Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 20th January, 2004 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 16th December, 2003
7:00 p.m.
The Peel Room, Town Hall, Knowsley Street

Attendance Details

Councillor A Cummings (In the Chair)
Councillors K Audin, R Bibby, D Cassidy,
M Connolly, Y Creswell, C Fitzgerald, K Grime, D Gunther, A K Matthews and Y Wright
110 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors K S Briggs and W Davison
Item Description Decision
P.943 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 11th November, 2003 7:00 p.m.
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meetings of the Committee held on 11 November, 2003, be approved as a correct record subject to correction of the date and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

That consideration of the following applications be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 20 January 2004, in view of the fact that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding area is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings and, that arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the following sites:-

(Outline) residential development - 8 three storey townhouses.
41537/03 286-288 Walshaw Road, Bury (including land at rear of 60-66 Goodlad Street), Elton Ward

Block of three stables and schooling ring.
41390/03 Three Gables, 49 Arthur Lane, Ainsworth Radcliffe North Ward

Demolition of existing house and erection of new detached house.
41434/03 400 Holcombe Road, Greenmount, Tottington Ward
Delegated decision:

1. That the various planning applications submitted by the Chief Planning Officer be dealt with as set out below:-

(Note: Unless otherwise indicated the conditions attached to any approval and the reasons for any refusal or deferment are set out in the report of the Chief Planning Officer and/or the officer’s supplementary sheets, each of which was submitted at the meeting. These documents also indicated those applications in respect of which representations had been received and which were considered at the meeting).

1. Removal of condition Number 14 “for the provision of affordable housing” on previously approved planning permission 39811/02
41374/03 Land off Bridge Hall Lane, Bury, East Ward - Refused

2. Construction of new industrial units with additional access to highway
41423/03 Land at Bridge Hall Lane, Bury, East Ward - Refused

3. Residential development - 11 apartments
41473/03 Land adjacent the Gatehouse, Bridgefield Drive, Bury, East Ward
Minded to approve subject to a 106 agreement for the payment of a commuted sum towards recreation provision

4. Multi use games area
41470/03 Hartley Gardens off Ribble Drive, Bury, Moorside Ward - Approved subject to the following additional condition:
Condition 4. A landscaping scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development. It shall be implemented not later than 12 months from the date the building(s) facility comes into use; and any trees or shrubs removed, dying or becoming severely diseased within two years of planting shall be replaced trees or shrubs of a similar size to those originally required to be planted.

5. Outline residential development (apartments)
41506/03 Works opposite 101 Mather Road, Bury, Moorside Ward
Minded to approve subject to referral to the Government Office North West for approval

6. Outline - single storey warehouse (Class B8) and amended layout of existing parking and servicing area
41468/03 Land at Pilots Works, Alfred Street, Bury, Redvales Ward - Approved

7. Partial demolition; conversion of main house to four flats and extensions to create seven new flats (total of 11 flats)
41267/03 511 - 513 Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Holyrood Ward - Refused

8. Two storey and single storey extensions at rear and side
41318/03 40 Brooklands Road, Prestwich, Holyrood Ward - Approved

9. First floor and single storey extensions at the rear; two storey and single extension at the side; conservatory at the rear and front porch
41324/03* 5 Craigwell Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

10. Residential development -1 detached house
41397/03 12 Park Avenue, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

11. Residential development -2 dwellings
41428/03 10 Bishops Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

12. Reserved matters - erection of block of forty eight apartments and eight penthouses with associated basement car parking
41469/03 Former Claremont Elderly Persons home, Bury New Road/Park View Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward Minded to approve subject to a 106 agreement concerning recreational provision under UDP Policy RT2/2 and the provision of public artwork.

13. Two storey side and rear extensions
41493/03 1 West Meade, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

14. Change of use from residential flat (Class C3) to aromatherapy and massage treatment centre
41505/03 63a Bury Old Road, Prestwich, Sedgley Ward - Approved

15. Residential development -four story block of fourteen apartments
41461/03 11 Clarks Hill, Prestwich, St Mary’s Ward -
Application withdrawn

16. First floor side extension
41518/03 58 Rectory Lane, Prestwich, St Mary’s Ward - Approved

17. New wing and kitchen extension
41262/02* Hollybank Residential Home, Bolton Road, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward - Approved subject to the following additional condition:
Condition 8. The proposed windows and doors located on the elevation facing Dean Street shall be fitted and maintained with obscure glass.

18. Multi use games area
41467/03 Bolton Road Park, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward - Approved

19. Erection of 2.5 metre high fencing and gates
41540/03 Fragrance Oils (Int.) Ltd, Eton Hill Industrial Estate, Eton Hill Road, Radcliffe, Radcliffe Central Ward - Approved subject to the following additional conditions:
Condition 3. Samples of fencing shall be submitted to, and approved by the Local Planning Authority, before the development is commenced.
Condition 4. A landscaping scheme shall be submitted to, and approved by the, Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of the development. It shall be implemented not later than 12 months from the date of the building(s) facility comes into use; and any trees or shrubs removed, dying or becoming severely diseased within two years of planting shall be replaced by trees or shrubs of a similar size or species to those originally required to be planted.

20. Residential Development - sixteen flats
41406/03 Land at Church Street/Stone Delph Close, Ainsworth Radcliffe North Ward - Minded to approve subject to a 106 agreement for the payment of a commuted sum towards recreation provision

21. Residential development -eighteen dwellings (submission of house types) 41219/03 Land at Radcliffe Paper Mill, Johnson Street, Radcliffe
Radcliffe South Ward - Approved

22. Residential development -103 dwellings (revision to approved scheme) 41515/03 Land at Radcliffe Paper Mill, Johnson Street, Radcliffe
Radcliffe South Ward - Minded to approve subject to a variation to the 106 agreement relating to planning permission ref.36520/00 to deal with recreational provision, ecological mitigation and provision of artwork

23. New Church building and disabled access ramp
41201/03 Land adjacent to Summerseat Primary School, Rowlands Road, Bury Ramsbottom Ward - Approved

24. Change of use and alterations to create two hot food takeaway and office (A3), tow storey extension at rear
41548/03 10-12 Railway Street, Ramsbottom, Bury, Ramsbottom Ward - Refused for the following reasons:
1. The proposed development will result in an over concentrate of Class A3 (food and drink) uses which would adversely change the character of Ramsbottom Town Centre contrary to Policy S2/6 - Food and Drink of the adopted Bury Unitary Development Plan.
2. The proposed development makes no provision for car parking and is therefore contrary to Policy S2/6 - Food and Drink of the adopted Bury Development Plan.

25. Demolition of filling station sales area and workshops, erection of new petrol filling sales area and convenience food store
41207/03 Sunnywood Halt Service Station, Bury Road, Tottington, Tottington Ward - Application withdrawn

26. Outline - alterations to and conversion of redundant mill to create apartments; improvements to existing access road
41564/03 Bleaklow Mill, Bolton Road, Hawkshaw, Tottington Ward - Approved subject to the following additional condition:

Condition 15. A suitable noise survey shall be conducted in accordance with PPG24 (Planning and Noise 1994) to determine the suitability of the site for development and the possible requirement for acoustic measures. The results shall be submitted as part of the reserved matters application and any agreed measures carried out before the occupation of the dwellings.

27 Two linked single storey accommodation units for residents with learning difficulties
41250/03 Land at Lostock Walk/Roch Crescent, Whitefield, Besses Ward - Approved

28. Car Park 41504/03 Sedgley Park RUFC, Park Lane, Whitefield, Pilkington Park Ward - Approved

29. Industrial and Warehousing building (Classes B1, B2 and B8)
41448/03 Land at Roach Bank Road, Pilsworth, Bury Unsworth Ward - Approved

30. Two storey extension at rear; side extension and extension to existing front dormer
41475/03 6 Albany Drive, Bury, Unsworth Ward - Approved

(Note - those application numbers marked* indicate that a site visit has taken place by the Committee).

Councillor Grime left the meeting during consideration of application number 41475/03 and took no part the in decision.
Delegated decision:

1. That approval be given to the Tree Preservation Order relating to the Elton Vale Works as detailed in the map and schedule (file TP247) submitted.

2. That the Chief Planning Officer be requested to investigate the possible breach of the Tree Preservation Order for trees within the area of Land known as “the Lodges”, Walshaw and take appropriate action.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
7:00pm - 9:20pm


P.942Members of the Committee were asked to consider whether they had an interest in any matters to be discussed at the meeting. The following Councillors declared interests and took no part in consideration or voting on the applications referred to below:

- Councillor Connolly - application number 41469/03
- Councillor Cassidy - application number 41470/03
- Councillor Fitzgerald - application number 41540/03

Councillor Connolly also declared a personal interest in application numbers 41473/03 and 41250/03 and voted on the applications.
P.946A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer was submitted regarding a recommendation for the confirmation of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury (Elton Vale Works) Tree Preservation Order 2003.

Councillor Bibby referred to an area of land known as
P.947A report of the Borough Planning and Economic Development Officer wassubmitted summarising the outcome of some recent appeals made by the Planning Inspectorate and listing the appeals lodged since the last report submitted to the Committee.