Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 16th December, 2003 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 11th November, 2003
7:00 p.m.
The Peel Room, Town Hall, Knowsley Street

Attendance Details

Councillor A Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, R Bibby, K S Briggs, D Cassidy, M Connolly, Y Creswell, C Fitzgerald, K Grime, D Gunther, A Matthews and Y Wright
130 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor W Davison
Item Description Decision
P.736 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 7th October, 2003 7:00 p.m.
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee held on 7 October, 2003, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 16 December 2003, in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and, that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the following sites:-

First floor and single storey extensions at therear; two storey and single extension at the side; conservatory at the rear and front porch
5 Craigwell Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward 41324/03

New wing and kitchen extension Hollybank Residential Home,Bolton Road, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward 41262/03

Demolition of filling station sales area and Workshops; erection of new petrol filling sales area and convenience food store Sunnywood Halt Service Station, Bury Road, Tottington, Tottington Ward 41207/03
Delegated decision:

1. That the various planning applications submitted by the Chief Planning Officer be dealt with as set out below:-

(Note: Unless otherwise indicated the conditions attached to any approval and the reasons for any refusal or deferment are set out in the report of the Chief Planning Officer and/or the officer’s supplementary sheets, each of which was submitted at the meeting. These documents also indicated those applications in respect of which representations had been received and which were considered at the meeting).

1. Change of use from petrol filling station to vehicle washing, valet and accessory fitting including two extensions to existing building
41301/03 Fairfield Service Station, Rochdale Old Road, Bury, East Ward - Approved

2. New industrial units (B1, B2 & B8 class uses).
41079/03 Peel Mills Gordon Street, Bury, Moorside Ward - Approved

3. Residential development -26 apartments
41264/03 Land off Brook Street, Bury, Moorside Ward - Minded to Approve subject to Section 106 agreement

4. Two storey side extension to west elevation
41401/03 Cross Hall House Mather Road, Bury, Moorside Ward - Approved

5. Outline development of petrol filling station
40585/03 Site of 65-81 Rochdale Road, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

6. Proposed leisure and linked retail development with associated infrastructure (inclusive of car parking off Spring Street, Cecil Street and Market Street; improved accesses)
40700/03 Land at Spring Street/Angouleme Way, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

7. Change of use from taxi booking office to hot food takeaway
41125/03 56 Moorgate, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

8. First floor extension at rear
41289/03 2-4 Houghton Street, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

9. Change of use from offices to crèche
41358/03 4 Parks Yard, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

10. Two storey extension at front and side; single storey and first floor extensions at rear; including alteration to roof design
41314/03 7 Wadebridge Drive, Bury, Church Ward - Approved

11. Single storey extension at side
41316/03* 6 Mile Lane, Bury, Church Ward - Refused for the following reasons:-
The proposed development would be detrimental to the amenities of the adjacent property by reason of its height, size and position. The proposed development therefore conflicts with the following policy of the Bury Unitary Development Plan: H2/3 - Extensions and Alterations.

12. Outline - residential development one detached dwelling
41375/03 4 Mile Lane, Bury, Church Ward - Approved

13. Change of use from single dwelling to seven bed house in multiple occupation
41400/03 56 Ainsworth Road, Bury, Elton Ward - Approved

14. Single storey garage extension at side/rear; conservatory at rear; new fence and gate on frontage
40991/03 17 Simister Lane, Prestwich, Holyrood Ward -

15. Erection of sports clubhouse; two floodlit external all weather pitches; associated car park, servicing and landscaping; ball stop fencing to grass pitches
40947/03* Manchester MACCABI AFC, Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Minded to Approve

16. Rebuilding of school; external play areas; security fencing and boundary wall
41218/03* Manchester Mesivta, Charlton Avenue, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

17. Dormers at side
41182/0329 Woodward Road, St Mary’s Ward - Application Withdrawn

18. Change of use of first floor flat (Class C3) to additional dental rooms (Class D1)
41302/02 55 Bury Old Road, Kirkhams, Whitefield, St Mary’s Ward - Approved

19. Variation of conditions 2 and 10 of planning permission 33590/97 to extend workings and final restoration until end of January 2004
38240/03 Tower Hill Farm Landfill site Land off Sandford Street, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward - Refused with the recommendation that the Planning Department take enforcement action

20. Siting of two gas storage tanks and 2.4m high steel palisade and paladin fencing along edge of external areas to premises and palisade fence forming a compound around tanks
41214/03* St Anne’s House, North Street, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward
- Approved subject to the following additional condition:-

Condition 5 No development shall take place unless and until a landscaping scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall included screen planting of the gas storage tanks from nearby residential properties and also along the south westerly and south easterly boundaries of the rear yard to the premises. It shall be implemented not later than 12 months from the date the building(s) is first occupied; and any trees or becoming severely diseased within two years of planting shall be replaced by trees or shrubs of a similar size or species to those originally required to be planted.

21. Garden centre canopy and 3M high palisade perimeter fencing
41440/03 Newbank Garden Centre, Bury Road, Radcliffe
Radcliffe Central Ward - Approved

22. Change of use from office/shop to dental surgery
41276/03 11 Church Street, Ainsworth, Radcliffe North Ward - Approved

23. Erection of 2.4M high fencing and gates
41304/03 Radcliffe Primary School, Coronation Road, Radcliffe, Radcliffe North Ward - Approved

24. Extension/alterations to roof including raising ridge by approx. 1.5 meters and front and rear dormers
41272/03 Delamere Avenue, Whitefield, Radcliffe South Ward - Approved

25. Change of use from Class A1 (shop) to Class A3
41278/03 5 Deansgate, Radcliffe, Radcliffe South Ward - Approved

26. Ground floor kitchen extension at rear
41298/03 9 Nipper lane, Whitefield, Radcliffe South Ward - Approved

27. Erection of two storey 93 place children’s day nursery (use Class D1)
41399/03 Land opposite Lock Keeper Public House, Millbank, Pilkington Way, Radcliffe, Radcliffe South Ward - Approved

28. New church building and disabled access ramp
41201/03 Land adjacent Summerseat Primary School, Rowlands Road, Ramsbottom Ward - Deferred

29. Demolition of bungalow and garage; erection of new dwelling and detached single garage
41260/03 The Bungalow, Nuttall Hall Road, Ramsbottom, Ramsbottom Ward - Refused

29. Two storey extension at side, single storey extension at front/side
41319/03 2 The Paddock, Ramsbottom, Bury, Ramsbottom Ward - Approved

30. Erection of prefabricated concrete garage at rear (resubmission)
41407/03 Tottington Motor Company, Market Street, Tottington,
Tottington Ward - Approved subject to the following additional condition:-

Condition 4. No work or other activity shall take place on the site on Sundays or Bank Holidays and all work and other activity on other days shall be confined to the following hours:- 0830 hrs to 1830hrs, Mondays to Saturdays.

31. Residential development -27 dwellings
40944/03 Land at Albert Mill, Albert Road, Whitefield, Besses Ward - Minded to Approve subject to Section 106 agreement

32. Car parking facilities and bus turning area
40756/03 Whitefield Metrolink Station, Bury New Road, Whitefield, Pilkington Park Ward - Approved

(Note - those application numbers marked* indicate that a site visit has taken place by the Committee).
Delegated decision:

1. That it be agreed for action to be taken to stem the erosion of the area character by taking a proactive and strong line on development control and enforcement issues by producing area specific guidance and by direct involvement in area enhancement.

2. That in response to the appraisal and the observations received approval be given to the following actions:

(a) The extension of the conservation area to include the planted areas to the west of the village as detailed on page 4 of the appraisal.

(b) This should follow additional works for the management of this area of trees including the removal of sections of woodland to re-open and control views into and out of the village.

(c) For the Council to undertake a phased programme of minor repair and improvement work to the sett road way within the village and to propose additional areas for car parking in locations and to designs that would not adversely affect the character of the area. These new spaces will be on land within the Council’s ownership and will be available for rent to area residents.

(d) The production of a Mount Pleasant Design and Enhancement Guide to assist all residents in improving their properties in a sympathetic way as well as the Council in its enhancement proposals. This should cover gap sites and open land, extensions, materials, windows and doors, cleaning of stonework, architectural details, garages and detailed alterations and should allow for some variety in dealing with detailing. It is suggested that consultants are engaged to produce this guidance as soon as possible.

(e) The appraisal makes reference to the damage to area character caused by a range of alterations. One of the most harmful is the use of UPVC (plastic) materials. New UPVC windows, doors and detailing shall not be authorised.

(f) Authority for officers to negotiate the removal of unauthorised UPVC additions to buildings and to report back with a view to formal enforcement action being taken where progress cannot be made.

(g) Authority for officers to negotiate on the relocation or painting of such features as satellite dishes, aerials and alarm boxes, and other unauthorised additions to buildings, and to report with a view to formal enforcement action being taken where progress cannot be made.

(h) Action on a range of other alterations to await the outcome of the production of the design guide.
Delegated decision:

That approval be given to the Tree Preservation Order relating to the Jewish Grammar School Prestwich as detailed in the map and schedule (file TP241) submitted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 10:00pm


P.735Members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had an interest in any matters to be discussed at the meeting. None were declared
P.739A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted regarding the Council’s Heritage Strategy which is committed to a programme of producing conservation area appraisals. The appraisals are aimed at identifying special characteristics and significance of areas to produce appropriate policies and actions to achieve their conservation and enhancement. Mount Pleasant which as been chosen for the first full appraisal and will act as a pilot for the remaining areas within the Borough, this is due to concerns regarding the future erosion of the areas character and the scale of unauthorised work to dwellings in the area. A draft appraisal was produced in June 2003 and was circulated to local residents, Ward Councillors and other interested groups requesting comments before proposals were made on a way forward.

The report provided details of the key issues in the appraisal and the responses form the consultation and put forward a range of broad actions relating to specific policies; enforcement decisions; guidance for area residents; area enhancement works and the means of implementation.
P.740A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted regarding a recommendation for the confirmation of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury (Jewish Grammar School, Prestwich) Tree Preservation Order 2003.
P.741A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted summarising the outcome of some recent appeals and appeals still awaiting a result.