Meeting documents

Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum
Wednesday, 14th November, 2012 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 14th November, 2012
7.00 pm
Tottington Methodist Church, Market Street, Tottington

Attendance Details

Councillor D Gunther (In the Chair)
Councillors I Bevan, J Columbine, I Gartside, K Hussain and Y Wright.
Dr Falmai Binns - BRIF/Hawkshaw Residents' Association
Judith Kelly - Incredible Edible, Tottington

28 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors S Carter and L Fitzwalter
Gina Ball - Ramsbottom Traders’ Association
Alistair Waddell - Greenmount Village Community Group

Item Description Decision
RTNM.492 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 13th September, 2012 7.00 pm
It was agreed:

That the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Township Forum held on 13 September 2012 be approved as a correct record.
It was agreed:

That Tracey and Glen be thanked for their presentations.
It was agreed:

That the contents of the report be noted.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.50pm


RTNM.490The Chair of the Township Forum, Councillor Gunther explained that the meeting of the Township Forum was taking place during an election period. It was reported that he election for the Police Commissioner and the bi-election for the Councillor Post in North Manor would be taking place the following day. Councillor Gunther asked the Members present to be mindful of this during the meeting as the requirements of Purdah will be in force.

RTNM.491There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
RTNM.493David Thomas referred to Minute RTNM.322 of the last meeting of the Township Forum when a question had been asked regarding membership of the Advisory Group. David explained that he had been in touch with Nicola Wake and she had resigned her position on the Group as she was unable to attend the meetings due to other commitments.
David reported that he would be carrying out a recruitment drive to try to fill the vacant positions on the Advisory Group.
RTNM.494David Thomas, Township Co-ordinator gave a presentation giving an update on the work that had been carried out to date in relation to the Township Plan.

It was explained that the Plan contained a number of key issues. This meeting would be concentrating on two of those issues; Employment and Training.
RTNM.495Tracey Flynn from the Communities Section at Bury Council attended the meeting to report on the work being carried out across the borough in relation to employment and training.

Team Bury had launched its Backing Young Bury campaign in 2012 with a view to: Increase the number of corporate apprenticeships over the coming three years in line with workforce planning and external labour market intelligence;

• Expand the offer of work experience placements;

• Promote young people and apprenticeships to local businesses; and

• Support and add value to the Greater Manchester Commitment to Youth Employment.

It was explained that Bury Council were working in partnership with a number of organisations including Bury College, Job Centre plus, GM Police, Greater Manchester Fire Service and private sector employers such as O2 to offer a range of different opportunities to young people including work placements, apprenticeships and support.

Job Centre plus had a scheme which offered 20 places of 8 weeks of training aimed at young people who would not normally access jobs within the Council. Nineteen had started the training with fourteen completing and eight securing employment at the end of the training.

O2 had offered two weeks of work experience for 6 young people and would be offering the same opportunity in the future.

It was also explained that the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive were visiting local business to promote the scheme and explain the support that the Council could offer to those willing to take on apprentices or offer work experience. This includes funding opportunities, assistance with recruitment and HR issues and support once the schemes have ended.

Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:

• What other apprenticeships were offered than the admin type roles.

Tracey explained that apprenticeships were sought from all areas including waste management within the Council to new build schemes such as the Pimhole development where 2 bricklaying apprenticeships had been secured. The Council had asked people what they would like to do and where possible had sought placements to suit.

• Were schools involved in the scheme.

There were a number of opportunities for apprentices in schools such as grounds maintenance, kitchen staff and lab technicians. These were avenues that were still being discussed.

• Do the young people have to be referred?

It was explained that some of the young people were referred but there was also open recruitment which meant that any young person could apply.

• What about backing 'old' Bury.

Tracey explained that there were schemes in place to support all people that were unemployed no matter what age they were. Backing Young Bury was just the start.

• Councillor Gartside asked what happened to the people that weren't successful in securing employment once their scheme had ended.

It was explained that the Council kept in touch with all of the young people that took part in the schemes and would contact them if something suitable became available that they could apply for.

Glen Duckett from the Eagle and Child Dining Pub in Ramsbottom was invited to talk to the Forum about the social enterprise that he had established at the pub.

Glen explained that before opening the Eagle and Child he had been involved in the hospitality trade and had worked in regeneration for organisations such as Groundwork but had always found the idea of social
enterprises interesting and worthwhile.

When the opportunity had arisen for Glen to open a business he decided that a social enterprise was what he would like to do and The Eagle and Child was available for this to happen.

The Eagle and Child gives local young people aged 14 - 25 the skills and experience to enable them to get a career in the hospitality sector through employment and training. The pub works with partners such as Bury College, NACRO (Criminal Justice Charity) and Hopwood Hall College to recruit and train young people.

The pub also has an Incredible Edible garden and sources as much of its produce from there as possible therefore the young people are trained from 'seed to service'.

Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:-

Councillor Bevan asked whether all of the young people were local to Bury

Glen explained that most of the young people were from Bury including Walmersley, Brandlesholme, Radcliffe and Ramsbottom. He also reported that they had a new starter with autism who was due to start the following day.

A member of the public present asked how long the young people would stay at the pub to be trained.

Glen stated that when they were first taken on it was explained to them that it was a stepping stone to other opportunities and the average length of time they spent with the pub was eight months.

RTNM.496Dr Binns explained that the pharmacist in Ramsbottom next to the Grant Arms had recently erected a sign on the building which was not in keeping with area. The building was in a conservation area and the sign was out of keeping with the surroundings. Dr Binns asked that this be investigated and the owners offered advice.

Mrs Smith also referred to signage in Ramsbottom and the fact that businesses were unaware that they were in a conservation area. Mrs Smith stated that she felt business owners should be educated on this issue.

Brenda Fairhurst referred to the Tottington Play scheme that had recently been held and thanked all those involved for their support.

Mrs Fairhurst explained that cars were frequently being parked on the pavements in and around Tottington causing an obstruction and that dustbins were being left in groups once they had been emptied. Please could this issue be looked into.

Councillor Gartside stated that this was something that he and Councillor Wright had dealt with in the past and they would be more than willing to tackle the issue again.

Mr Green reported that the lights on the cycle path from Humber Drive to Walmersley Old Road had not been working, the issue had been reported but it had taken from January to October to be resolved and he felt that this was unacceptable.

A resident of Walshaw explained that there had been an accident outside the primary school that evening and the problem was due to parked cars all along the road outside the school. Would it be possible to consider this area for residential parking.

Dave Thomas stated that he would ask a representative from the Highways Department to attend the next meeting of the Forum to report on residential parking schemes.

A resident of Tottington explained that there was still an ongoing issue with parents at the nursery on Kirklees Street putting their children in danger when loading them into cars. The children would be stood in the middle of the road rather than using the pavements.

Councillor Gartside referred to the fact that the Township Forums were constituted meetings of the Council but there were never any officers from different departments in attendance at the meetings and he felt that key officers should be in attendance at every meeting.

Dave Thomas explained that the operating framework of the Forums had recently been updated to state that where a specific Officer requested to attend a meeting they would do so.

A resident of Ramsbottom thanked Councillor Columbine for her help with an issue he had regarding dirty streets in the Village. He had been in touch with Glen Stuart and it was hoped that the issue would be dealt with soon.

Members of the Township Forum asked that thanks be recorded to the organisers of the Hill Race Challenge in Ramsbottom which had been extremely successful.
RTNM.497The Community Funding Report was presented to the Forum for information.
RTNM.498Councillor Gunther explained that Core Strategy was currently being consulted on. A representative from the Planning Department was available at the meeting to discuss the strategy and take away comments and concerns for inclusion within the consultation information.

Councillor Wright asked for confirmation that there would be no more building in Tottington.

David Wiggins confirmed that this was the information provided within the document.

Councillor Gartside asked David Wiggins what his views were in relation to neighbourhood planning.

David explained it was the Core Strategy that was currently being consulted on and other policies would sit under that.

A number of those present at the meeting had questions regarding the Strategy and it was agreed that these would be noted for inclusion within the minutes:-

• Elva Greenhalgh referred to the consultation that had taken place in February. 99% of people had voted to retain the Gin Hall site as greenbelt. The site was now included within the strategy as the preferred option for brown belt. Mrs Greenhalgh why this was when there was so much opposition to this.

• Mrs Margaret Farrell asked why, if there was sufficient land available for employment did the authority still require greenbelt sites such as Gin Hall to be developed. There had been mention of exceptional circumstances. What were these?

• Mr Roger Shea stated that the draft document refers to the Gin Hall Site as being brown field. Mr Shea stated that as no previous development had been on the site it should remain as green field. Mr Shea asked for an explanation as to how it could be re-classified.
RTNM.499It was reported that the next meeting of the Ramsbottom, Tottington and North Manor Township Forum would be held on 17 January 2013 at Christ Church Walmersley at 7pm.