Meeting documents

Wednesday, 29th June, 2005 7.00 pm

Wednesday, 18th May, 2005
The Council Chamber, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

The Worshipful the Mayor (Councillor E B Briggs) in the Chair;
Councillors K Audin, R A Bibby, D B Bigg, D Boden, K S Briggs, R C A Brown, J Byrne, G Campbell, L E Campbell, W A Campbell, D M Cassidy, T P Chamberlain, S Cohen, M Connolly, J P Costello, Y Creswell, A J Cummings, V D D’Albert, W J Davison, W Flood, A J Garner, A S Garner, I B Gartside, M A Gibb, J Grimshaw, D L Gunther, D M Higgin, T Holt, K Hussain, S P Magnall, A K Matthews, R H J Nuttall, S R Perkins, T D Pickstone, P H Redstone, K Rothwell, G Sharkey, J Smith, S J Southworth, J W H Taylor, B Theckston, S J Treadgold, B Vincent, R E Walker, J F Walton, M J Wiseman and Y S Wright
6 members of the public attended the meeting
Apologies for absence:
Councillors S Costello, E K Grime and A Isherwood

Item Description Decision
C.01 Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday, 6th April, 2005 7.00pm
  • Minutes

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 6 April 2005 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.

1. That the Executive Portfolios for 2005/2006 be as set out below:-

Leader (all)
Quality Council (Resource and Performance)
Health and Wellbeing
Environment and Transport
Children and Young People
Community Engagement and User Focus
Learning, Skills and Employment
Safer and secure Communities

2. That the Scrutiny Structure for 2005/2006 be as set out below:-

Children and Young People Scrutiny Commission
Healthier Communities Scrutiny Commission
Safe, Strong and Confident Communities Scrutiny Commission
Economy, Environment and Transport Scrutiny Commission
Resource and Performance Scrutiny Panel

3. That the revised Timetable of Meetings for 2005/2006 as submitted, be approved.

1. That the appointment of the Political Group Leaders and Deputy Group Leaders as set out in Appendix A to these Minutes be received.

2. That the appointment of the Leader, Deputy Leader and Executive Members, including the allocation of Portfolios, and the appointment of Lead Members and allocation of the Lead Member Roles for the 2005/2006 Municipal Year be as set out in Appendix B to these Minutes.

3. That the appointment of the Regulatory Committees, Scrutiny Panel/Commissions and other bodies covered by the political balance rules, including the appointment of Chairs where stated, be as set out in Appendix C to these Minutes taking into consideration the decisions contained in Minute C.04 above.

4. That the appointment of the Standards Committee, Area Boards and other bodies not covered by or exempted from the political balance rules, including the appointment of Chairs where stated, be as set out in Appendix D to these Minutes.

5. That the appointments to the Greater Manchester Joint Authorities be as set out in Appendix E to these Minutes.

6. That the appointments to the various other internal bodies, including the appointment of Chairs where stated, be as set out in Appendix F to these Minutes.

7. That the appointments to outside bodies be as set out in Appendix G to these Minutes.

8. That, where necessary, the Council Constitution be amended to take into account the above recommendations.

9. That the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leaders of the three political groups on the Council, be authorised to determine any appointments to bodies which remain to be filled and any changes in appointments or any new appointments to be made during the 2005/2006 Municipal Year and that any such appointments be reported to the Executive for information.

That the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2004/2005 be accepted.

That the Area Initiatives Annual Report for 2004/2005 be accepted.

That Councillor Steven John Treadgold be duly elected Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2005/2006.

The newly-elected Mayor then occupied the Chair, made and signed the Declaration required by the Local Government Act 1972 and thanked the Council for the honour conferred on him in electing him Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury.

1. That Councillor Edward Barry Briggs be appointed Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2005/2006.

2. That this Council hereby expresses its thanks to Councillor Edward Barry Briggs and Councillor Katherine Sharon Briggs for the diligent manner in which they had undertaken the duties of Mayor and Mayoress of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury during the Municipal Year now ending and places on record its appreciation of their devotion to and performance of the important duties attaching to their offices and that medallions be presented to Councillor Briggs and Councillor Mrs Briggs as tokens of appreciation of their services as Mayor and Mayoress.

The Worshipful the Mayor then presented medallions to Councillor Briggs and Councillor Mrs Briggs.

The newly-elected Deputy Mayor then made and signed the Declaration required by the Local Government Act 1972, thanked the Council for his appointment as Deputy Mayor and expressed the thanks of Councillor Mrs Briggs and himself for their year of office.
Note: Part 1 of the meeting started at 2.00 pm and ended at 3.05 pm
Part 2 of the meeting started at 4.00 pm and ended at 5.00 pm


C.02The Worshipful the Mayor expressed his thanks to Members of the Council for the excellent manner in which they had served the Metropolitan Borough of Bury during the past year.

The Mayor expressed his appreciation particularly to those Members of the Council who had served as Executive Members, Lead Members, Chairs of various Committees, Panels, Commissions, Boards and other bodies, for the considerable amount of work which they had undertaken. They had rendered a valuable service and devoted much time to the duties of their offices.

The Mayor’s personal thanks were extended to all members of the Council’s staff for their endeavours and contributions to the affairs of the Borough during the past year.
C.03Councillor Byrne, Leader of the Council 2004/2005, made a Statement on the state of the Borough during 2004/2005 and looking forward to 2005/2006.

The Leader offered the opportunity to members of the public to ask questions on any issue raised in this Statement but no questions were asked.

The following questions or comments from Members of the Council were answered by the Leader:-

Questioner: Councillor Bibby
Issue: 1. Thanking the retiring Leaders of the Labour and Conservative Groups (Councillors
Byrne and Walker)
2. Condition of the Borough’s road network
3. Car park charges and usage

Questioner: Councillors Pickstone and Redstone (2)
Issue: 1. Thanking the retiring Group Leaders
2. Government funding for the work of the Council

Questioner: Councillor W A Campbell (Responding as Leader of the Council 2005/2006)
Issue: Paying tribute to the achievements of the retiring Group Leaders and undertaking to examine all areas of Council spending.

In conclusion, the Worshipful the Mayor thanked Councillors Byrne and Walker for their outstanding contributions to the Council’s achievements as Leaders of their respective political Groups.
C.04Councillor W A Campbell presented the proposals set out in a report by the Leader of the Council on the outcomes from a review of Executive Portfolios, Lead Member roles and the titles and remits of Scrutiny Commissions and Panels.

The purpose of the review was to strengthen the Council’s Community Leadership role by focusing on issues of concern and interest to local people.

The report had been considered by the Scrutiny Management Committee at its meeting held on 16 May 2005 (Minute SM.13). The Committee had supported Option 2 set out in the report.

A draft revised Timetable of Meetings for the 2005/2006 Municipal Year into which the revised Scrutiny Commissions and Panel had been programmed, was submitted at the meeting.

It was moved by Councillor W A Campbell and seconded by Councillor Connolly and
C.05The Leader of the Council submitted a report concerning the annual appointments for the 2005/2006 Municipal Year.

It was moved by Councillor W A Campbell and seconded by Councillor Walton, and
C.06Councillor Smith, as Chair of the Scrutiny Management Committee, made a Statement on the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2004/2005, which set out details of the work of the Scrutiny Panels and Commissions during that year ranging from reviewing new initiatives prior to consideration by the Executive, instigating reviews of various issues from Work Programmes, monitoring aspects of service provision and intelligence gathering from Departments on aspects of their work.

A copy of the Annual Report had been circulated previously to all Members of the Council.

Councillor Smith thanked all Members of the Council, Officers, Co-opted Members and members of the public for their contributions to the scrutiny process during the 2004/2005 Municipal Year.

It was moved by Councillor Smith, seconded by Councillor Walton and
C.07Councillor K S Briggs, Executive Member for Community Engagement and User Focus, made a Statement on the Area Initiative Annual Report for 2004/2005, a copy of which had been circulated to all Members of the Council.

The Annual Report set out the detail of developments within the Council’s Area Initiative and the innovative work being undertaken by the Area Co-ordinators in the Area Initiatives Team.

It was moved by Councillor K S Briggs, seconded by Councillor W A Campbell and
C.08Councillor Creswell, supported by Councillor G Campbell, nominated Councillor Steven John Treadgold for election to the office of Mayor of the Metropolitan Borough of Bury for the Municipal Year 2005/2006.

The Worshipful the Mayor, after calling for and not receiving any other nominations, declared the nomination carried and it was -
C.09It was moved by Councillor T P Chamberlain, seconded by Councillor A S Garner and -