Meeting documents

Wednesday, 8th August, 2007 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 8th August, 2007
The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor F A Chaudhry) in the Chair;
Councillors D M Ashworth, P Ashworth, K Audin, L E Baucutt, R L Baum, C A Berry, D B Bigg, K S Briggs, R C A Brown, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, S Cohen, M Connolly, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, I B Gartside, M A Gibb, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, M Hankey, D M Higgin, T Holt, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, S P Penketh, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, J Smith, S J Southworth, B J Sullivan, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, J F Walton, S D Wright and Y S Wright
26 members of the public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence:
R A Bibby, D Boden, J Byrne, A Isherwood, D O’Hanlon, J W H Taylor and M J Wiseman
Item Description Decision

That the amendment as set out below, incorporating the agreed alteration, be approved and adopted:-

“This Council re-affirms its commitment to the construction of a Community High School in Radcliffe, (to be named Radcliffe Riverside School), and, therefore, instructs the responsible members and officers to take all necessary steps to progress the development of the School within the existing timeframe for a January 2009 opening.

This Council confirms that full consultation will take place before any decisions are made regarding School intake numbers.”
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 10.00 pm


C.01Councillors Baucutt, Campbell and Cummings declared personal interests as Members of Governing Bodies of the schools likely to be referred to the debate in Minute C.02 below.
C.02The following Notice of Motion had been received from Councillors Campbell, Connolly, Chamberlain, Baucutt, Gibb, Cummings and Isherwood who had convened this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council to debate it for the reasons set out below:-

Reasons for convening this Extraordinary Meeting of the Council

- “The Executive has already agreed the construction of a 900 place High School and the current amended proposals make a radical ad significant change to that decision.
- The amended proposals will undoubtedly lead to a significant and yet undefined delay which will seriously jeopardise the future of the school.
- Full consultation with interested and relevant parties has not taken place and is, therefore, seriously flawed”

Motion to be debated

“This Council re-affirms its commitment to the Executive decision to build a sixth form of entry (900 places), Community High School in Radcliffe, (to be named Radcliffe Riverside High School) and, therefore, instructs the responsible members and officers to take the necessary steps so that work can begin immediately.

Furthermore, this Council requests the Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission to commission an independent report to investigate the delays associated with the letting of the contract and the construction of the Radcliffe Riverside High School. “

It was moved by Councillor Campbell and seconded by Councillor Connolly that the Motion be approved.

Following a debate on the Motion and after a short adjournment, the following amendment was moved by Councillor Pickstone and seconded by Councillor Davison.

Delete all of the words after “commitment”, so that the motion now reads:

“This Council re-affirms its commitment to the construction of a Community High School in Radcliffe, (to be named Radcliffe Riverside School), and therefore, instructs the responsible members and officers to take all necessary steps to progress the development of the School.

This Council confirms that full consultation will take place before any decisions are made regarding School intake numbers.”

In response to a request from Councillor Campbell as the mover of the original Motion, Councillor Pickstone sought the permission of the Council under Council Procedure Rule 14.7 to alter the wording of the amendment by way of the addition of the following words at the end of the first paragraph after the word “School”, “within the existing timeframe for a January 2009 opening”.

The Council agreed to the alteration without debate.

Before the voting on the amendment at least 8 Members requested that the voting be recorded by way of a recorded vote so as to show how each Member cast their vote.

Following a short adjournment the result of the voting was as follows:-

For the amendment:

Councillors D Ashworth, P Ashworth, Audin, Baucutt, Baum, Berry, Bigg, Briggs, Brown, Campbell, Cassidy, Chamberlain, Cohen, Connolly, Costello, Cummings, D’Albert, Davison, A J Garner, A S Garner, Gibb, Grimshaw, Gunther, Hankey, Higgin, Holt, Magnall, Matthews, Penketh, Pickstone, Redstone, Rothwell, Smith, Southworth, Sullivan, Theckston, Vincent, Walton, S D Wright and Y S Wright. (40)

Against the amendment:

Councillor Creswell (1)

Abstaining from voting

The Worshipful the Mayor and Councillors Gartside and Walker (3)

On being put, the Substantive Motion was approved with 40 Members voting for, 1 Member voting against and 3 abstentions, it was:-