of modular building to accommodate ‘out of hours’ club/nursery with modifications

42463/04 - Old Hall Primary School, Springside View, Bury, BL8 4LU - Ramsbottom Ward
Extension to front elevation to provide classroom extension store rooms and new office provision

42437/04 - Christ Church CE Primary School, Church Street, Walshaw - Tottington Ward
2.4 metre high security fencing

42448/04 - Land at Bury Road/Sunnywood Lane, Tottington - Tottington Ward
Outline application - residential development - 24 dwellings

42461/04 - 9 Leigh Close, Tottington, Bury - Tottington Ward
Two storey/first floor side extension and single storey rear extension

42655/04 - 461 Walshaw Road, Bury - Tottington Ward
First floor extension at side, new pitched roof to garage

42560/04 - Site number 55 Bury Old Road, between Clegg Street and Mayfair Avenue - Pilkington Park Ward
Internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit

42682/04 - Hollins Grundy Playing Fields, Hollins, Bury - Unsworth Ward
Installation of multi use games area

42709/04 - Bury Plant Hire, Whitelegge Street, Bury - Elton Ward
Erection of a telecommunications mast, 15 metres high within main compound

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following applications subject to the reasons and conditions presented by the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted:-

42703/04 - Seedfield Centre, Parkinson Street, Bury - Moorside Ward
Extension to modular office building

41875/04 - Former works site, Back Tottington Road, Bury - Elton Ward
Residential development - 20 flats

3. That the Committee unanimously refuse Application 42385/04 - Roach Bank Mill, Pimhole Road, Bury for the change of use of Mill to include vehicle dismantling and de-pollution for the following reason:-

The proposed use for car dismantling would be detrimental to the residential amenities and character of the area by reason of the associated noise, nuisance and visual appearance and it would be contrary to the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan:-
H3 - Incompatible Uses in Residential Areas
H3/1 - Assessing Non- Conforming Uses
H5 - Housing Improvement
H5/1 - Area Improvement (H5/1/1 - Pimhole Bury)

4. That the Committee refuse Application 42555/04 - Site numbers 9, 10 and 12 outside Burger King 15 Market Street outside Bon Marche 23 Market Street between Nobles Amusements and PR World Travel, Market Street, Bury for the siting of an internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit for the reason detailed in the report.

5. That the Committee refuse Application 42166/04* - 163A Bury Old Road, Prestwich for a new residential three storey detached dwelling and detached garage for the following reasons:-

1. The proposed development, by reason of its siting and scale, would amount to an overdevelopment of the site to the detriment of the residential amenities of properties immediately to the west of the site contrary to Policy H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development of the Bury Unitary Development Plan

2. The proposed development would, by reason of its siting and scale in close proximity to Ostrich Lane, would adversely affect the amenity and character of the area contrary to Policy H2/1 The Form of New Residential Development of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

6. That the Committee unanimously refuse Application 42558/04 - Site number 60 corner of Scholes Lane/Bury Old Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward for the siting of an internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit for the reason detailed in the report submitted.

7. That the Committee refuse Application number 42309/04* - Cheddleton Lodge West Road Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward for the change of use from private residence (Class C3) to medical consulting rooms (Class D1) for the following reasons:-

The proposed use, by reason of its commercial character and traffic generation would be detrimental to the quiet residential character and amenity of the area contrary to the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan:-
H3 - Incompatible Uses in Residential Areas
H3/1 - Assessing Non conforming Uses

8. That the Committee refuse Application number 42564/04 -Site number 48, Bury New Road, Opposite Charnley Street, Whitefield for the siting of an internally illuminated, free standing double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit for the reason detailed in the report submitted.

9. That the Committee refuse Application number 42156/04 -11 Church Meadow, Bury for a two storey extension at side, single storey extension at rear with roof terrace for the following reason:-

The proposed flat roofed single extension, incorporating a roof terrace and access from the first floor accommodation, would result in overlooking and loss of privacy to neighbouring properties to the detriment of residential amenity contrary to Policy H2/3 Alterations and Extensions of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

10. That the Committee defer determination of Application number 42554/04 - Site numbers 42 and 43, corner of Bury New Road/Valley Park Road and outside TGI Fridays, Valley Park Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward for an internally illuminated free standing, double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit to enable officers to establish the exact position of the unit and whether this would significantly impinge on the pedestrian walkway and cycleway. That delegated authority be given to the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer in consultation with the Chair to approve the application if the position of the unit is considered to be appropriate. If the site is not considered appropriate the application be resubmitted to the Planning Control Committee for determination. (Councillors Davison and Flood to be informed of the investigation and outcome).

11. That the Committee unanimously refuse Application number 42565/04 -Site number 39, corner of Bury New Road and Scholes Lane, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward for the siting of an internally illuminated, free standing, double sided, 6 sheet advertisement unit for the reason detailed in the report submitted.

(* denotes that a site visit has taken place).
Delegated decision:

That approval be given to the amendments to the planning conditions as outlined in the report submitted for the planning application 40730/04 for the mixed-use scheme.
Delegated decision:

1. That approval be given to create two sections of public footpath and an application to close part of Public Footpath Number 65, Pimhole, Bury.

2. The Council Solicitor be authorised to make the necessary orders to add two sections of public footpath to the Definitive Map and to close part of Public Footpath Number 65, Bury.
Delegated decision:

1. That approval be given to the application to divert part of the Non Definitive footpath at the side of 60 Lepp Crescent, Bury in the interests of the public to create a more commodious route for pedestrians.

2. That the Council Solicitor be authorised to process the necessary orders.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7.00pm - 10.00pm


P.012Declarations of Interest were made by Members as follows:-
- Councillor Flood (personal interest) - Minute Number P.016 - Planning Application numbers 42606/04 and 42683/04
- Councillor Connolly (prejudicial interest) - Minute Number P.016 - Planning Application 42123/04, Minute Number P.018 - The Creation of Two Sections of Footpath and Application to Close Part of Public Footpath Number 65, Pimhole, Bury and Minute Number P.019 Application to Divert Part of Non-Definitive Footpath at Side of 60 Lepp Crescent Bury.
P.013The Chair allowed the following item to be dealt with as Urgent Business in order to enable the Committee to make a decision on the application within the appropriate timescale:-

Planning Application 42709/04 - 26 Whitelegge Street, Bury
Erection of telecommunications mast, 15 metres sited high within main compound.
P.016A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. The Committee also received supplementary information in respect of application numbers: 42606/04, 42603/04, 42533/04, 42509/04, 41875/03, 42293/04, 42523/04, 42467/04, 42557/04, 42559/04, 42309/04, 42525/04, 42531/04, 42448/04, 42468/04, 42564/04, 42683/04 and 42682/04.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted, this was limited to two minutes for each speaker.
P.017A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development was submitted in respect of planning application 40730/04 for the ‘The Rock Triangle’ which the Planning Control Committee considered on 15 January 2004. A decision of Minded to Approve was made subject to reference to the Government Office North West and a Section 106 Agreement. As a result of the negotiations for the 106 Agreement slight changes to the planning conditions were proposed.

The Committee was requested to consider the amendments to the conditions as indicated in the report.
P.018A report of the Borough Engineer was submitted regarding a proposal to create two sections of public footpath under Section 26 of the Highways Act 1980 and an application to close part of Public Footpath No.65, Pimhole, Bury under Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980.
P.019A report of the Borough Engineer was submitted regarding an application to divert part of Non-Definitive path at the side of 60 Lepp Crescent, Bury.
P.020A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development was submitted summarising the recent appeal decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate and listing the appeals lodged since the last meeting.