Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 30th August, 2005 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 30th August, 2005
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor A J Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors D M Cassidy, S Cohen, M Connolly,
W Davison, W Flood, E K Grime, S Magnall,
A K Matthews, R H Redstone and Y S Wright
60 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors K S Briggs and D Gunther
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 26 July 2005 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That consideration of the following application be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 27 September 2005:

44907 St Gabriel’s Medical Centre 4 Bishops Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
Extensions at front and side to include pharmacy and consulting rooms; reconfiguration of car park at rear

2. That arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the above site for the reason that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings.
Delegated decision:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning and Economic Development Services Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

44628 20 Heaton Fold, Bury - Redvales Ward
Residential development - 2 flats

44877 Bury Waste Water Treatment Works, Crossfield Street, Bury - Redvales Ward
Prior approval - telecommunications development consisting of 3 additional antennae at 30 metres in height and 1 transmission dish at 31 metres in height mounted onto ring frame on existing 35 metre high lattice mast; together with 2 equipment cabinets and ancillary electrical meters and cabling within existing compound.

44555* 868 Burnley Road, Walmersley, Bury - North Manor Ward
Residential development - 1 detached dwelling
Approval is subject to the following additional condition:

The proposed dwelling shall be sited with the front elevation in line with that of the adjacent house, 868 Burnley Road.

44589 93-95 Heywood Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
Outline - demolition of existing factory and service station and erection of 21 apartments (resubmission)

44616 Rainsough Brew, 49 Rainsough Brow, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward
Outline: residential development (Resubmission)
44818 Land on corner of Church Street West and Bridgefield Street Radcliffe - East Ward
Renewal of outline planning permission 39671/02 for Class D1 clinic/health centre
Approval is subject to the following additional condition:

Provision shall be made in the Reserved Matters application for a pedestrian access link between Quarry Street and Church Street West within the site.

44741 Genesis House, Stopes Road, Little Lever, Bolton - Radcliffe North Ward
2.4 metre high Paladin fencing adjacent to adjacent to Stopes Road

44897 Land at junction of Bury Old Road and Arthur Lane, Ainsworth - Radcliffe North Ward
Retrospective application for infilling of land to improve drainage and allow better grazing for livestock

44794 1 Tagg Wood View, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward
Addition of conservatory at rear (plot 91)

44959 Junction of Stanley Road and Bury New Road, Whitefield - Pilkington Ward
Junction improvement works - modification to Whitefield Park and Metrolink Park and ride site

2. That application 44868* The Lawns, Prestwich Park South, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward relating to the demolition of an existing dwelling and erection of a block of 6 apartments with 8 car parking spaces be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed development would, by reason of its design and massing, neither preserve nor enhance the St Mary's Park Conservation Area and would therefore be detrimental to the visual amenities of the area. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: EN2/1 - Character of Conservation Areas and EN2/2 - Conservation Area Control.

There would be insufficient surface car parking spaces provided within the site to accommodate short term/visitor parking without relying upon on-street parking, to the detriment of residential amenity and highway safety. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policy of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/2 - The Layout of New Residential Development.

3. That application 44869* The Lawns, Prestwich Park Road South, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward relating to Conservation Area Consent regarding the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of a block of 6 apartments with 8 car parking spaces be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed demolition of the existing property within the site would neither preserve nor enhance St Mary's Park Conservation Area by reason of there being no approved redevelopment scheme in place. As such, the proposals would conflict with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: EN2/1 - Character of Conservation Areas and EN2/2 - Conservation Area Control.

4. That application 44768 Land at rear of Butler Street, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward relating to the erection of single storey electric sub station be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed sub station would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities of the adjacent property by reason of its height, size and position. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policy of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development.

5. 44787 Land adjacent to Carr Bank Grange, Uppingham Drive, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward residential development involving the erection of 1 dormer bungalow be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed development would, by reason of its size, position and design, be a prominent and intrusive feature in the street scene and would therefore, be seriously detrimental to the visual amenity and character of the area. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H1/2 - Further Housing Development, H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development and EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design.

The proposed development would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities currently enjoyed by the occupier(s) of the adjoining dwelling house, by reason of its size and position. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H1/2 - Further Housing Development and H2/1- The Form of New Residential Development.

The design of the proposed development would be out of keeping with the surrounding dwellings, would result in an overdevelopment of the site at Carr Bank Grange and would result in the loss of the green and open aspect which would be harmful to the character and amenity of the area. The scheme thereby conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H1/2 - Further Housing Development, H2/1 - The Form of New Residential Development, H2/6 - Garden and Backland Development and EN1/2 - Townscape and the Built Environment.

6. 44565 18 Sergeants Lane, Whitefield - Pilkington Park relating to the demolition of an existing house and the erection of a 2 storey block of 4 apartments be refused for the following reasons:

The proposed development would by virtue of its scale, position, nature and design result in a cramped and intrusive form of development generally out of character with the existing properties in the immediate vicinity of the site. The proposal is therefore contrary to the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design, H1/2 - The form of New Residential Development and H2/2 - The Layout of New residential Development.

The proposed development would be detrimental to the residential amenities of the adjacent properties by reason of its height, size and position and by reason of overlooking from habitable room windows. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design, H1/2 - The form of New Residential Development and H2/2 - The Layout of New residential Development.

Insufficient car parking within the site would lead to vehicles parking on the adjacent highway to the detriment of residential amenity and highway safety. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policies of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/2 - The Layout of New residential Development.

(* denotes that a site visit has taken place).
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 8:35pm


P.402No declarations of interest were made in relation to any of the items considered at the meeting.
P.405A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Services Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers:- 44589, 44907, 44869, 44897, 44787 and 44565.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to two minutes for each speaker.
P.406A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Services Officer was submitted informing the Committee of appeals lodged for determination by the Planning Inspectorate regarding applications that have been refused by the Committee and under delegated authority. The report also contained the most recent list of decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate.