Meeting documents

Bury East Township Forum
Thursday, 7th February, 2013 7.00 pm

Thursday, 7th February, 2013
7.00 pm
Metro Christian Centre, Parkhills Road, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillors: D M Cassidy, M Connolly, T Holt, K Rothwell, J Smith, S Smith, T Tariq and S Walmsley

Tan Ahmed (ADAB - Chair), Tim Boaden (Seedfield TRA), Ann Clayton (New Springs Community Project Group), Darren Durham (Freedom Church, Bury), Becky Mayo (Young Person Representative), Janet Edwards (Older People’s Forum), James Hill (Pimhole Residents’ Association), Gemma Philburn (Streetwise 2000) and Lesley Wildeman (Topping Fold TRA)

Apologies for absence:
Councillor S Haroon
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

That the minutes of the last meeting held on 26 November 2012, be approved as a correct record, with the amendment, under item BETF.527, of ‘Commissionaire’ to be replaced by the correct spelling of ‘Commissioner’.
It was agreed:

That Streetwise 2000 be allocated £5,000 from the Bury East Alcohol Prospectus Scheme for their ‘wise up’ project.

That the Township coordinator, Dave Thomas, be thanked for his presentation.
It was agreed:

That Dr Gibson and Dr Patel be thanked for their presentation.
It was agreed:

That Steve Kenyon and Councillor Isherwood be thanked for their presentation.

It was agreed:

That the Community Funding Report be noted.
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.10 pm


BETF.751Gemma Philburn, Streetwise 2000, declared a personal interest in Minute BETF.754 BEAPS Funding Update, in respect of a new proposal from Streetwise 2000 for their ‘Wise Up’ programme.
BETF.752Dave Thomas, Township Coordinator for Bury East, explained to the Forum that he had been in contact with Highways regarding outstanding issues that had been raised at the meeting in September 2012 and that he would email members with feedback when he had obtained this information.

Councillor Connolly informed the Forum that with respect to Openshaw Park Veterans’ Bowling Club, and the upgrading of the pavilion, he had
been in contact with Harry Reed and Peter Ashworth and this was an issue that was currently being dealt with.

In respect of the issues of vehicles speeding in the area of Fairfield Drive and Broad Oak Lane, Councillor Connolly stated that the outcome of the Police investigation was not satisfactory. This was a major problem and needed to be addressed. It was unacceptable that issues raised in earlier meetings had not been resolved.

Dave Thomas stated that he would organise a separate meeting regarding Police and Highways issues, with the relevant Officers, and he would update the Township Forum members on his findings.

BETF.753Dave Thomas gave a presentation on Bury East Township Plan and explained that from the 4 Key priorities identified for inclusion in the Township Plan, which were; Improved Community Safety, Improved Health and Wellbeing, Improved Employment Opportunities and Improved Community Cohesion & Integration; he was able to report the following successes from 2012/13:

- The Alcohol Prospectus Fund was a government fund to help address problem drinking. £1m was distributed to ten areas in England and Bury East Township Forum had secured £90,000 over two years from the Alcohol Prospectus Fund to help tackle alcohol fuelled ant-social behaviour.
Six projects were funded through the fund and Baroness Newlove, Champion for Safe and Active Communities, visited the New Kershaw Centre on 17 January 2013 to talk to groups responsible for delivering the projects.

- It was reported that Bury East Partnership Tasking Group had been established and also that 49 offenders have been engaged as part of ‘operation Henbury II’ and since, none have been involved with reported anti social incidents or had been stopped by the Police. Also, alcohol related admissions for Bury East in November 2012 had decreased in all 3 wards.

- The Township Forum has developed links with Bury Employment & Skills Task group and local businesses and 2 new apprenticeships on the Pimhole Development within joinery and bricklaying had been secured and that O2 were offering 6 young people 2 weeks work experience at their offices.

- A pilot mentoring scheme with local businesses for 16 - 24 year olds to gain knowledge and advice on employment and training was underway and 22 young people from Bury East have been engaged in the scheme with 15 sustaining long term employment.

- Links had been developed between the Township Plan and the South Asian Mental Health Cluster Project, the Asian Women’s

- Centre and further links developed with local mosques to encourage attendance at Township Forum meetings.

The Township Coordinator then reported to the members of the Forum of a Bury East Alcohol Prospectus Scheme (BEAPS) application for £5,000 funding, for a new project proposal from Streetwise 2000 for their ‘Wise Up’ Programme.

Advisory Group member, Gemma Philburn from Streetwise 2000, had submitted the application which explained that the request for funding was in order to work with service users and design a programme of positive activities that will engage a hard to reach group of young people and educate them around the risks of alcohol. The project will raise awareness and knowledge around the misuse of alcohol, giving the group positive experiences that enrich their lives and raise awareness of their skills and abilities.

BETF.754Dr Audrey Gibson and Dr Kiran Patel attended the meeting to give a presentation on Health and Well Being for Bury.

It was explained that the Health and Social Care Act 2012 had required the establishment of a Health and Well Being Board, a Clinical Commissioning Group and Healthwatch.

Every Council would have a Health and Wellbeing Board, made up of key leaders from the health and care sector.

They will:

- Develop a strategy for the Bury Area
- Involve patients in decision making
- Influence and inform local commissioning of health services
- Involve local people in the development of the strategy for local health and social care services

Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), will take responsibility for commissioning (designing and purchasing) services across a town or region.

Bury’s CCG will be made up of all 33 GP Practices in Bury.

They will:

- Engage with local people to improve health and wellbeing
- Work with Bury Council and other partners to improve health and wellbeing
- Ensure that a range of health services are available
- Ensure that monies are spent wisely

Health Watch is a new organisation which will represent the needs and views of service users in the commissioning of health and social care services in Bury.

The aim is to give individuals and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and care services are provided within their locality.

The consultation for the local Health Watch has been conducted and the second phase was about to begin.

It was explained that Bury East is worse than the Bury average for all indicators in the Township Profile for:

- Life expectancy
- Mortality
- Deprivation
- Alcohol-related admissions
- Child obesity
- Teenage conceptions

It was hoped to promote and develop prevention, early intervention and self care by providing the right support and making the right choices for health and wellbeing and to achieve lasting reductions in health inequalities.

The health and wellbeing consultation will enable the health and wellbeing board and the NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group to understand the priorities for Bury and to give residents the opportunity to help shape the services. The consultation finishes on 15 February 2013.

BETF.755Steve Kenyon, Assistant Director Finance and Councillor Isherwood (Cabinet Member for Resources), attended the meeting to give a presentation on the Council’s Plan for Change. The meeting was updated on the Council’s anticipated financial settlement from central government and the proposals contained in the Plan for Change.

Between April 2011 and March 2015 the monies the Council receive from central Government would be significantly reduced.

The Plan for Change Programme approved by Budget Council in February 2012 outlined savings of £9m for 2013/14 to 2014/15. In the current Draft Programme of Savings the Council would revise these forecasts to include almost £9m over the next 2 years. The overall savings target would increase from £17.7 million to £26.5 million.

The Assistant Director reported that key elements of the system of Local Government Finance would change on 1 April 2013. There would therefore be continued uncertainty regarding the level of Government grants the Council would receive, as well as a change in the Council Tax Benefit system.

It was reported that the Council’s financial position going forward looks very bleak. Additional savings may now have to be made in 2013/14 and 2014/15 beyond those shown in the Plan for Change.

It was reported that, alongside the immediate financial pressures there would also be further challenges ahead as the economic outlook suggests that the Council would continue to have to make difficult choices in subsequent years. As a result of a reduced workforce the Council would face more demands on employees’ time. 423 Council employees have left the organisation since 2010.

It was reported that the Council propose to make the following internal efficiencies:

- £527,000 consolidating discretionary spending
- £188,000 building costs
- £786,000 staff car allowances
- £705,000 increased income
- £820,000 restructuring vacant posts
- £363,000 additional funding
- £40,000 energy efficiencies
- £90,000 savings from purchasing

The Assistant Director of Resources reported, that the new proposals for 201314 and 2014/15 would include; £350,000 savings from home to school transport; £360,000 savings review from how Bury employment and support services would be delivered; £250,000 reduced funding for children’s centres; £430,000 further savings from the parks and countryside review; £270,000 savings from the library review; £140,000 from the reconfiguration of street cleaning team.

It was reported that consultation on the Plan for Change had officially ended on the 30th January 2013 but a commitment was given that comments and views expressed at the meeting would be reported.
Bury East Township Forum 7 February 2013

Questions and comments were invited and the following issues were raised:

Tim Boaden, Seedfield TRA, asked how far the Council had looked into the Rangers Service which was very important in making Bury a decent place to live and could lead to loss of income via tourism.

Councillor Isherwood agreed that the Rangers Service was very important and that all services would be considered and the utmost done to protect these services.

James Hill, Pimhole TRA, asked if grants were no longer available for housing.

Steve Kenyon replied that the Council still receive grant allocations for disabled facilities but there were such a high number of applications that there was a waiting list.

Councillor Connolly reported that the Council were being forced to cut services and there was currently an on-line petition to sign for a campaign for a fairer deal for Bury and encouraged all residents to sign this.
BETF.756The Chair, Tan Ahmed, invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting. Questions were asked and comments made on the issues detailed below.

Tim Boaden, Seedfield TRA, stated that a number of more decorative beige tiles on the pavements were broken and could become a health and safety issue as they were a trip hazard. Tim queried what was the policy in replacing these, in the current difficult economic times?

Councillor Connolly replied that within the limited budget, all services had to prioritise workload accordingly.

A resident asked about fading road markings on roads within the Redvales area. Councillor Tariq reported that, as discussed at the PACT meeting, this issue had been raised with Highways and they had made a commitment to carry out the markings.

A resident complained that litter bins were too small in the Fishpool area to accommodate all the rubbish from the numerous takeaways and asked if they could be replaced with bigger ones. He suggested sponsors to provide the new bins.

Councillor Tariq stated that there was a dedicated street cleaner in the area who worked very hard to keep the streets clear. Lesley Wildeman (Topping Fold TRA) suggested putting the sponsorship of a new bin to the takeaways in question.

James Hill (Pimhole TRA) acknowledged that a lot of money had been spent in the Pimhole area but there were now a great number of potholes which needed to be addressed. Also there were several clothing bins that were on pathways, making the streets look unsightly and this needed to be sorted.

Councillor Connolly replied that he was aware of these issues in the Pimhole area and hopefully they could be sorted.

The Chair, Tan Ahmed (ADAB) also informed the Forum that concerns could at least be logged with the contact centre on 253 5353, so that the issues were made aware of.

Tim Boaden asked if there was a time limit for services to reply to concerns and if so does that time frame need to be enforced.

The Township coordinator replied that he would find out this information and notify Tim.

Councillor Holt spoke on behalf of a resident that lived on Baron Street who was extremely upset about the amount of traffic passing her home, which was near three schools, Bury Church, Bury Grammar and St. Gabriel’s and the street was being used as a ‘rat run’. Councillor Holt stated that as the Ward Councillors, they would do what they could to help but felt it was an issue that needed to be addressed. The Township Coordinator asked Councillor Holt for the resident’s details so he could inform relevant officers of the situation.

BETF.757A report was submitted setting out details of funding applications and allocations in the East, Moorside and Redvales Wards of Bury East and Cross Ward Funding for 2012/13. The Township Coordinator stated that any remaining money had to be allocated by the end of March 2013.
BETF.758Councillor Walmsley reported to the Township Forum that there was to be litter picking events organised by the franchise owner of McDonald’s at Woodfield Retail Park and volunteers were being requested to join in for the lower Walmersley area of Moorside Ward including Hornby and Cateaton Streets.

Harry Reed informed the Township Forum of the following issues:

- It was 125 years since Openshaw Park was first opened as a public park (in 1888) and an unveiling of a plaque to commemorate this event would be taking place sometime this year. Harry would notify the Forum when he knew the date of this occasion.

- Following an application to the Community First Fund, Holly Court Social Club had been approved funding for a cabin and planters and he had received a letter of thanks from the Club which was read to the Forum by the Township Coordinator.

- It was the Annual General Meeting of Bury East Sports Association on 26 February and Harry informed the Forum that everyone was welcome to attend the meeting.

BETF.759The next meeting of Bury East Township Forum will be held on Wednesday 20 March 2013 at the Ukrainian Club, Bury.