Meeting documents

Wednesday, 7th February, 2007 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 7th February, 2007
Council Chamber Town Hall Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor J F Walton) in the Chair; Councillors D M Ashworth, P Ashworth, K Audin, L E Baucutt, C A Berry, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, E B Briggs, K S Briggs, R C A Brown, G Campbell, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, F A Chaudhry, S Cohen, M Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, I B Gartside, M A Gibb, E K Grime, D L Gunther, M Hankey, D M Higgin, T Holt, A Isherwood, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, J Smith, S J Southworth, B J Sullivan, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, M J Wiseman and Y S Wright
5 members of the public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence:
Councillors Byrne and G Sharkey
Item Description Decision

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 13 December 2006 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

That no objections be raised to the creation and part funding of the post of Bury Town Centre Manager, as proposed by the Executive at its meeting held on 10 January 2007 (Minute EX.817).

1. That the Motion A be approved and adopted.

2. That Motion B incorporating the alterations set out above, be approved and adopted.

The all-party Democratic Arrangements Forum which met on 21 November 2006 considered several initiatives to promote the open discussion of community issues affecting the Borough and its residents. Agreement was reached between the three Political Group Leaders that, as a pilot to promote a debate involving all Councillors, an item be included on the Summons for the Council meetings for the remainder of the current Municipal Year (excluding the Budget meeting).
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 10.03 pm


C.980(a)Councillors Bibby, W A Campbell and M Connolly all declared personal interests in the question relating to the development of Townside Fields, Bury (Minute C.991(1) below).

(b) The Worshipful the Mayor and Councillors Cohen and E B Briggs all declared prejudicial interests in the question relating to the funding of the Bury Racial Equality Council (Minute C.985(6) below) and all left the Chamber during the debate on this matter.

(c) Councillors Boden and Walker both declared personal interests in the question relating to the funding of the Bury Racial Equality Council (Minute C.985(6) below).

(d) Councillor Holt declared a personal interest in any matter relating to Grants to Voluntary Organisations which might affect ‘Relate’.
C.982The Worshipful the Mayor reported that the following residents of the Borough or were associated with the Borough had been included in Her Majesty The Queen’s New Year Honours List.

(i) Mr John Willis, former Chief Executive of the Salford City Council and Mr Barry Dixon, Chief Officer of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service have been appointed Commanders of The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire.

(ii) Mr Brian Allen, Director of Foundation Degrees at the University of Salford has been appointed an Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and Mrs Penny Hilton, Computer Navigation Systems Developer for Blind People within HM Revenues and Customs has been appointed a Member of The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire.

(iii) Mr Roy Dudley-Southern, Strategic Planning Officer for the Greater Manchester Primary Care Trusts who has worked extensively in the Borough, has been appointed a Member of The Most Excellent Order of The British Empire.

The Council’s and the Metropolitan Borough’s Congratulations and Good Wishes had been conveyed to the recipients of the Awards.

The Mayor referred to the appointment of the Reverend Hugh Bearn, Vicar of St Anne’s Parish, Tottington who has been appointed a Chaplain to Her Majesty The Queen.

Congratulations and Good Wishes had also been conveyed to The Reverend Bearn.

The Mayor reminded Members that he and the Mayoress were hosting a Charity Dinner and Ball at the Radcliffe Civic Suite on Friday 23 February 2007 in aid of his two main charities, namely, the Bury Hospice Association and the Re:d Centre/Hurdles Charity. He expressed the wish that as many Members and Officers, together with Members of the Community would be able to support this event.
C.983Mr R Launders asked for a progress report in respect of an alleged encroachment onto land adjoining properties on Bolton Road, Radcliffe.

The Leader, Councillor Campbell in his capacity of Ward Member, undertook to provide a written response to Mr Launders.
C.984There were no recommendations for consideration at this meeting.
C.985The Leader of the Council, Councillor W A Campbell, made a statement on the work of the Executive.

The Leader and the relevant Executive Members answered questions raised by Members on the following issues:-

a) Written Questions (Notice given)

1. Issue: 1. The number of vehicles owned by residents of the Borough 2. Projected Income from the proposed Congestion Charge
Questioner: Councillor Wiseman
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell (in the absence of Councillor Byrne)

2. Issue: 1. Utilisation of proceeds of the proposed Congestion Charge 2. Liberal Democrat policy on local application of proceeds from the proposed Congestion Charge
Questioner: Councillor O’Hanlon
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell (in the absence of Councillor Byrne)

3. Issue: Use of outside consultants by the Council
Questioner: Councillor A J Garner
Answered by (and Action): Councillor Connolly (Referred to the Resource and Performance Scrutiny Commission)

4. Issue: 1. Proposed expansion of Manchester Airport 2. The need to have regard to environmental issues as part of expansion proposals
Questioner: Councillor D’Albert
Answered by (and Action): Councillor Connolly

5. Issue: 1. Criteria for allocation grants to voluntary organisations based outside the Borough 2. Requested a review of the criteria for such grants in future years for the provision of special services
Questioner: Councillor Pickstone
Answered by (and Action): Councillor G Campbell

6. Issue: 1. Funding of the Bury Racial Equality Council 2. Process leading to the decision not to fund this outside body
Questioner: Councillor Walker
Answered by (and Action): Councillor G Campbell

(In respect of question 6 above and the following supplementary question, the Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor J F Walton and Councillors Cohen and E B Briggs left the Chamber whilst the questions were answered. Councillor W J Davison occupied the Chair whilst the question and supplementary question were answered).

(b) Oral Questions submitted at the meeting without notice

Issue: The number of Statements of Special Educational Needs prepared by the Authority in 2004, 2005 and 2006
Questioner: Councillor Davison
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell
(Written reply promised)

Issue: Proposed Congestion Charge and air quality adjacent to the M60 Motorway
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell

Issue: Political Leaflets - content
Questioner: Councillor Bibby
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell

Issue: 1. Recycling of obsolete aids and adaptations by Disability Services 2. Acceptance by the Council of stair lift donations
Questioner: Councillor Wright
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell

Issue: Installation of the Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique (SCOOT) and the completion of the feasibility study
Questioner: Councillor O’Hanlon
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell

Issue: Emergency support for homeless people over Christmas
Questioner: Councillor Brown
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell (an examination of the circumstances of this particular case to be undertaken)

Issue: Proposed Congestion Charging, congestion outside of the charging area and pollution around Junction 17 of the M60 Motorway
Questioner: Councillor Gunther
Answered by (and Action): Councillor W A Campbell
C.986The Worshipful the Mayor reported to the Council that the decision of the Executive at its meeting held on 10 January 2007 contained in Minute EX.817, to create and fund jointly, the post of Bury Town Centre Manager, had been “called-in” by eight Members of the Council for consideration by the Resource and Performance Scrutiny Commission.

The Scrutiny Commission at its meeting held on 7 February 2007, had referred the “call-in” to the Council for consideration in accordance with paragraph 16(e) of the Council Procedure Rules in the Council Constitution.

The Mayor invited Councillor Redstone, Chair of the Resource and Performance Scrutiny Commission, to address the Council to advise on the reasons for the referral.

The Mayor then invited Councillor Connolly to address the Council to explain the objectives of creating the proposed post particularly the use of the Council’s resources as referred to in the Notice of Call-In. Copies of the report to the Executive, the Notice of Call-In and correspondence from Thornfield Properties plc, Town Centre Manager and Scottish Widows had been circulated to all Councillors.

The Mayor invited questions and comments from Members of the Council.

It was then moved by Councillor Bibby and seconded by Councillor Creswell:

“That this Council opposes the establishment and recruitment to the post of Bury Town Centre Manager, Minute EX817, page 469 of Digest 9 of the Executive meeting dated 10th January 2007 and strongly recommends to the Council’s Executive that they reconsider their decision on the following grounds:-

1. inappropriate use of resources when the Council budget is under pressure
2. insensitive expenditure at a time when staff morale is low and redundancy pending
3. to avoid Council embarrassment at a time when front-line services are under threat
4. an independent post should be funded independently”

It was moved by Councillor Boden and seconded by Councillor Isherwood, that the question be now put.

The Motion was then put and before the counting of votes, 8 members of the Council requested that the voting on the Motion be recorded so as to show how each Member cast their vote.

The result of the voting was as follows:-

For the Motion:

Councillors D Ashworth, P Ashworth, Berry, Bibby, Bigg, Brown, Cohen, Creswell, Gartside, Gunther, Hankey, Higgin, Magnall, Redstone, Sullivan, Taylor, Theckston, Vincent, Walker, Wiseman and Wright (21).

Against the Motion:

Councillors Audin, Baucutt, Boden, E B Briggs, K S Briggs, G Campbell, W A Campbell, Cassidy, Chamberlain, Chaudhry, Connolly, Costello, Cummings, D’Albert, Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, Gibb, Grime, Holt, Isherwood Matthews, O’Hanlon, Pickstone, Rothwell, Smith, Southworth (27).

Abstaining from voting:

The Worshipful the Mayor (1).

The Motion was declared lost and it was:-
C.987Two Notices of Motion had been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12.


It was moved by Councillor O’Hanlon and seconded by Councillor Pickstone that the following Motion be approved:-

“This Council notes with concern:

- That reported crime in Greater Manchester rose by 3.6% between April and November 2006.
- That Greater Manchester has seen a reduction of 216 officers in the last year.
- That the number of new Police Community Safety Officers (PCSOs) nationally has been reduced by the Government from 24,000 to 16,000.
- The projected budget deficit over the next three years for Greater Manchester Police of around £27 million.

The Council resolves:

- To continue to lobby for fair and adequate funding for all services in Bury and Greater Manchester - including policing.
- To communicate the above concerns of this Authority to the Home Secretary and to our local Members of Parliament”.

In the names of Councillors:

D’Albert, Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, O’Hanlon and Pickstone

On being put with none dissenting and the Mayor abstaining, the Motion was declared carried.


It was moved by Councillor Boden and seconded by Councillor G Campbell that the following Motion, incorporating the alterations set out below, be approved:-

“That this Council having made plain its belief that climate changes is the foremost issue facing the planet and agreeing with the recent Stern review that urgent action is required to reduce carbon emissions.

Notes with concern that a number of local authorities have been prevented from specifying higher energy efficiency standards in their Local Development Plans thereby undermining their efforts to set high sustainability standards.

Welcomes cross party support for the Local Planning Authorities: Energy and Energy Efficiency Bill in the Private Members Ballot which would allow councils to include energy efficiency standards higher than current building regulations and sustainable energy and microgeneration provisions in their local development plans, and also require them to consider whether to specify conditions relating to energy efficiency, sustainable energy and microgeneration when granting planning permission.

Hopes that the proposed new Climate Change Planning Policy Statement by DCLG will indicate support for this as a first step.

Resolves to inform our Members of Parliament of these our opinions and reasons and asks them to support EDM471 and related legislative proposals accordingly”.

In the names of Councillors:

Boden and G Campbell

A copy of Early Day Motions 468 and 471 was attached to the Summons for this meeting.

Councillor Boden, as the mover of the Motion, sought the permission of the Council under Procedure Rule 14.7, to alter the Motion as follows:-

Third paragraph:

(i) Insert the word “have” between the words “would” and “allow” on the second line
(ii) Delete the word “allow” and insert the word “allowed”

Fourth paragraph:

(i) Delete the word “Hopes” and insert the word “Believes” on the first line
(ii) Delete the words “will indicate support for this as a first step” and insert the words “should embody within its provisions the aims of the Local Planning Authorities Energy and Energy Efficiency Bill” on the second line

Fifth Paragraph:

Delete the words “related legislative proposals” and insert the words “the aims of the Local Planning Authorities Energy and Energy Efficiency Bill”.

The Council agreed to the alternations without debate.

On being put with none dissenting and the Mayor abstaining, the Motion was declared carried.
C.988The Worshipful the Mayor ruled that there was insufficient time available for this debate.
C.989(a) The Council’s representative on the Greater Manchester Police Authority, Councillor Cohen, gave an oral report on the work of that particular Joint Authority.

(b) There were no written questions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.2 relating to the function of the Joint Authorities
C.990There were no written questions on the work of outside bodies or partnerships on which the Council is represented submitted in accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 11.2.
C.991The following questions were raised by Members in relation to delegated decisions in Minutes included in Digests 9 and 10 (2006/2007):-

(a) Written Question (Notice Given)

1. Issue: Sustainability of the development of Townside Fields, Bury
Questioner: Councillor Boden
Answered by (and Action): Councillor Grime

(b) Oral Question submitted at the meeting without notice
2. Issue: Grants to Voluntary Organisation - Applications for funding from the Community Development Fund (Minute EX.821 of the Executive held on 10 January 2007)
Questioner: Councillor Walker
Answered by (and Action): Councillor G Campbell