Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 18th September, 2012 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 21st August, 2012
7.00 pm
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor A J Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, M Bailey, S Briggs, R Caserta, J Columbine, D O’Hanlon, S Southworth, R E Walker and Y S Wright
In excess of 100 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors S Carter, D Jones and A Matthews
Item Description Decision
P.239 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 17th July, 2012 7.00 pm
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July 2012 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

54991 - Land at the rear of 353 and 365, including Beechwood Bungalow, Bury Road, Tottington - Tottington Ward

Outline application for residential development of 30 dwellings including details of access.

55359 - Land to the rear of 2-16 Hillside Road, Ramsbottom - Ramsbottom Ward

Demolition of redundant garages and erection of four dwellings.

55375 - 2-4 Stopes Road, Radcliffe - Radcliffe North Ward

Variation of condition No. 4 of planning permissions 50435 and 55036 to amend the opening hours to 1000 - 1600hrs Sundays and 1000 - 1400 Bank Holidays (Excluding Christmas Day and Easter Sunday).

55386 - The Old Toll House, Brookbottom Road, Radcliffe - Radcliffe East Ward

Retrospective application for change of use of land to residential and erection of wall fence.

55405 - 137 Bury New Road and 33 Sefton Street, Whitefield - Pilkington Park Ward

Retrospective planning application for a partially built wall and timber fence to rear of 137 Bury New Road and 33 Sefton Street.

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Development Manager in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:

55003 - Land at Spen Moor, Bury and Bolton Road, Radcliffe - Radcliffe East Ward

Outline - Residential development of 191 dwellings, creation of ecological enhancement ponds and access off Bury and Bolton Road.

55346 - Land adjacent The Mount, 150 Hollins Lane, Bury - Unsworth Ward

Erection of new detached dwelling.

3. That the following application be Refused for the reason set out:

55055 - 142 Hollins Lane, Bury - Unsworth Ward

Erection of dwelling.


1. The proposed development would fail to meet the recreational needs of the prospective residents. Therefore, the proposed development would be in conflict with Policy RT2/2 - Recreation Provision in New Housing Development of Bury Unitary Development Plan and SPD1 - Open Space, Sport and Recreation Provision.

2. There was a lack of information in relation to the culverted watercourse passing across the site and its potential impact upon the proposed development.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

1. That the report be noted.
2. That as part of the next report on this issue, information be provided on the outcomes of appeals against the decisions taken by the Committee.
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.35 pm


P.238Councillor K Audin declared prejudicial interests in respect of Minute P. 240, “Planning Applications”, in so far as it related to Applications 55055 and 55346, as Councillor Ann Audin would be addressing Members of the Committee as a Ward Councillor. Councillor K Audin left the meeting during consideration of these applications.
P.240A report by the Development Manager was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 54991, 55003, 55055, 55346, 55375 and 55405.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker. The Chair allowed two objectors to speak against Application 55003, and in the interests of fairness asked if anyone other than the applicant wished to speak in favour of the application. No-one came forward.

Two elected members spoke against Application 55003, and elected members also spoke against Applications 54991, 55055 and 55346.
P.241A report by the Development Manager was submitted listing all recent Planning Application decisions made by officers using delegated powers.
P.242A report by the Development Manager was submitted which presented a list of recent planning appeals lodged and recent enforcement appeals determined.