Meeting documents

Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum
Monday, 16th July, 2012 7.00 pm

Monday, 16th July, 2012
Summerseat Methodist Church, Rowlands Road, Summerseat

Attendance Details

Councillor D Gunther (In the Chair)
Councillors I Bevan, S Carter, J Columbine, L Fitzwalter I Gartside, K Hussain and J Taylor.
Gina Ball - Ramsbottom Traders’ Association
Dr Falmai Binns - BRIF/Hawkshaw Residents' Association
Judith Kelly - Incredible Edible, Tottington

5 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Alistair Waddell - Greenmount Village Community Group
Item Description Decision
RTNM.182 Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 30th May, 2012 7.00pm
It was agreed:

That the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Township Forum held on 30 May 2012 be approved as a correct record subject to the inclusion of Councillor Wright as sending her apologies to the meeting.
It was agreed:

That the Nick be thanked for his presentation.
It was agreed:

That the contents of the report be noted.
It was agreed:

That Kim be thanked for his presentation.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.45pm


RTNM.181Councillor Columbine declared a personal interest in item 5 on the agenda - Prince's Trust and Groundwork as she was a member of the Groundwork Board.
RTNM.183• Dr Binns referred to advertising for the Township forums and stated that this was still an issue that needed consideration

• Councillor Gunther referred to the issue of the markets in Ramsbottom that had been raised by the Traders' at the last meeting. Councillor Gunther explained that it was looking like the issue was on its way to being resolved.
RTNM.184Tina Glover from the Traffic and Road Safety Team attended the meeting to update those in attendance on the issues that had been raised at previous meetings of the Township Forum.

The Village signs for Greenmount had been ordeded and were waiting to be delivered. Tina explained that there had been concerns raised with the process for ordering signs as it was only done in batches which meant that an order might come into the Council but then not be placed for six to eight weeks. Tina stated that this was frustrating and she apologised for the length of time that the village had been waiting.

Councillor Gunther asked whether it was necessary to wait until a batch of requests for signs had been received before the order could be placed?

Tina reported that she had spoken with the officers concerned and it was something that was being reviewed.

Tina also reported that the Township Forum would be receiving a report at a future meeting setting out information relating to future funding for 20mph zones and 20mph limits across the borough. The report was due to be considered by the Cabinet at its meeting on 22nd August.

Councillor Wright stated that this was welcomed as it was something that the Councillors had been asking for a number of years.

A member of the public referred to the 20mph limit through Summerseat Village and the fact that it did not work as there was never any enforcement of it. It was explained that drivers would continue to drive at high speeds as they were entering the Village and this was a great concern.

Dr Binns referred to the traffic calming scheme in Affetside where the pinchpoints at either side of the village had been promised but never installed. Dr Binns exlained that the Villagers were worried that the pinchpoints would never be installed due to the amount of time it was taking.

Tina explained that she would forward these concerns to the relevant officer and liaise with Dr Binns.

Councillor Wright reported that the street sign on Laburnum Avenue in Tottington was broken and needed to be replaced.

RTNM.185Nick Trotter, Community Services Manager at Groundwork attended the meeting to report on two schemes that were being implemented in the borough.

The Prince's Trust Team Programme was a 12 week personal development programme for up to 15 young people at a time aged between 16 - 25 years old.

The programme was aimed at building confidence and provided a qualification at the end.

It was explained that the programme was free for participants and was funded by local colleges.

The programme included a one week residential to build team work skills and a three week community project. Participants would also gain experience with CV writing and take part in a two week work placement. There was also an element of fundraising.

Councillor Gunther asked where the participants came from.

Nick explained that there were a number of different ways of recruiting the participants including liaising with different agencies such as Connexions, the Youth Offending Team and colleges.

It was asked whether taking part in the scheme would affect a persons benefits and Nick explained that it wouldn't.

Councillor Gartside asked whether the Trust were working towards any targets and Nick reported that the there were no targets but the scheme would run as long as there was funding available and there was a need for it.

Councillor Fitzwalter asked how the participants were chosen and it was explained that that risk assessments may have to be carried out to confirm that a person wasn't a risk to any of the other participants or themselves but no educational standards were required. Each participant would have their own individual learning plan to work towards.

The Youth Contract was another scheme that was aimed at 16 - 17 year olds who do not have a GCSE grade C or above.

The scheme was jointly provided with Groundwork and Rathbones.

The target was 100 young people over 3 years with a 6 month period of education or voluntary work at the end.
RTNM.186The Township Forum Operating Framework was presented to the Forum. It was explained that the Framework had been updated following the consultation and the updated amendments were highlighted within the report.
RTNM.187Kim Griffiths the Township Co-ordinator gave an update on the area plan for Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor.

The plan had been formulated and contained a number of key issues.

The Plan and the Equality Analysis report would be forwarded to all Members of the Forum for their input with a view to it being signed off at the next meeting.
RTNM.188Judith Kelly explained that Tottington Village had been raising money to provide the village with a defibrillator. The fund had reached £700 since the beginning of June and the total required was £1750.

It was reported that a six week library consultation had recently been launched. All those present were asked to take part in the consultation.
RTNM.189It was reported that the next meeting of the Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum would be held on Thursday 13 September at Ramsbottom Civic Hall from 7pm