Meeting documents

Wednesday, 30th January, 2013 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 30th January, 2013
7.00 p.m.
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor J Grimshaw), in the Chair;
Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley,I Bevan, J Black, P Bury, G Campbell, S Carter, R A Caserta, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly, A J Cummings, J Daly, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, I B Gartside, D L Gunther, M Hankey, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt, K Hussain, A Isherwood, M A James, J S Lewis, A Matthews, D O’Hanlon, N A Parnell, T D Pickstone, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori,
A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth, B Vincent, R E Walker, S Walmsley, J F Walton, M J Wiseman and Y Wright.

13 members of the public attended the meeting

Apologies for absence:
Councillors S Briggs, D Jones (Cl), S Nuttall and T Tariq
Item Description Decision
1.Councillor Connolly declared an interest in any item which related to staffing as his partner is an employee of Bury Council.

2.The following members declared personal interests in Minutes C.703 and C.704(2) Notice of Motion, “Supporting Schools”, and in respect of questions to the Leader on School Transport, as they are school governors as set out:
D Bailey - Radcliffe Hall C of E and Methodist Primary School
J Black - St Mary’s C of E Primary School, Prestwich and Sedgley Park Community Primary School, Prestwich
L Fitzwalter - Chair of Governors - Woodhey High School
A Isherwood - Radcliffe Primary School
J Lewis - Radcliffe Primary School
K Rothwell - St Paul’s CE Primary School
John Smith - Derby High School
R Walker - St Gabriel’s RC High School
D Gunther - Derby High School
P Bury - Radcliffe Primary and Member of Board of Bury College
R Caserta - St Monica’s RC School
M Hankey - Elton Community Primary School

3. Councillor Quinn declared a Personal Interest in relation to the FC United “Big Coat Day” as he is a member of FC United.


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 12 December 2012 be signed by the Mayor as a true and correct record.
The Mayor congratulated the following residents of the Borough who had been recognised in the Queen’s Honours List:

•Arthur Smith - British Empire Medal for Services to the Church.
•Hilary Craft - British Empire Medal for Services to Cancer Charities.
•Mayer Hersh - MBE for Services to Holocaust Education.
•Tracy Mort - MBE for Services to the UK Economy.
There were no written questions received under this item. The Mayor then asked members of the public present if they wished to ask questions. These are set out below:-

Bury Ranger Service and Ecology and Wildlife Officer - Analysis of consultation responses Ms N Schrecker and Mr R Trueblood - Councillor Connolly
There were no recommendations before Members.
(a)Written questions (four clear days’ notice given)

The Leader of the Council, Councillor Connolly, made a statement on the work undertaken by him since the date of the last Council meeting. The Leader and the relevant Cabinet Members answered questions raised by Councillors on the following issues:

1.AGMA Improvement and Efficiency Commission
Councillor Pickstone
Councillor Connolly

2.Funding of Trade Union Activities
Councillor Daly
Councillor Connolly

3.Government Spending Review
Councillor Bury
Councillor Isherwood

4.School Transport Charges
Councillor O’Hanlon
Councillor Parnell

5.Denominational School Transport Councillor Caserta
Councillor Parnell

6.Senior Management Posts
Councillor Holt
Councillor Connolly

7.Road and Pavement Repairs
Councillor Pickstone
Councillor Campbell

8.Sharing of back office and front line Council Services
Councillor Gartside
Councillor Connolly

9.Young People in Care
Councillor Matt Bailey
Councillor Parnell

10.Recycling Rates
Councillor O’Hanlon
Councillor Campbell

11.Gin Hall Development
Councillor Daly
Councillor Campbell

12.Bedroom Tax
Councillor Noel Bayley
Councillor Isherwood

13.Local Charities
Councillor Gunther
Councillor Isherwood

14.Radcliffe Town Centre
Councillor Cummings
Councillor Isherwood

15.Adoption Care
Councillor Frith
Councillor Parnell

16.New Bin Provision
Councillor Columbine
Councillor Campbell

17.Life Expectancy Rates
Councillor Southworth
Councillor Shori

18.Derby High School - Sports Hall
Councillor Tariq
Councillor Parnell

19.FC United - ‘Big Coat Day’
Councillor Quinn
Councillor Connolly

20.Third Sector
Councillor Simpson
Councillor Walmsley

21.Procurement in Children’s Services Councillor Fitzwalter
Councillor Parnell

22.Impact of Economic Climate on Bury
Councillor FitzGerald
Councillor Isherwood

23.Township Plans
Councillor Haroon
Councillor Walmsley

Due to the lack of time to answer questions 9 to 23 inclusive, the Leader gave an undertaking that copies of the answers to those questions will be circulated to all Councillors. The Leader also gave an undertaking to make these available on the Council Web Site.

(b) Oral questions on the work of the Cabinet since the last Council meeting (without Notice)

24.Interpretation Service
Councillor Gunther
Councillor Walmsley

25.Night Time Economy - Bury Met Councillor Columbine
Councillor Connolly

26.Enforcement Policies
Councillor O’Hanlon
Councillor Campbell

27.Denominational Transport - Scrutiny Co-opted Membership
Councillor Caserta
Councillor Connolly

28.Withdrawal of Early Intervention Grant
Councillor Quinn
Councillor Parnell

29.Home to School Transport - Consultations
Councillor Caserta
Councillor Connolly

30.Night Time Economy - Ramsbottom
Councillor Bevan
Councillor Connolly
Four Notices of Motion have been received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 12:

1.Governance Arrangements

A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the name of:-

Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta; J Daly; I Gartside, D Gunther, M Hankey, K Hussain, S Nuttall, B Vincent,, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright

It was moved by Councillor Walker and seconded by Councillor Gunther:-

“This Council notes the provisions of Section 21 of the Localism Act 2012 which enable the Council to change its governance arrangements and revert to a committee system.

This Council resolves to change its governance arrangements to a committee system instead of executive/cabinet arrangements with effect from Annual Council in May 2013.

This Council requests officers to prepare detailed proposals for a Committee system and to bring the proposals to Full Council for approval and that Officers undertake the necessary preparation including, as appropriate, briefings, training and modifications to ways of working.”

(During the debate a motion was moved, seconded and carried that the vote be now put)

The motion on being put with 12 voting for, 34 against and one abstention was declared lost.

2.Support for Schools

A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the names of:-

Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley, J Black, S Briggs, P Bury, G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly,
A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt, A Isherwood, M A James, D Jones, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth, T Tariq and S Walmsley.

It was moved by Councillor Parnell and seconded by Councillor Bury:-

“This Council notes that Bury Council has a proud history of helping schools that are required to improve. The Local Education Authority's tried and tested methodology of intervention in a timely manner to offer help, support and guidance to schools has often proven to be the catalyst for raising attainment and enabling schools to achieve and maintain the required standards.

We deplore the Coalition Government firstly in changing the legislation that was designed to help failing schools and secondly for FORCING schools to become academies against the will of schools the governing bodies and parents.”

(During the debate a motion was moved, seconded and carried that the vote be now put).

The motion on being put with 32 for, none against and fifteen abstentions was declared carried.

3.Financial Settlement

A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the name of:-

Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley, J Black, S Briggs, P Bury, G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly,
A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt, A Isherwood, M A James, D Jones, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth, T Tariq and S Walmsley.

It was moved by Councillor Connolly and seconded by Councillor Isherwood:-

“This Council demands that the Tory MP for Bury North, David Nuttall, leads a delegation to see the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government to look again at the settlement for Bury. This delegation to include the MP for Bury South, Ivan Lewis.

Yet again the Borough has suffered a greater percentage cut in funding than other comparable authorities.

The Council demands a fair deal for Bury”

Prior to the vote on the motion, in excess of the required eight Councillors requested that voting be recorded to show how each Member cast their vote, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.5.

The result of the vote was as follows:

For the Motion:

Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley, J Black, P Bury,
G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly, A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt,
A Isherwood, M A James, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, N A Parnell, T Pickstone, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith,
S Southworth and S Walmsley.

Against the Motion:

Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly,, D Gunther, I Gartside, M Hankey, K Hussain, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright.

Abstaining from the Vote:

The Worshipful the Mayor.

The Mayor declared the Motion carried.

4.Bury Ranger Service

A Motion had been received and set out in the Summons in the name of:-

Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly I Gartside, D Gunther, M Hankey,
K Hussain, S Nuttall, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright

It was moved by Councillor Daly and seconded by Councillor Vincent:-

“This Council notes that the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), Team Bury have stated their aspiration for Bury to be “the place of choice to live in Greater Manchester.” “a popular visitor destination”, “the healthiest Borough in the North West”.

This Council further notes the scrutiny report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 28 August 2012 which gives a plan for change update under the heading Leisure Services Review, stating a draft vision of

“ Targeting provision to make a real positive difference to the lifestyles and quality of life of people across all Bury’s various communities.”

“ Health improvements / Public Health Links.”


1)Retain Bury Ranger Service as an important part of the Council’s strategy to achieve these important aspirations.

2)Retain Bury Ranger Service as a central part of the Council’s continuing effort to make a difference to the lifestyles and quality of life of people across the Borough’s various communities. This will also support efforts by the Council to improve the health and well being of all the people within the Borough and help reduce health inequalities.

3)Retain Bury Ranger Service as the best way the Council can act as an enabler to encourage local communities to have ownership and commitment to their local parks and green spaces.”

(During the debate, a motion was moved, seconded and carried that Council Procedure Rule 9.1, “Interruption of the Meeting” be suspended to allow for the disposal of this Notice of Motion)

It was moved by Councillor James and seconded by Councillor Black as an amendment:-

“The deletion of the wording “This Council resolves…..” to the end of the paragraph and its replacement with:-

“This Council notes the substantial work and achievements of the Bury Ranger Service and regrets that the unfair cuts imposed on the Council’s Budget and the threat to jobs and public services, putting vulnerable and disadvantaged people at risk.

It also notes that there is currently a consultation taking place concerning all the cuts to services which may occur as a result.

This Council is confident that those undertaking the consultation, including that on the Ranger Service, will do so openly, transparently and fairly, taking into account all the representations made in the light of the unprecedented cuts to the Council’s Budget, which will be considered at the budget Council on 20 February 2013.”

Prior to the vote on the amendment, in excess of the required eight Councillors requested that voting be recorded to show how each Member cast their vote, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.5.

The result of the vote was as follows:

For the Amendment:

Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley, J Black, P Bury,
G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly, A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt,
A Isherwood, M A James, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth and
S Walmsley.

Against the Amendment

Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, J Gartside, M Hankey, K Hussain, D O’Hanlon, T Pickstone, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright

Abstaining from the Vote:
The Worshipful the Mayor.

The Mayor declared the Amendment carried.

The following Substantive Motion was put before Members:-

“This Council notes that the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), Team Bury have stated their aspiration for Bury to be “the place of choice to live in Greater Manchester.” “a popular visitor destination”, “the healthiest Borough in the North West”.

This Council further notes the scrutiny report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the 28th August 2012 which gives a plan for change update under the heading Leisure Services Review, stating a draft vision of

“ Targeting provision to make a real positive difference to the lifestyles and quality of life of people across all Bury’s various communities.”

“ Health improvements / Public Health Links.”

This Council notes the substantial work and achievements of the Bury Ranger Service and regrets that the unfair cuts imposed on the Council’s Budget and the threat to jobs and public services, putting vulnerable and disadvantaged people at risk.

It also notes that there is currently a consultation taking place concerning all the cuts to services which may occur as a result.

This Council is confident that those undertaking the consultation, including that on the Ranger Service, will do so openly, transparently and fairly, taking into account all the representations made in the light of the unprecedented cuts to the Council’s Budget, which will be considered at the budget Council on 20 February 2013.”

Prior to the vote on the Motion, in excess of the required eight Councillors requested that voting be recorded to show how each Member cast their vote, in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 17.5

The result to the vote was a follows:

For the Motion:

Councillors A Audin, K Audin, D Bailey, M Bailey, N Bayley, J Black, P Bury,
G Campbell, S Carter, D M Cassidy, J Columbine, M Connolly, A J Cummings, E FitzGerald, L Fitzwalter, J Frith, S Haroon, P Heneghan, T Holt,
A Isherwood, M A James, J S Lewis, A K Matthews, N A Parnell, A Quinn, K Rothwell, R Shori, A Simpson, S Smith, J Smith, S Southworth and
S Walmsley.

Against the Motion:

Councillors I Bevan, R Caserta, J Daly, J Gartside,M Hankey, K Hussain, D O’Hanlon, T Pickstone, B Vincent, R Walker, J Walton, M Wiseman and Y Wright

Abstaining from the Vote:

The Worshipful the Mayor.

The Mayor declared the Substantive Motion carried.

The Mayor called upon the Leader to move the Closure Motion in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.

The Leader moved and it was:


That the whole of the remaining business before the Council be approved.

(NOTE: There were no scrutiny review reports or specific items “called in” by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Questions asked of joint Authority representatives and the Crime and Police Panel representative’s report would be circulate subsequently.

The following report was duly approved following the Closure Motion:

Health Reforms - Changes to the Constitution)

There were no scrutiny reports or specific items called in.
To be circulated after the meeting.
There were no questions received under this item.
There were no questions received under this item.
Approved following Closure Motion.
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 10.20 pm.