Decision details

Proposed Major Works Programme for the Councils housing stock 2024/25

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Clare Cummins, Cabinet Member for Housing Services, presented the report which outlined that a review of the capital works programme has been quickly undertaken to ensure compliance with regulatory standards and in recognition of the backlog of work that has been identified during the transfer process of Six Town Housing’s principal responsibilities.


The programme saw a large volume of council owned properties given necessary adaptations and the housing stock has been improved. Trying to keep people well at home often means changes to the property and is a welcome part of the report.


In response to a members query regarding the reports reference to historical process errors, members were advised that these issues have not had financial issues.




  • Acknowledged the proposed Capital Programme to be funded within the HRA, estimated at £19,841,760 and recommends to Council that it be approved.
  • Subject to Council approval, authorised external competitive procurement to be commenced in respect of the respective schemes identified within the Capital Programme on a compliant basis in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 and the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules 2022.
  • Requested reports back on the individual schemes with recommendations as to contract awards at the conclusion of the respective procurement processes.
  • Noted that whilst the target completion date for the respective contract works is the end of the current financial year, the duration of some contracts and the associated expenditure will run into 2025/26 and that further updates will be provided to Cabinet as part of the Budget reporting process.
  • Approved payments to Green Grants Install Limited for decarbonisation works under the Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) Wave 1 and 2 programmes grant funded by the GMCA and delegates to the Director of Law and Governance authority to facilitate the necessary contractual arrangements.

Reasons for recommendations:

  • To enable work to the Council’s housing stock to be undertaken.
  • A requirement of the Regulator of Social Housing is to have “accurate, up to date and evidenced understanding of the condition of homes that reliably informs their provision of good quality, well maintained and safe homes for tenants.”. The 2024/25 programme of work has been developed to address this need.

Alternative options considered and rejected:

  • This is an asset led programme, undertaking work where it is needed and not geographically based. The focus for the 2024/25 is on dealing with long standing issues, delayed projects, and backlogs to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. To ensure an improved approach to longer term planning from 2025/26 onwards, including the introduction of a cyclical painting and repairs programme, a full stock condition survey is currently being completed.


Publication date: 30/07/2024

Date of decision: 16/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: