Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th June, 2010 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 30th June, 2010
7.00 pm
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor J Byrne) in the Chair;
Councillors I Ahmed, A Audin, K Audin, R L Baum, I Bevan, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, R C A Brown, R Caserta, D M Cassidy, S Cohen, S Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, M D’Albert, V D’Albert, W J Davison, A S Garner, I B Gartside, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, M Hankey, J Harris, T Holt, S Hurst, A Isherwood, J Lewis, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, N Parnell, S P Penketh, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, B Vincent, R E Walker, S Walmsley, J F Walton, M J Wiseman, S D Wright and Y S Wright.

16 members of the public attended the meeting.

Apologies for absence:
Councillors D M Higgin, T D Pickstone, J Smith and T Tariq.
Item Description Decision
1. Councillor Rothwell declared a personal interest in Minute 88(A), Notice of Motion (Six Town Housing), as he is a Council Tenant.

2. Councillor Garner declared a personal interest following reference to the suspension of a Prestwich Primary Head, during the debate on Six Town Housing, as her husband is Chair of Governors of the school referred to.

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 18 May 2010 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.
The Worshipful the Mayor informed Members of the recent admission to hospital of Councillor John Smith, who was making satisfactory progress. The Council wished Councillor Smith well for a speedy recovery.

The Mayor also reported that on 4 July 2010, he and the Mayoress would be attending a mass to mark their election to office at St Marie’s R C Church, Manchester Road, Bury.

Written notice had been given for questions from the following members of the public:-

1. Mr G Berg
Mrs J Moran
Mrs F Gregory
Mrs V Powell
Mr S Jones
Mr S Hamilton

Suspension of the Board of Six Town Housing and appointment of Interim Board.

Councillor Hankey

2. Mr A Wentworth

Hiring of the Longfield Suite, Prestwich

Councillor Hankey

The Mayor reported that there were no recommendations coming forward from the Cabinet Members and Council Committees for consideration at this meeting.
(a) Written questions (four clear days’ notice given)

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Bibby, made a statement on the work undertaken by him since the date of the last Council meeting. The Leader and the relevant Cabinet Members answered questions raised by Councillors on the following issues:-

1.Senior Officers Pay and percentage increases through National Pay Awards and Review.
Councillor Isherwood
Councillor Gartside

2. Development of a Business Plan for the Longfield Suite, Prestwich.
Councillor S Wright
Councillor Hankey

3.1.Impact of public expenditure cuts.
2.Communication to Council employees
Councillor Holt
Councillor Gartside

4. Publicising Key Decisions.
Councillor Baum
Councillor Bibby

5. Expenditure incurred on Equal Pay.
Councillor Lewis
Councillor Gartside

6. Local Area Partnership and Community Development Grants.
Councillor Garner
Councillor Creswell

7. Local Area Partnership and Community Development Grants.
Councillor Shori
Councillor Creswell

8. Public expenditure and engagement of Trade Unions, Third Sector and other partners.
Councillor Baum
Councillor Gartside

9. Consideration of Public Question Time at Council by Democratic Arrangements Forum.
Councillor Rothwell
Councillor Bibby

10. Refreshing of Local Area Plans.
Councillor Vic D’Albert
Councillor Creswell

11. Longfield Suite, Prestwich - Car Parking.
Councillor Quinn
Councillor Gunther

12. Drinkwater Park, Prestwich.
Councillor O’Hanlon
Councillor Gunther

13.Longfield Suite, Prestwich - Future Use.
Councillor Quinn
Councillor Hankey

14.Events taking place in Heaton Park.
Councillor Garner
Councillor Gunther

15. The Council’s carbon obligation.
Councillor Boden
Councillor Gunther

16. Bulk Waste Removal and Fly Tipping.
Councillor Walmsley
Councillor Gunther

17. Arrangements for waste paper collection.
Councillor Matthews
Councillor Gunther

Due to the lack of time to answer questions 11 to 17 inclusive, the Leader gave an undertaking that copies of the answers to those questions will be circulated to all Councillors.

(b) Oral Questions on the work of the Leader and Cabinet Members since the last Council meeting (without Notice)

18. Improvement of Heaton Park Metrolink Station.
Councillor Walker
Councillor Bibby

19. Removal of free school swimming.
Councillor Holt
Councillor Bibby

20. Availability of Cabinet Member Decisions.
Councillor Isherwood
Councillor Bibby

21.Free Swimming for disabled - Radcliffe.
Councillor Quinn
Councillor Bibby

22.Re-opening of Blackburn Street, Radcliffe.
Councillor Hurst
Councillor Gunther

23.Use of County Courts, Bury.
Councillor Ahmed/Bigg
Councillor Bibby

24. Provision for road repairs.
Councillor O’Hanlon
Councillor Bibby

25.Salary of Chief Executive and future staffing issues.
Councillor Shori
Councillor Bibby

26. Secondary School Provision in Radcliffe.
Councillor Parnell
Councillor Bibby

27. Provision of bus stop near Primary Care Centre in Radcliffe.
Councillor Rothwell
Councillor Bibby

28.Radcliffe Civic Suite - Usage.
Councillor Davison
Councillor Bibby

29.Toilets at Bury Interchange.
Councillor Gunther
Councillor Bibby

Two Notices of Motion have been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:-


The following Motion had been received and set out in the Summons:-

It was moved by Councillor Boden and seconded by Councillor Holt that:-

“This Council is extremely concerned at the way in which the Board of Six Town Housing was dismissed.

We are particularly concerned that there was no reference in the correspondence about this action to the participation in the decision by any Elected Member of this Council.

This appears to be an abrogation of the democratic rights of Councillors which we believe must be challenged in the interest of democracy in Bury.

We, therefore, resolve that the Board of Six Town Housing including tenants and independent Members be reinstated with immediate effect.”

In the names of Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Boden, D Cassidy, S Costello, A Cummings, J Grimshaw, T Holt, A Isherwood, J Lewis, A Matthews, N Parnell, A Quinn, R Shori, T Tariq and S Walmsley.

(Following advice the word “recommended” was substituted for “resolved” in Paragraph 4).

An amendment was moved by Councillor Garner and seconded by Councillor Baum that:-

“This Council is extremely concerned at the events, which have led to the Board of Six Town Housing being dismissed.

We, therefore recommend that the appointment of a new Board of Six Town Housing comprising tenants, councillors and independent members be undertaken as soon as practicable, at least by the AGM of Six Town Housing in November 2010.

We further recommend that an All-Party Group be established to review the events that led up to the dismissal of the Board, and to consider any changes that need to be made to ensure strong governance for Six Town Housing.”

The amendment on being put, and with agreement from the mover to the deletion in Paragraph 3 of an “All-Party Group” and the substitution of “the three Group Leaders”, 29 members voted for, 16 against and with the Mayor abstaining, was declared carried.

The substantive motion on being put, 29 members voted for, none against and 17 abstaining, was declared carried.


The following Motion had been received and set out in the Summons:-

It was moved by Councillor V D’Albert and seconded by Councillor Baum that:-

“This Council notes:

1.The unsustainable high levels of public debt and budget deficit that the country has been left in by the previous Government.

2.That the Government has announced significant cuts to public spending which include £1.6 Billion cuts to local government finances, and that more reductions are expected to follow.

This Council therefore believes that it is imperative that urgent and immediate action is taken to address the impact on Bury Council and the services it provides, in particular;

1.To identify and highlight how best to protect statutory services

2.To identify and highlight how best to protect other frontline services

3.To ensure that other non-frontline but necessary services or administration can continue to provide an effective and efficient service to the authority.

4.To protect as many jobs as possible.

5.To work with partners in the city region and across the North West to safeguard the local and regional economy.

6.Work with our MPs and neighbouring authorities to ensure a fair deal for the region and sub-region in any grant reductions.

This Council therefore resolves that the discussions and decisions relating to these budgetary challenges will take place in an open and transparent manner, including:

1.Welcoming the establishment of the All-Party Overview Working Group on the budget to look into these issues in greater depth.

2.Ensuring that proper scrutiny of any decisions takes place, through the Internal Scrutiny Committee or as appropriate.

3.That ways are found to involve and inform the public in the important decisions about services in the Borough.

4.That all members of Council are kept informed and briefed throughout the process of current savings and discussions for the 2011-2012 Council Budget.”

In the names of Councillors R Baum, M D’Albert, V D’Albert, W Davison, A Garner, D O’Hanlon, T Pickstone and S Wright.

An amendment was moved by Councillor A Isherwood and seconded by Councillor T Holt that:

“This Council notes:

That the Con/Dem Coalition Government has announced significant cuts to public spending which include £1.6 Billion cuts to local government finances, and that more reductions are expected to follow.

This Council believes that it is imperative that urgent and immediate action is taken to address the impact on Bury Council and the services it provides, in particular;

1. To identify and highlight how best to protect statutory services

2. To identify and highlight how best to protect other frontline services

3. To ensure that other non-frontline but necessary services or administration can continue to provide an effective and efficient service to the authority

4. To protect as many jobs as possible

5. To work with partners in the city region and across the North West to safeguard the local, regional and national economy and prevent the country from sliding back into a double dip recession

6. To demand our MP’s lobby the Con/Dem Coalition to ensure a fair deal for the Region and Sub-Region.

This Council therefore resolves that the discussions and decisions relating to these budgetary challenges will take place in an open and transparent manner, including:

1. Welcoming the establishment of the all-Party Overview Working Group
on the budget to look into these issues in greater depth

2. Ensuring that proper scrutiny of any decisions takes place, through the Internal Scrutiny Committee or as appropriate.

3. That ways are found to involve and inform the public, the Trade Unions and the voluntary organisations in the important decisions about services in the Borough

4. That all members of Council are kept informed and briefed throughout the process of current savings and discussions for the 2011-2012 Council Budget.”

The amendment on being put 16 voted for, 29 against with the Mayor abstaining, was declared lost.

The original motion on being put 45 voted for, none against with the Mayor abstaining was declared carried.

At this stage in the proceedings the Mayor informed Members that it being 10.20pm, he would call upon the Leader to move the Closure Motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.

The Leader moved and it was:-


That the whole of the remaining business before the Council be approved.

NOTE: There were no Scrutiny Review Reports and Specific Items “Called-In” by Scrutiny Committees; there were no questions on the work of outside bodies or partnerships; and there were no questions on delegated decisions of Council Committees.

Questions asked of Joint Authority representatives would be circulated subsequently.

The following reports were duly noted/approved following the Closure Motion:

•Bury Council Petition Arrangements
•Contracts Procedure Rules
•Standards Committee Annual Report for 2009/2010
•Bury LDF Core Strategy
•Local Area Partnerships Annual Report for 2009/2010
•Bury Plan 2010/2013

NOTE: The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 10.20 pm.