Meeting documents

Radcliffe Township Forum
Thursday, 10th January, 2013 6.00 pm

Thursday, 10th January, 2013
6.00 pm
Radcliffe Civic Suite, Thomas Street, Radcliffe, M26 2UH

Attendance Details

Councillors D Bailey, M Bailey, P Bury, A J Cummings, A Isherwood, J Lewis, N Parnell, R Shori
Colin Jones - Radcliffe Boys and Girls Club (Chair)
Colette Jones - Friends of Close Park
Gordon Hartley - Ainsworth Community Association
Roy Vevers - Radcliffe Carnival Committee
Louise Williams - The ROC Centre
G Stainthorpe - Withins Community Association

Public attendance: 15 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor S Briggs
Andy Miller - Youth Cabinet
Y Shawcross - Bolton Road TRA
Item Description Decision
RTF.647 Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday, 8th November, 2012 6.00 pm
It was agreed:

That the Minutes of the last meeting of the Township Forum held on 8 November, 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
It was agreed:

1. That Inspector Williams be thanked for his attendance and the Chair wished him well in his new post.
It was agreed:

1.That Stey Shaw be thanked for his presentation.
2.That the information provided be noted.
It was agreed:

1.That the Executive Director of Resources and Cllr Isherwood be thanked for their presentation.
2.That the information provided be noted, further comments/views could be made by 30 January 2013.
It was agreed:

1.That Cllr Shori be thanked for his presentation.
2.That the information provided be noted, further comments/views could be made by 15 February 2013.
It was agreed:

That the information provided be noted.
It was agreed:

That the information provided be noted.
It was agreed:

That the report be noted.
It was agreed:

That the report be noted.
The meeting started at 6.00 pm and ended at 7.55 pm


RTF.646There were no declarations of interest made at the meeting.
RTF.648Inspector Bryn Williams attended the meeting to provide an update on anti-social behaviour statistics in Radcliffe. It was reported that Radcliffe had seen a significant reduction in the number of recorded incidents of public related anti-social behaviour and crime, year on year, since 2007 to 2012. The meeting was also informed about the current restructure of the Neighbourhood Policing Teams in the Borough.

The audience was invited to ask questions/make comments:-

•Why had Radcliffe seen a reduction in crime figures?

It was reported that a combination of effective policing and community response in the area was probably the reason why crime and anti-social behaviour incidents had reduced in recent years. Partnership working with other agencies in order to tackle the causes of anti-social behaviour was also a key factor.

•Was the clampdown on Off-Licence sales to underage young people also a contributing factor to the crime and anti-social behaviour statistics in Radcliffe?

There is a clear link between alcohol consumption and incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour. The recent clampdown on illegal sales of alcohol to underage young people, from Off-Licence premises, was also a contributing factor. Young people also had less cash to spend on alcohol.

•Would the changes to the Neighbouring Policing Teams in the Borough have an impact on the anti-social behaviour/crime statistics?

The same levels of cover would remain. There would still be 1 beat Officer per ward (in Radcliffe there would be 4 Officers) and PCSO support would stay the same.

•The police used to have a good relationship with local communities but now all you receive is a cold response when you need to contact them. The police need to concentrate on forming positive relationships with the communities they serve.

•A question asking for clarification on PCSO support in Ainsworth?

It was reported that there is a PCSO assigned to the Ainsworth area.

•Would the Council spending cuts have an adverse effect on crime statistics in the Borough

Changes in Youth Service provision had not led to an increase in crime and anti-social behaviour. Fortunately, in Radcliffe, young people are supported by volunteer led Youth Groups. Inspector Williams confirmed the positive relationship the police had with Youth Groups in the area and with the Park Ranger Service.
RTF.649Stey Shaw, Route Manager, First Buses attended the meeting as part of a First Bus initiative to meet up with community groups to discuss concerns with local residents about incidents of anti-social behaviour on First Buses and acts of vandalism on First Bus vehicles.

It was reported that there had been 7 recorded incidents of vandalism to First Bus vehicles in Radcliffe in 2012, mainly in the Coronation Road and Bus Station areas. Stey reported on the costs involved in repairs and in taking the vehicles out-of-service following such incidents. Members of the public were asked to be vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour witnessed on First Buses.

The Chair invited questions and comments from members of the public present at the meeting and the following issues were raised:-

•Councillor M Bailey asked at What times of day had these incidents occurred? What had been First’s response? Were repeat offenders involved? Could you provide any comparison with other towns?

It was reported that all of the incidents had occurred from between 12 pm and 7 pm, committed generally by young people of school age. Radcliffe was by no means the worst area in Greater Manchester for such incidents. First Buses carried CCTV as standard to all vehicles and worked with other agencies such as the police, youth groups and local schools.
RTF.650Mike Owen, Executive Director of Resources and Councillor Isherwood (Cabinet Member for Resources) attended the meeting to give a presentation on the Council’s Plan for Change.

The meeting was updated on the Council’s anticipated financial settlement from central government and the proposals contained in the Plan for Change.

The Chair invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting:-

•Why does Bury receive such a small grant from Central Government?

It was reported that Bury is seen as a more affluent area, in comparison to other Greater Manchester Authorities. The meeting was informed of some of the measures of deprivation used to calculate local government funding. Bury were trying to introduce new proposals to help address the funding shortfall whilst trying to protect frontline services.

•Why were Bury Council making cuts year-on-year? Concern regarding too much Town Centre investment at the expense of the rest of the Borough.

The recent Town Centre retail development had been funded by developers and had bought much needed jobs and commerce to Bury. Bury’s grant had been reduced by Central Government year-on-year. The Authority are unable to raise funds via an increase in Council Tax, business rates are localised and we are in the middle of a recession. The Council are having to manage spending on a much reduced grant and with a huge increase in spending pressures.

•A query as to Bury Council’s land ownership and plans to raise
money from land sales.

Bury does sell land in it ownership however, the capital receipts from such sales are not enough to address the shortfall in the Council’s budget.

•Are there plans to work more closely with the voluntary sector in order to meet Council’s service provision needs?

It was reported that there were a number of service reviews which were being undertaken looking at volunteer working.

•Concerns raised regarding the proposals to cut the Park Rangers service. The Rangers had supported the £400,000 HLF bid for Close Park and there were concerns that this could be in jeopardy if the Council were to cut this service.

These concerns were shared but it was confirmed that any gap on HLF funding would be bridged.

•Were there any plans to sell off Council owned land in Radcliffe? If so, would this money go back into the area?

It was reported that Radcliffe High School’s site on School Street was currently on the market. There were plans to improve Radcliffe Market, to move the Bus Station and proposals for a Supermarket in the area.
RTF.651The Chair welcomed Michelle Armstrong, NHS, Ian Watts, Patient Representative and Cllr Shori, Cabinet Member for Adult Care, Health & Well Being to give a presentation on Health and Well Being for Bury. The presentation outlined the structures for the Health and Well Being Board, Clinical Commissioning Group and Health Watch.

Questions, comments and representations were invited from members of the public present at the meeting:-

•A question in relation to transport links to the Dementia Café (based on Edna’s story)?

Cllr Shori gave an assurance that transport services would still be available to those who needed support in accessing the Dementia Café.

•Concerns raised about poor housing standards in Council owned properties. More money and resources needed to be spent on
bringing housing stock up to a reasonable standard.
RTF.652The Chair, Colin Jones invited Advisory Group members to inform the Township Forum of events or news relating to the work of their group and the following information was provided:-

(a)Friends of Close Park - Colette reported on the recent bulb planting at the Park in aid of Marie Curie Trust. The HLF issue was still on-going but there are concerns if this may be affected due to the proposed cuts to the Rangers Service. “Light for Light” for the Hospice went ahead and was a success.

(b)Radcliffe Carnival -Roy Vevers asked for volunteers for organising the 2012 Carnival. Local Business support was also needed. The Chair referred to the flyer sent out with the papers for the meeting and asked people to contact Roy.
RTF.653A flyer was submitted asking for volunteers to help with the organising of the 2013 Radcliffe Carnival. The Chair asked those willing and able to support the event to please contact Roy Vevers.
RTF.654The Chair invited questions, comments and representations from members of the public present at the meeting.

•Concerns were raised regarding the state of the road on and around Dumers Lane following works carried out by United Utilities. Also, concerns that the lines were not being repainted on the roads.
RTF.655A report from the Programme Support Officer was submitted providing an update on Council funding to support the work of voluntary and community groups in Radcliffe, since the last meeting of the Township Forum.

RTF.656The Township Co-ordinator submitted a report providing an update on the priorities since the last meeting of the Township Forum.