Meeting documents

Bury West Township Forum
Monday, 16th July, 2012 7.00 pm

Monday, 16th July, 2012
Elton Centre

Attendance Details

Councillor M Hankey (In the Chair);
Councillors B. Bibby; S. Southworth; J F Walton; and R.E Walker

Advisory Group Representatives:

Beryl Park -- Woolfold Tenants and Residents Association
Philip Jones -- Brandlesholme Residents Association

Public attendance: 8 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor J Frith
Ian Pilling
Item Description Decision
BWTF.192 Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 30th May, 2012 19.00
It was agreed:

That the minutes of the meeting held on 30th May 2012 be approved as a correct record.
It was agreed:

Tony Todd be thanked for his attendance at the meeting.
It was agreed:

Michael Carroll be thanked for his attendance.
It was agreed:

1. The Equality Analysis Form be approved.
2. The Bury West Draft Area Plan 2012.13 include an action in relation to public transport and the availability and frequency of bus services within Bury West, subject to this amendment the Area Plan be approved.
3. The Township Co-ordintor would circulate to members of the Bury West Township Forum, information in relation to the expected educational standards of pre school children in the Bury West area.

It was agreed:

Councillor Walker be thanked for his report.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.20 pm


BWTF.190Apologies were detailed above.
BWTF.191There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
BWTF.193Mr. Tony Todd attended the meeting and presented a verbal presentation to the Township Forum regarding the Forces and Forties weekend due to be held on the 25th, 26th and 27th August 2012, the presentation contained the following information:

Following the success of the two previous events held in 2010 and 2011, Events by Us plan, to organise a Forces and Forties weekend. On each day there would be events at Burrs Country Park, these events would include, a World War 2 re-enactment, Karate demonstration, tai chi, military vehicles and fun fair. On Saturday 25th August there would be an evening dance at the Drill Hall, Bury, the night would be compared by Steven Garner and would feature the band the Swing Commanders.

Any profits made from the event would be donated to both the Mayor’s charity and the Fusiliers Charity. Mr. Todd encouraged members of the public to get involved and support the event.
BWTF.194Members of the Township Forum considered a verbal presentation from Michael Carroll, volunteer co-ordinator, MHA, the presentation contained the following information:

The MHA mission would be “to improve the life for older people, inspired by Christian concern,” the services would be open to any person in need. Epworth Grange provides accommodation for 40 residents, care and support services and any other provision which may facilitate an improved quality of life.

Activities onsite would include; arts and crafts, music therapy, pet therapy befriending, chaplaincy, games and reflexology.

The Volunteer Co-ordinator reported that there would be volunteering opportunities, in the following areas; befriending, befriending of the visually impaired, activity assistants, community gardener, IT assistant, community reporter, and story recorder.

In response to a question from the Chair, The Volunteer Co-ordinator reported that MHA would provide training and pay for a Criminal Record Check for any volunteers.
BWTF.195Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator, submitted a revised Draft Bury West Township Area Plan detailing the key achievable priorities for Bury West. It was explained that the Plan was a working document and suggestions were still welcomed. Included within the plan was an Equality Analysis Form, the purpose of the form would be to ensure that the Bury West Area Action Plan, has taken due regard to the public sector equality duty.

• Increased number of apprenticeships for young people in Bury West.
• Increased number of volunteering opportunities.
• Reduced anti-social behaviour by early intervention and prevention.
• Ensure children are school ready

The Township Co-ordinator reported that work had been undertaken to establish a multi agency partnership to identify youths at risk of offending within Bury West.

Councillor Walker asked that public transport and in particular, the availability and frequency of bus services within Bury West, could be included with the Area plan.

Councillor Southworth asked that the intelligence information in relation to expected attainment standards for pre-school children in the Church and Elton Wards be circulated to members of the Bury West Township Forum.

BWTF.196Councillor Walker provided an update on highways issues discussed at the Bury West Highways sub group.

• The A58 Bury/Bolton Road has undergone a speed limit review, the speed limit would be reduced from 40mph to 30 mph, between Starling Road and Watling Street consultation has been undertaken and a vehicle activation sign would be installed.
• The Council have reviewed the possibility of a pedestrian crossing near Mile Lane on Bury/Bolton Road, this is not feasible, due to the positioning of the bus stops/driveways. The Council did conduct a count of children crossing the road, this activity would be repeated in September.
• A consultation exercise regarding a new road safety scheme on Ainsworth Road would be undertaken. The council propose to install a road activation sign, narrower the lanes, install two pedestrian crossings facilities and a cycle lane, the extent of the work would be dependent on funding.
• A key decision would be presented at Cabinet on the 22nd August 2012, entitled “promotion of a three-year programme of Environmental Traffic Calming Schemes designed to reduce the legal speed limit to 20mph on streets within selected residential estates and areas throughout the Borough.” The Council would conduct a thorough consultation exercise to identify areas that would benefit from the scheme. The council would consider the following issues when deciding on estates suitable for a 20 mph speed zone: number of accidents, proximity to a school, amount of through traffic.

Councillor Walker confirmed that the next meeting of the Highways sub group would be held on Wednesday 10th October 2012.

In response to a question from a member of the public, Councillor Walker, reported that the resurfacing of Garside Hay Road, including the introduction of traffic calming measures and parking bays, would be considered at the next meeting of the Highways sub group.
BWTF.197The Chair, Councillor M Hankey, invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting. Questions were asked and comments made on the issues detailed below. The Township Forum Co-ordinator undertook to obtain a reply to matters which could not be dealt with at the meeting.

• Phillip Jones, Advisory group member asked if there were any plans to develop a Mosque at 330 Brandlesholme Road. Councillor Southworth reported that she had spoke to the planning department with regards this matter, as a number of residents had raised concerns with her, representatives from the planning department reported that, no plans had been submitted in relation to this property.

• Phillip Jones, Advisory group member asked that the Council meetings timetable could be forwarded to the Brandlesholme Residents Association; democratic services would arrange this.

• In response to a question from a member of the public, Councillor Walker confirmed that a planning application in respect of 496 Bolton Road would be considered at the Planning Committee meeting, due to be held on the 17th July 2012.

BWTF.198Christine Maksymowski, Township Co-ordinator reported that ward funding was still available in Elton and Church wards and if any member would like to apply for funding to support the work of a voluntary or community group, they should contact Liz Saunders, Bury Council Programme Support Officer.

Councillor Bibby reported that additional funding could be made available

via the Viridor credit scheme, a scheme designed to redistribute money earned as a result of less waste going into landfill. Any constituted group, not, controlled by the council, can apply for funding, Elton Sports club have received a grant as part of the scheme.

If any group requires more information regarding the Viridor scheme they should contact Councillor Bibby.

Councillor Hankey reported that the next meeting of the Bury West Township Forum would be held on Thursday 13th September at Bolton Road, Methodist Church commencing at 7pm.