Meeting documents

Planning Control Committee
Tuesday, 20th November, 2007 7.00 pm

Tuesday, 23rd October, 2007
Peel Room, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor S Cohen (In the Chair)
Councillors P Ashworth, K Audin, C Berry, T Chamberlain, M Connolly, A J Cummings, W J Davison, A K Matthews, D O’Hanlon, J W H Taylor and Y S Wright
35 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:
Councillors P H Redstone
Item Description Decision
P.365 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 18th September, 2007 7:00pm
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 18 September 2007 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

1. That consideration of the following application be deferred to the next scheduled meeting of this Committee on 20 November 2007:

48290 Prestwich Heys Football Club, Sandgate Road, Whitefield - Holyrood Ward
Retention of changing rooms, store, toilets, clubhouse and fencing; installation of six floodlighting units including surfacing and landscaping of car park

2. That arrangements be made for the Committee to visit the above site for the reason that the impact of the proposed development on the surrounding areas is difficult to appreciate from photographs and drawings.
Delegated decision:

1. That Approval be given to the following applications in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

48534 Land at Chadwick Street, Bury - Bury East Ward
Detached single storey garage to be used as storage building (retrospective)

48605 Bury Football Club Co Ltd, Gigg Lane, Bury - Redvales Ward
Installation of ATM cash machine on front elevation of social club

48308 Holly Mount School Hollymount Lane, Greenmount - North Manor Ward
Remediation of playing fields levels, playground extension and multi-use games area

48650 49 Bury New Road, Prestwich - Sedgley Ward
Temporary consent for 18 months for two storage containers at rear (refrigeration units to be disabled)
Approval is subject to the addition of the following Conditions:

Condition 5. The containers hereby approved shall be re-coloured in the existing colour within 2 months of the date of this approval, to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority, and thereafter maintained for the duration of this temporary consent.
Reason. In the interests of visual amenity pursuant to Policy EN1/2 - Townscape and Built Design of Bury Unitary Development Plan.

Condition 6. The storage containers hereby approved shall not be open for use or access except between the hours of 08:00hrs and 20:00hrs on any day.
Reason. To protect the residential amenity of the occupiers of the adjacent residential properties.

48669 Butterstile County Primary School, School Grove, Prestwich - St Mary’s Ward
Two new classrooms on south elevation; headteachers courtyard; conversion of part of school to children’s centre with new entrance on west elevation

48544 Land at entrance to and units 1A, B, The Gatehouse, Bealey Industrial Estate, Dumers Lane, Radcliffe - Radcliffe East Ward
Change of use of land and building to hand car wash
Approval is subject to the addition of the following Condition:

Condition 7. No development approved by this permission shall be commenced until a scheme for the provision of surface water drainage works has been approved by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme shall be completed in accordance with the approved plans.
Reason: To reduce the increased risk of flooding by ensuring the provision of a satisfactory means of surface water disposal.

48568 Dungeon Hotel, 9 turton Road, Tottington - Tottington Ward
Proposed smoking canopy at ground floor, at rear (revised scheme)

48657 228 Bury New Road, Whitefield - Pilkington Park Ward
Change of use from Class B1 (Business) to Class A1 (Retail)
Approval is subject to an additional Condition as follows:

Condition 3. Before the use is commenced a scheme shall be submitted for approval by the Local Planning Authority to provide physical barriers to the use of the forecourt by vehicles (eg by bollards or other boundary treatment). Such scheme shall then be implemented prior to the use of the premises as a retail business and retained at all time thereafter.
Reason. To ensure the free flow of vehicles on the adjacent highways and to prevent conflict between pedestrians and vehicles in accordance with Bury Unitary Development Plan Policy S2/1 All New Retail Proposals: Assessment Criteria.

2. That the Committee be Minded to Approve the following application in accordance with the reasons put forward by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer in the report and supplementary information submitted and subject to the conditions included:-

48384 Land at the Rock and Rochdale Road, (known as the Rock Triangle), Bury - Bury East Ward
Mixed use development comprising shopping, financial and professional services and food and drink uses within the A1, A2, A3, A4 and a5 use classes; residential use within Class C3 comprising 397 units; assembly and leisure uses within the D1 and D2 use classes; nightclub use; multi-storey and other car parking; new streets, highways and other means of circulation and other associated works and facilities.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

That the report be noted
7:00pm - 8:40pm


P.364Councillor D O’Hanlon declared a prejudicial interest in respect of application 48669 and left the meeting room during consideration of the application.
P.367A report by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer was submitted in relation to various applications for planning permission. Supplementary information was also submitted in respect of application numbers: 48384, 48605, 48308, 48650, 48669, 48544 and 48657.

The Committee heard representations from applicants and/or objectors in respect of the applications submitted. This was limited to three minutes for each speaker.

P.368A report by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) was submitted providing a copy of a report submitted to the Executive on 17 October 2007. The report detailed the “Draft Guidance” for standards required in the submission of Planning Applications. The guidance would form the basis of the amended regulations in April 2008.
P.369A report by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) was submitted providing a brief analysis of performance within Development Control for Planning Applications and Appeals for the first half of the year 2007/08.
P.370A report by the Assistant Director (Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services) was submitted, which summarised and updated the Planning Enforcement Activity for the Period 1 July 2007 to 30 September 2007.

The Committee congratulated officers for their good work within the Borough, in particular work relating to Section 106 contravention issues and the various enforcement notices served.
P.371A report by the Borough Planning, Engineering and Transportation Services Officer was submitted which presented a summary of recent decisions made by the Planning Inspectorate. Details of recent appeals lodged against Enforcement Notices were included.