Meeting documents

Health and Wellbeing Board
Monday, 10th June, 2013 2.00 pm

Wednesday, 24th April, 2013
09.00 am
Meeting Rooms A&B, Bury Town Hall

Attendance Details


Dr Audrey Gibson (Chair); B3SDA, Dave Bevitt; Cabinet Member, Councillor Rishi Shori; Chief Officer, CCG, Stuart North; Community Safety Partnership, Superintendent Mark Granby; Director of Public Health, Dr Peter Elton; Executive Director of Adult Services, Pat Jones Greenhalgh (Vice Chair); Executive Director of Environment and Development Services, Graham Atkinson.

Julie Edwards - Democratic Services.
Hemlata Fletcher - Project Manager, Public Health.
Warren Heppolette - NHS England.
Karen Whitehead - Strategic Lead Health/Families
Diane Halton - Programme Manager, Public Health

15 members of the public were in attendance
Apologies for absence:

Executive Director of Children’s Services, Mark Carriline; Chair of Healthwatch

Item Description Decision
There were no declarations of interest.
There were no questions from members of the public.
That the Minutes of the meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board held on 13th March 2013, be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
1.Alison Vaughan will liaise with Naomi Ledwith and Sharon Martin with regards to sharing of Clinical Commissioning Group asset information.
2.Health and Wellbeing Board members must ensure that they provide feedback to Maureen Foden with regards to the workforce development plan.
3.The Chief Officer, Clinical Commissioning Group will meet with Dionne Brandon to discuss the bidding process for the Innovation Fund.
The Head of Policy and Improvement would provide the Health and Wellbeing Board with figures relating to the number of welfare claimants within Bury.
1.Representatives from NHS England will raise concerns expressed at the Health and Wellbeing Board in relation to NHS data sharing when they meet with Sir David Nicholson.
2.The Chief Officer, CCG will provide a further update in relation to the development of the Healthier Together proposals at that next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Public Health Annual Report be noted.
A Community Health and Wellbeing Assessment update would be given at the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy would be considered at the next meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
An additional Councillor representative would be appointed to sit on the Health and Wellbeing Board. The representative would be appointed at the Annual Council meeting held on the 14th May 2013.

The meeting started at 9.00am and ended at 11.05am



Members of the Board reviewed the Health and Wellbeing Board Action Log.
HWB.951Members of the Board considered a verbal presentation from the Head of Policy and Improvement with regards to Public Service Reform. The presentation contained the following information:

•£21billion of public money is spent in Greater Manchester.
•£17billion is generated in tax
•On current trajectory, by 2025 the whole of each local authority’s budget may be spent on social care
•Greater Manchester wide strategy to reduce dependency and support growth

The Head of Policy and Improvement reported that the local authority would seek certainty of funding with regards to the Comprehensive Service Review period, as well as, the ability to retain a share of cashable savings.

The Public Service Reform programme would concentrate on five themes; troubled families, work and skills, health and social care, transforming justice and early years.

The Head of Policy and Improvement report that negotiations with government would continue at Greater Manchester level and it was hoped there would be an investable propositions by September 2013.

Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Board and the following issues were raised;

The Executive Director, EDS reported that the Board should consider the five themes identified within the public service reform strategy, when deciding priorities for the Health and Wellbeing Board.

In response to a Member’s question, the Head of Policy and Improvement reported that welfare figures, specific to Bury can be made available to Board members.

The Chief Officer, CCG, reported that the Public Service Reform would need to be addressed across all partner agencies and the Health and Wellbeing Board should concentrate on improving patient outcomes.
Members of the Board considered a verbal presentation from the Chief Officer, CCG with regards to Health and Social Care Reform and the Healthier Together programme. The presentation contained the following information:

The Healthier Together programme is one element of a wider public service system reform agenda seeking to improve outcomes for all Greater Manchester residents. It aims to save and improve thousands of lives each year.

The Chief Officer, CCG, reported that there were two fundamental drivers for change; NHS finances and the clinical sustainability of services.

The Chief Officer, CCG, reported that there would be no hospital closures but in-patient services may be provided differently and in different locations.

Extensive work has taken place on the Healthier Together programme under the leadership of NHS Greater Manchester board. Over the last 18 months, discussions with clinicians and other partners have shaped the proposals.

The outline model of care is based on partnership working between health and social care professionals across Greater Manchester; the development of “Integrated Care” services; and radically improved ways of working in secondary care, designed to provide enhanced levels of specialist, senior medical and nursing staffing. All of these elements would combine to provide the right services, at the right place, at the right time for individual patients, giving everyone the best possible chance of survival and recovery whilst keeping and treating them as close to where they live as possible.
The outline model of care will be developed and enhanced as further work and discussion takes place with the public, patients and clinicians.

Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Board and the following issues were raised;

In response to a Board Member’s question, the Chief Officer, CCG reported that it will be essential that any public consultation in relation to these proposals would be honest, robust and evidence based.

Councillor Shori reported that the reconfiguration proposals must include a review of transport and hospital accessibility.

The Chair reported that the current system of NHS care is confusing for patients, and many patients could be better dealt with in the community.

In response to a Board members question, the Chief Officer, CCG reported that the Department of Health has introduced barriers to data sharing within the NHS.

Members of the panel reported that there needs to be a whole system approach to integrated care across the NHS and Social services.

Members of the Board considered a verbal presentation from the Director of Public Health with regards to the Public Health Annual Report. The presentation contained the following information:

As the leading determinant of mortality, the public health focus would be on smoking whilst not ignoring other major determinants such as obesity and alcohol. Initiatives would include; financial incentives to schools to reduce prevalence; improving intelligence on illicit tobacco; re-establish pregnancy reward scheme; use of text messages to support quitters; make parents aware of dangers when their child has a condition exacerbated by second-hand smoke; increase awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoking to pets.

The Director of Public health reported that there had and would continue to focus on weight and intiaitives included a breastfeeding strategy, healthy school meals, increased physical activity.

The Director of Public Health reported that greater use of licensing regulation, as well as screening and brief intervention would be use to tackle issues of alcohol misuse.

Questions and comments were invited from Members of the Board and the following issues were raised;

In response to a Board member’s question, the Director of Public Health reported that more could be done to stop the trade in illicit tobacco.

The Superintendant Greater Manchester Police reported that the police have identified “organised crime” as a priority area, this would include tackling drug trafficking and illicit tobacco.

The Superintendant Greater Manchester Police reported that the Community Safety Partnership have developed a “be safe, be cool,” drama session to be delivered to Year 9 pupils in Bury schools. The Superintendant suggested developing a no smoking theme to be included in these sessions.

The Superintendant Greater Manchester Police reported that an initiative had been piloted in North Yorkshire to remove high strength lagers from Off Licenses, as a result of this action, there had been a noticeable decrease in anti social behaviour.

The Chief Executive of the CAB reported that, there had been an increase in attendances at CAB offices requiring assistance due to financial hardship, and suggested that the use of nicotine replacement aides should be available for longer than 12 weeks.

Members of the Board expressed concern with regards to the number of fast food outlets in the town centre.
The Programme Manager, Public Health reported that the Community Health and Wellbeing Assessment (CHWB) would include three components:
1.Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)
2.Hot Topic/data briefing
3.In-depth needs assessment.

The JSNA would be refreshed and would be completed by June. A hot topic briefing in relation to welfare and benefits would be completed in June. Once the JSNA had been refreshed priorities for the in depth needs assessment would be identified.

Members of the Board discussed the need to marry up the intelligence that is available across the partner agencies and effectively map assets. The Chair emphasised the need to ensure the data available is up to date.
HWB.955The Executive Director, EDS reported that the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy would be presented for discussion at a special meeting of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, week commencing the 30th May. It will be signed off at the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 10th June and full Council on the 3rd July 2013.