Meeting documents

Audit Committee
Tuesday, 6th December, 2011 7.00 pm

Thursday, 25th August, 2011
7.00 pm
Meeting Room A & B, Town Hall, Bury

Attendance Details

Councillor A Audin (in the Chair);
Councillors P Bury, I Bevan, J Columbine, I Gartside, D O’Hanlon, K Rothwell, and B Vincent.
Mr D Gremson, Co - opted Member
Heather Garrett, KPMG
Trevor Rees (KPMG)
Guy Berry - Assistant Director of Personnel
Councillor T Holt - Executive Member for HR and Performance

There was 1 member of the public in attendance at the meeting
Apologies for absence:
Councillor J Byrne
Item Description Decision
Delegated decision:

1. That Councillor Holt and Guy Berry be thanked for their attendance at the meeting.

2. That a sickness update be provided within the Governance Statement on each Audit Committee agenda.
AU.151 Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday, 21st June, 2011 7.00 pm
  • Minutes
Delegated decision:

That the Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 21 June 2011 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
Delegated decision:

That the findings of the report be accepted.

Delegated decision:

1. That the 3 technical amendments to the Accounts recommended by KPMG be approved

2. That the final version of the Statement of Accounts for the 2010/2011 financial year, be approved in line with the provisions of the Accounts and Audit Regulations (England) 2011 which have replaced the 2003 regulations.

3. That the matters and issues arising from the audit and contained within the ISA (UK & I) 260 presented by KPMG be noted

4. That the letter of representation signed by the Assistant Director of Resources (Finance and Efficiency) which was presented at the meeting be approved.

5. That KPMG be thanked for their support and advice during the audit process.
Delegated decision:

That the contents of the report be noted.
Delegated Decision:

That the contents of the report be noted.

Delegated decision:

That the contents of the report be noted.
Delegated decision:

That in accordance with Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following items of business since they involved the likely disclosure of exempt information, relating to any action taken, or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation and prosecution of crime.
  • (Attachment: 10)A report from the Head of Internal Audit
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    (Attachment: 11)Appendix A
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    (Attachment: 12)Appendix B
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    (Attachment: 13)Appendix C
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    (Attachment: 14)Appendix D
  • (Attachment: 15)A report from the Head of Internal Audit
The meeting started at 7.00 pm and ended at 9.20 pm


AU.148Councillor Rothwell declared a personal interest in Minute AU.153 - Statement of Accounts as he was a tenant of Six Town Housing and a Governor at a Bury school.
AU.149There were no public questions asked at this point in the meeting.
AU.150Guy Berry introduced a report from the Executive Member for HR and Performance which highlighted the authority’s sickness absence outturn figures for the period 1.4.2010 - 31.3.2011 and also included an update on the year end position based on levels of reported absence during the first quarter of 2011 - 2012.

The report also set out the range of measures and interventions that have been designed to impact on and reduce sickness levels.

It was explained that the 2010/2011 published figure for the average number of days lost per employee due to sickness was 10.2. This had reduced from a recorded figure of 11.56 per employee in 2008/2009.

Sickness absence was recorded by type of sickness and incidences. The top 3 reasons for absence were mental health/ stress/depression, musculo-skeletal and stomach/liver/kidney/digestion.

The report gave a breakdown of sickness levels by departments, Adult Care Services recorded the highest levels of sickness absence and Chief Executive’s the lowest.

It was explained that over the last 3 years sickness absence figures had decreased from 11.56 days per employee to 10.20 days per employee which equated to a 13.33% reduction during the period.

Set out in the report was a table comparing Bury to the other AGMA authorities and it was explained that the authorities that had lower levels of sickness absence were also the authorities that did not provide care services etc, in-house which would lower their sickness levels.

The Council had undertaken a wide range of activities to reduce absences including; the development of a Health, Work and Wellbeing Strategy; all departments meeting quarterly to case review each departments’ ‘top 10’ short term sickness absence; a review of the Attendance Management Policy had been undertaken and the policy had been developed into a toolkit; two stress focus groups have been held with employees and the outcomes were in the process of being reviewed; The post of Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator within Occupational Health and Safety had been established to develop and administrate the referral process for counselling, physiotherapy and other psychotherapies as well as the corporate lead officer for health and wellbeing.

Members of the Audit Committee were given the opportunity to ask questions and comment on the information provided and the following points were raised:-

•Mr Gremson asked whether all factors were investigated when looking at the reasons for sickness absences.

It was explained that analysis was carried out using a number of different methods such as exit interviews, attitude surveys, staff briefings, 1 to 1’s and reviews and appraisals.

•Councillor Rothwell referred to the Occupational Health contract and the fact that it was due to expire and another one would not be in place until April 2012, Councillor Rothwell asked what would happen in the interim.

Guy Berry explained that the only area of the Occupational Health Service that was currently out to tender was the physician post and it was anticipated that this service would be bought in until the post was filled.

•Councillor Gartside referred to the establishment of the Health and Wellbeing Co-ordinator and explained that he welcomed this position. Councillor Gartside asked whether telephone counselling would be a service that would be made available to staff.

It was explained that the authority commission the services of an independent Counsellor on a referral basis but do not offer over the phone counselling.

•Councillor Columbine asked whether the Council were anticipating a rise in sickness absences from employees with stress, depression or anxiety because of the cuts to services.

Guy Berry explained that there would be employees absent at any time with stress related issues and Councillor Holt stated that the Council recognise that stress is not unimportant and is something that is not taken lightly.
AU.152Heather Garrett, representing KPMG, the Council’s External Auditors, presented a report summarising the key findings from their work in relation to the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 and their assessment of the Authority’s arrangements to secure value for money in its use of resources.

It was explained that KPMG had substantially completed their work on the 2010/2011 financial statements and it was anticipated that an unqualified audit opinion would be issued by the end of August 2011.

It was reported that KPMG had noted continued improvement in the quality of the accounts and the supporting working papers and that officers had dealt efficiently with audit queries. This had meant that the audit process could, largely, be completed within the planned timescales.

It was explained that this was the first year that Local Authorities were required to implement the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards which required some significant changes to the accounts. It was also reported that the process for preparing the accounts for audit had been brought forward by one month.

Heather explained that there were 3 adjustments of a technical nature which were highlighted within the report, the adjustments had no cash impact on the Authority’s operations.

The Assistant Director of Resources (Finance and Efficiency) presented the Letter of Representation to KPMG which was a required before the audit opinion could be issued.
AU.153Further to Minute AU.65 of the meeting of this Committee held on 21 June

2011, the Assistant Director of Resources (Finance and Efficiency) presented a report setting out the work that had been carried out by KPMG in relation to the Authority’s accounts and the findings from that work.

It was reported that no audit adjustments had been identified that had an impact on the Council’s revenue, capital or HRA outturn for 2010/11; only 3 technical adjustments had been identified; no priority one recommendations had been made; the quality of the Council’s accounts and working papers had remained at a high level; the Council had presented its audited accounts to Members one month earlier than the statutory deadline. It was also reported that a notice would be placed advertising the completion of the audit and explaining how members of the public could access copies of the statement and summary of accounts.
AU.154The Assistant Director of Resources (Finance and Efficiency), presented a report providing Members with a quarterly update on the Annual Governance Statement which had been approved by the Audit Committee at its meeting on 21 June 2011.

The report gave an update on the continuous monitoring that was carried out and highlighted any relevant issues with regards to Risk Management, Business Continuity, Budget Monitoring, the work of Internal Audit, Review of Ethical Governance, the work of the Governance Panel, Gifts and Hospitality, Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy and the Medium Term Financial Strategy.

The up to date Corporate Risk Register was included within the report and informed Members of the risk event and status. It was explained that the Risk Register had been updated to reflect the most current high level risks facing the organisation.
AU.155Steve Kenyon presented a report providing Members with an update of the system to declare, monitor and report gifts and hospitality offered to or received by staff and Members.
AU.156Heather Garrett, representing KPMG presented the Committee with the Progress Statement for the External Audit Programme 2010/2011.

Details of the ongoing work and when that work would be completed and reported to the Committee were included in the report with comments on progress.