Meeting documents

Wednesday, 6th February, 2008 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 6th February, 2008
7.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor F A Chaudhry) in the Chair;
Councillors D M Ashworth, P Ashworth, K Audin, L E Baucutt, R L Baum, C A Berry, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, K S Briggs, R C A Brown, J Byrne, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, S Cohen, M Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, I B Gartside, M A Gibb, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, M Hankey, D M Higgin, T Holt, A Isherwood, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, S P Penketh, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, S J Southworth, B J Sullivan, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, J F Walton, M J Wiseman, S D Wright and Y S Wright
13 members of the public attended the meeting.
Apologies for absence:
Councillors A J Garner, A S Garner and J Smith (Clash)
Item Description Decision

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 12 December 2007 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

Councillor Briggs clarified that the information she had requested at Minute C.513(ii) was the total expenditure on the television advertising campaign for Bury Market and not, as provided, the total publicity Budget.

The Leader undertook to provide the information.
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.33 pm


C.621(a) Councillor Penketh declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the question raised by Councillor Rothwell relating to the development of Waste Management Facilities in Bury and left the Chamber whilst the question was answered. (Minute C.629(3) below)

(b) Councillors Walker and Chamberlain both declared personal interests in the question raised by Councillor Boden relating to; the recycling of plastic bottles by Bury FC; and in the questions raised by Councillors Davison and Southworth in relation to the possible relocation of Bury FC. (Minute C.626(9), (20) and (23)

(c) Councillors Bigg, Cohen and Davison declared personal interests in the question raised by Councillor Baucutt relating to the appearance of Council housing estates as Members of the Six Town Housing Board. (Minute C.626(18)
C.623The Worshipful the Mayor informed the Council of the recent death of Mrs Phyllis Colleran who was Mayoress of the Borough during the 1985/86 Municipal Year which she shared with her late husband, former Councillor Arthur Colleran.

The sympathy and condolences of the Council had been conveyed to Mrs Colleran’s family. All Councillors stood in silence as a mark of respect and in remembrance of Mrs Colleran.

The Mayor reminded Members that he and the Mayoress were hosting a charity Dinner and Ball, the proceeds from which were to be donated to the Bury Hospice Association Red Rose Appeal, to be held at the Radcliffe Civic Suite on Friday, 22 February 2008. He expressed the wish that as many Members and Officers together with members of the community, would be able to support the event.

The Official Photograph of the full Council will be taken in the Elizabethan Suite at 6.45 pm for 7.00 pm prior to the Council meeting on 26 March 2008 - the start of the Council meeting to be moved to 7.15 pm.

The Mayor offered his personal thanks to Mr Haroon Asghar who had kindly accepted the Mayor’s invitation to offer Prayers at the opening of this meeting and also thanked the Reverend Dr John Findon for his support.
C.6241. Mr G Hardman asked for an assurance from the Leader that the Council Tax increase for 2008/2009 financial year would be kept below 5%. The Leader stated his commitment to ensuring that any increase would be lower than 5%.

2. Mr H Desmond expressed his concerns about the care of his disabled mother by a Care Agency and asked the Leader whether the Council would be taking action to address his concerns. Councillor Sullivan, Executive Member for Health and Well-Being, assured Mr Desmond that she was taking action in respect of his concerns.

3. Mrs A Audin asked for the Council’s response to a previous request for funding to provide children’s play facilities on Hunters Hill housing estate, Hollins.

The Leader undertook to provide Mrs Audin with a response.

4. Mr L Phillips questioned the benefit of road humps which he considered forced emergency vehicles to slow down and may lead to delays in dealing with casualties.

Councillor Gunther responded by emphasising the safety benefits resulting from these traffic calming measures.
C.625The Mayor reported that there were no recommendations from the Executive or Council Committees for consideration at this meeting.
C.626The Leader of the Council, Councillor R A Bibby, made a statement on the work of the Executive since the date of the last Council meeting. The Leader and the relevant Executive Members answered questions raised by Councillors on the following issues:-

(a) Written questions (four clear working days’ notice given)

1. Issue: 1. Outstanding road repairs and claims paid out for injury caused by unrepaired roads 2. Measures to reduce claims
Questioner: Councillor S Wright
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

2. Issue: 1. Update on the ‘Deep Clean’ of Prestwich 2. When the operation will be completed
Questioner: Councillor Baum
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

3. Issue: Amount of waste collected on the special Christmas collection on 29 December 2007
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

4. Issue: Council’s response to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007
Questioner: Councillor D’Albert
Answered by (and action): Councillor Creswell

5. Issue: 1. Length of time an applicant for re-housing is likely to have to wait 2. Circumstances of a resident of Holyrood Ward
Questioner: Councillor D’Albert
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gartside
(likely waiting time for particular properties to be reported to Councillor D’Albert) (Report to Scrutiny Commission on waiting times)

6. Issue: Involvement of Local Area Partnerships in preparing Local Community Plans for their areas.
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by (and action): Councillor Creswell

7. Issue: 1. Efficient use of resources by the Council 2. Maintenance of records of location of street furniture
Questioner: Councillor O’Hanlon
Answered by (and action): Councillor Redstone

8. Issue: 1. Funding of Bury Independent Advice Centre - employment issues 2. Need to process the funding application urgently
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Creswell

9. Issue: 1. Recycling of plastic bottles by Bury FC 2. Contact with the Football Club to encourage recycling of discarded drinks bottles
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther
(Contact to be made with Bury FC)

10. Issue: Assurance that the Urbed Study proposals will include sustainability principles and practice
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

11. Issue: 1. Arrangements for exchanging recycled materials 2. Gather information on exchanges
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther
(To be investigated)

12. Issue: Safe disposal of failed low-energy fluorescent lamps
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

13. Issue: 1. Use of Credit-Rating Agency to establish eligibility for Single person Discount for Council Tax 2. Process subject to Scrutiny
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and action): Councillor Redstone
(Reference of process to Resource & Performance Scrutiny Commission for review)

14. Issue: 1. Risk to the public from the use of the taxi rank on Spring Street, Bury 2. Urgent enforcement action required
Questioner: Councillor Holt
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther
(Urgent investigations to be undertaken)

15. Issue: 1. Effects on local residents of under-age consumption of alcohol 2. Congratulations to Council employees and Police for enforcement
Questioner: Councillor Holt
Answered by (and action): Councillor Wiseman

16. Issue: 1. Planning enforcement where planning applications are refused 2. Change of use of a shop on Water Street, Radcliffe
Questioner: Councillor Isherwood
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gunther

17. Issue: 1. Purpose of operating Civic Halls 2. Review of Pricing Strategy for use
Questioner: Councillor Cassidy
Answered by (and action): Councillor Sullivan
(Review of Pricing Strategy of Civic Halls to be undertaken)

18. Issue: 1. External appearance of Council housing estates and the effects on tenants’ morale 2. Tenant taking responsibility for their outdoor fencing
Questioner: Councillor Baucutt
Answered by (and action): Councillor Gartside

19. Issue: 1. Bury school holiday pattern - mid term holidays different from other neighbouring authorities 2.Co-ordination of holiday patterns with AGMA Authorities
Questioner: Councillor Matthews
Answered by (and action): Councillor D Ashworth
(To be taken into account in determining school holiday pattern)

(b) Oral Questions (Without Notice)

20. Issue: Possible relocation of Bury FC from Gigg Lane, Bury
Questioner: Councillor Davison
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby

21. Issue: 1. Date for commencement of building works for Radcliffe Riverside new School 2. Progress on land purchase
Questioner: Councillor Cummings
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby

22. Issue: Dog fouling - enforcement
Questioner: Councillor Baum
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby
(Response to Councillor Baum detailing enforcement action)

23. Issue: 1. Possible relocation of Bury FC from Gig Lane, Bury 2. Retention of Goshen playing fields as public land
Questioner: Councillor Southworth
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby
(Undertaking that Ward Members will be consulted if any request is received for alternative use of Goshen playing fields)

24. Issue: Progress of Equal Pay Claims against the Authority
Questioner: Councillor Holt
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby

25. Issue: Enforcement of Traffic Regulation Orders
Questioner: Councillor Byrne
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby

26. Issue: Recent flooding of properties in Radcliffe - congratulations to employees and Emergency services for prompt action
Questioner: Councillor Campbell
Answered by (and action): Councillor Bibby
C.627There were no Scrutiny Review Reports or specific items ‘called-in’ by Scrutiny Commissions to be considered at this Council meeting.
C.628No Notices of Motion had been received for debate at this meeting.
C.629(a) Councillor Walton, the Council’s representative on the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority, gave an oral report on the work of that Joint Authority to all Members of the Council.
Council, 6 February 2008

(b) The nominated spokespersons as indicated below, answered questions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.2:-

Joint Authority and Questioner: Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority
Councillor Matthews
Issue: 1. Councillor Walton’s work on the Fire and Rescue Authority 2. Government Financial Settlement for the Authority and its effects on the Borough’s residents
Answered by (and action): Councillor Walton

Joint Authority and Questioner: Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority
Councillor O’Hanlon
Issue: 1. That Authority’s attitude to sprinkler installations 2. A possible condition of planning permission for all new buildings to install sprinkler systems
Answered by (and action): Councillor Walton
(To be raised with the Planning Authority)

Joint Authority and Questioner: Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority
Councillor Rothwell
Issue: Development of Waste Management Facilities at Every Street, Bury - consultations with local residents to minimise nuisances - the date of start of building works
Answered by (and action): Councillor P Ashworth
(Written response to Councillor Rothwell)

Joint Authority and Questioner: Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority
Councillor O’Hanlon
Issue: 1. Management of the former tip site in Prestwich 2. Contact by Forestry Commission to acquire/manage the site
Answered by (and action): Councillor P Ashworth(Written response to Councillor O’Hanlon)

Joint Authority and Questioner: Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority
Councillors Byrne and Boden
Issue: 1. Current status of the Transport Innovation Bid 2. The Views of the Liberal Democrat Party to the Bid/Congestion Charging
Answered by (and action): Councillor Baum
(In the absence of Councillor A J Garner)
C.630There were no written questions on the work of outside bodies or partnerships on which the Council is represented, submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
C.631Councillor Chamberlain requested that the Healthier Communities Scrutiny Commission at its next meeting amend the Minutes of its meeting held on 10 January 2008 to record how individual Member’s votes were cast on Minute HSC.586 (Establishment of a Home Improvement Agency) (Digest of Decisions 9 2007/2008, page 376).