Meeting documents

Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum
Thursday, 13th September, 2012 7.00 pm

Thursday, 13th September, 2012
7.00 pm
Ramsbottom Civic Hall, Ramsbottom, BL0 9HT

Attendance Details

Councillor D Gunther (In the Chair)
Councillors I Bevan, S Carter, J Columbine, L Fitzwalter I Gartside, K Hussain, J Taylor and Y Wright.
Dr Falmai Binns - BRIF/Hawkshaw Residents' Association
Judith Kelly - Incredible Edible, Tottington

8 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Gina Ball - Ramsbottom Traders’ Association
Alistair Waddell - Greenmount Village Community Group

Item Description Decision
RTNM.321 Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, 16th July, 2012 7.00pm
It was agreed:

That the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Township Forum held on 16 July 2012 be approved as a correct record.
It was agreed:

That Councillor Isherwood be thanked for his presentation
It was agreed:

That Inspector Williams be thanked for his presentation.

It was agreed:

That the contents of the report be noted.
It was agreed:

That the Township Forum Area Plan be accepted.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.50pm


RTNM.320There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
RTNM.322• Councillor Wright referred to the fact that Advisory Group member Nicola Wake had not attended a number of previous meetings and had sent no apologies. Councillor Wright asked whether she was still a member of the group.

David Thomas explained that the operating framework did state that if
a member of the advisory group did not send apologies for two or more meetings they could be automatically removed as a member. He
would contact Nicola Wake to discuss the situation.
RTNM.323Councillor Tony Isherwood, Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources gave a presentation explaining the Government legislation to localise the Council Tax Benefit Scheme.

It was explained that the Council currently administers the scheme on behalf of the Government. This was due to change from 1st April 2013 when the Council would administer its own scheme. The Government was also imposing a 10% reduction in the amount of funding that will be received which equates to a loss of £1.4m per year.

It was explained that the current scheme was demand lead, means tested, linked to Housing Benefit and had no limit to funding. £14.6m per year was the current spend.

The new locally implemented scheme would allow the Council some discretion but would also be prescribed in the following areas: Fixed amount of money, benefit must not reduce for pensioners, one claim per household and paid directly to the Council Tax account and means tested.

The scheme must be ready for implementation by 1 April 2012 and would need full Council approval by 31 January 2012 to meet this timescale. The Council were aware of the implications that the changes would have and therefore a consultation period would be held between 4 September and 31 October 2012 to allow for as many comments and suggestions to be received and considered.

It was also explained that if a local scheme were not implemented by the date required, the Government would implement a default scheme.

The Council had some discretion to protect other working age claimants. Categories similar to those used under the current scheme would be considered; disable claimants, carers, lone parents with children under the age of 5, war veterans, widow and widowers and the possibility of more generous means testing to provide work incentives.

There were also various options for addressing the funding shortfall;

Absorb funding cut by savings in other areas; absorb funding cut by exploiting new opportunities; amend the current scheme.

It was explained that absorbing the funding cost was not felt to be a feasible option as this would mean an additional £3.4m to be added to the current £9.8m that needed to be found due to other cuts implemented already across the Council.

Exploiting new opportunities were being discussed and these included charging; uninhabitable properties, repossessed properties; second homes and properties which have been empty for more than 2 years.

There were also various options for amending the current scheme; set maximum award benefit; change income disregards and change features of the scheme.

• Restrict benefit to the level of a band B property
• abolish second adult rebate
• abolish back dated benefit
• set minimum level at £1
• reduce upper capital limit to £6000
• Increase non dependent deductions by 20%

It was explained that the consultation was open until 31 October and all comments and suggestions were welcomed.

Those present at the meeting were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:

• Councillor Columbine explained that there was a protest being organised by the Local Government Association in relation to these cuts and she asked whether Bury Council would be participating in this.

Councillor Isherwood stated that he hoped that the Council would join this protest.

• Judith Kelly stated that this would unfairly affect a lot of young single people living alone.

Councillor Isherwood explained that the Council were trying to come up with the fairest scheme possible.

• It was asked how the owners of empty properties would be identified.

Councillor Isherwood explained that there were already officers carrying out this work and they would continue to do so.
RTNM.324Inspector Brynn Williams attended the meeting to update those present on the work currently being carried out by the Police across Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor.

It was reported that there had recently been a very vicious and unprovoked attack carried out on a member of the public in Ramsbottom Town Centre. Two arrests had been made in relation to this incident and those individuals had been charged. The person who was attacked was in a critical condition and it was hoped that he would start to make a recovery soon.

Inspector Williams reported that the man that had been charged with the criminal damage to vehicles in the centre of Ramsbottom had been convicted of 9 offences. He had received 250 hours community service, a 12 month supervision order and had been ordered to pay £4650 compensation, £100 court costs and £345 charge for possessing obscene material.

It was reported that statistics were showing that crime had reduced and was continuing to do so. Comparative figures from 2006 had been analysed and showed 40% fewer crimes committed in 2012.

There had been a road safety operation held on Bolton Raoad West in Ramsbottom which had resulted in a number of vehicles being stopped for violations including using mobile phones whilst driving, not wearing seatbelts, illegal windscreens and driving without insurance.

Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and the following points were raised:

• Councillor Fitzwalter stated that tenants’ and residents' associations should be encouraged to work with the police.
• Dr Binns reported that she had had occasion to telephone the 101 non emergency number and had received excellent service.
• Councillor Bevan asked whether there were any plans for extra policing at the forthcoming Ramsbottom Festival.

Inspector Williams explained that officers were available to be brought in from other areas but it was not anticipated that there would be any issues at the festival.

• Councillor Bevan referred to the recent assault in Ramsbottom and asked if this was a licensing issue.

Inspector Williams explained that the local police had a good relationship with all of the licensees in the town and all incidents such as this were flagged up and discussed with the license holders.

RTNM.325David Thomas the Township Co-ordinator gave an update on the work that had been carried out since the last Township Forum Meeting. An update on funding was also given.
RTNM.326David Thomas the Township Co-ordinator gave an update on the area plan for Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor.

The plan had been formulated and contained a number of key issues.

Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and the following points were raised:

• Councillor Gartside asked how the Township Area Plan would fit in with the Plan for Change.

Dave explained that the Plan was an evolving document that would be updated as outcomes were achieved.

• Councillor Columbine stated that there were many different schemes taking place across the Townships such as the social enterprise venture at the Eagle and Child. It was suggested that these be explored and invited to attend to report on their achievements and how they can be replicated in other areas.

• Councillor Bevan stated that he felt the document was very generic and he couldn't see what input the Forum could have on it.

Dave explained that it would bring together different organisations to stop them working in isolation and not duplicating what each other was doing.

• Councillor Wright asked how the Forum could complete the work within the plan when they only met six times a year.

David explained that his job was to ensure that the groups met outside of the forum and the goals within the plan were met.

Councillor Fitzwalter explained that she would be willing to meet with different groups outside of the Township Forum Meetings and to encourage people to attend. The Forum should agree on themed meetings and invite as many relevant people to each meeting to work on the targets.
RTNM.327Dr Binns reported that at the next meeting of the Cabinet there would be an item relating to 20mph zones. She encouraged all those present to attend to see if this could be implemented in the local areas.

It was reported that a new website had been launched by Ramsbottom Business Group to promote the town. The website address was
RTNM.328It was reported that the next meeting of the Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum would be held on 14 November at Tottington Methodist Church from 7pm.