Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 20th July, 2010 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 15th June, 2010
Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor W Davison (In the Chair)
Councillors I Ahmed, K Audin, S Cohen, M D’Albert, M Hankey, J Harris, A K Mathews, A Quinn, R E Walker, and Y S Wright
85 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillor A J Cummings
Item Description Decision
P.40 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 25th May, 2010 7:00pm
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 May 2010 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That Approval be given to the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Chief Planning Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

52503 Chapelfield County Primary School, Clough Street, Radcliffe, Manchester - Radcliffe West Ward
Replacement 2.4 metre high paladin boundary fence and gates

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Chief Planning Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:

52395 Site of Claremont Old Peoples Home, Park View Road, Prestwich, Manchester - Sedgley Ward
Extend the time limit for implementation on planning permission 43846 for residential development - block of 36 apartments, 14 duplex (2 storey) apartments and 2 roof mounted penthouses

3.That application number 52374 regarding The Dragon, Parr Lane, Whitefield (Unsworth Ward) for the demolition of existing public house and redevelopment to form 348 square metres gross ground floor retail unit with B1 office over and associated works (Resubmission of 52029) be refused for the following reason:-

1)The proposed retail development would be in excess of 200 square metres and is considered to be of a scale that would adversely impact the viability of the centre and is therefore inappropriate to this neighbourhood centre and contrary to Policies S1/5 - Neighbourhood Centres and Local Shops and S2/1 - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
2)The proposed retail development would be in excess of 200 square metres and is considered to be of a scale that would adversely impact upon the viability of other shopping centres and existing retail facilities in the vicinity of the site namely (Unsworth Pole/Parr Lane, Sunnybank Road, Rufford Drive, Albert Place/Ribble Drive) contrary to Policy S2/1 - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
3)The application site is located within a heavily trafficked area and the proposed parking and servicing facilities by reason of their scale and design would result in significant potential for increasing traffic congestion and creating conflict with other road users to the detriment of the free low of traffic in the area contrary to policies EN1/2(e) - Townscape and Built Design and S2/1(d) - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
4)The proposed servicing arrangements are considered to be inadequate to facilitate the needs of large articulated service vehicles and furthermore are located in a part of the site which would create conflict with other vehicles and pedestrians accessing the site contrary to policies HT6/1 - Pedestrian and Cyclist Movement, S2/1 - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria and EN1/2(e) - Townscape and Built Design of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
5)The proposed development by reason of its size, design and location and disposition of parking and servicing facilities would adversely affect the amenity of adjacent residential properties contrary to policy EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design and S2/1(d) - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.
6)The proposed development by reason of its scale and location within the site is in close proximity to adjacent properties to the detriment of their residential amenities contrary to policies En1/2 - Townscape and Built Design and S2/1(d) - All New Retail Proposals Assessment Criteria of the Bury Unitary Development Plan.

4.That application number 52510 regarding 2 Bury Old Road, Whitefield
(Holyrood Ward) for change of use from shop (A1) with associated living accommodation to hot food takeaway (A5) with associated living accommodation be refused for the following reason:-

1) The proposal is likely to lead to parking on the main road and side street which would be detrimental to the free flow of traffic and would adversely affect highway safety. As such the proposal is contrary to the adopted Bury Council Unitary Development Plan Policy S2/6 - Food and Drink.
2) The proposal is likely to generate noise nuisance and disturbance from its users which would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities of nearby residential properties. As such the proposal would conflict with adopted Bury Council Unitary Development Plan Policy S2/6 Food and Drink.

Delegated Decision:

1.That approval be given to divert part of Public Footpath Number 61, Tottington and close part of Public Footpath Number 62, tottington to allow improved security and land management for the applicant.

2.That the Council Solicitor be authorised to draft the necessary orders.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

1.That the report be noted.

2.That the Chief Planning Officer forward copies of the Planning Policy guidance in relation to neighbour consultations to members of the Committee, for information.
The meeting started at 7.00pm and ended at 8.15pm


P.39Councilllor Cohen declared a prejudicial interest in respect of Planning Application 52374, relating to The Dragon, Parr Lane as Chair of Governors of Unsworth Primary School. The Headteacher of Unsworth Primary School had addressed the Committee at the Site Visit in relation to this application speaking against the application on behalf of the school. Councillor Cohen left the meeting during consideration of this application.
P.41A report by the Chief Planning Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 52374, 52503 and 52510.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker.

Councillor Grimshaw spoke as a Ward representative in respect of application 52374.

Prior to the meeting the Committee undertook a site visit in respect of planning application 52374.
P.42A report of the Chief Engineer was submitted relating to an application from Mr D Webster, Birch Hey Farm, Turton Road, Tottington. The application seeks approval to the diversion of part of public footpath 61, Tottington and closure of part of public footpath 62.
P.43A report by the Chief Planning Officer was submitted which presented a summary of recent decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate regarding appeals against planning application decisions and planning enforcement action. Details of appeals lodged against the delegated decision of the Chief Planning Officer and other enforcement action were also included.
P.44A report of the Chief Planning Officer was submitted listing all decisions relating to Planning Applications taken between 12 May 2010 and 2 June 2010.