Decision details

Top Park, Ramsbottom 3G football pitch

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Alan Quinn, Cabinet Member for Environment, Climate Change and Operations, presented the report which provided Cabinet with details of a proposed floodlit 3G Football Turf Pitch (FTP) at Top Park Playing Fields in Ramsbottom together with associated improvements to the pavilion and car park. The report also outlined the details of a funding bid submitted to the Football Foundation (FF) as well as seeking approval to the overall funding package including expenditure of approved Council capital match funding.


Members wished to place on record a thanks to Neil Long Assistant Director (Operations) and his team for the work undertaken to secure the pitch. 





  • Approved the overall 3G scheme package including submission for the Football Foundations 3G Pitch Fund which (subject to grant approval and including match funding) will total £1,422,491.
  • Approved to expend the £425,000 capital match funding that is within the Council’s approved capital programme.
  • Subject to the approval of and receipt of the external grant from the Football Foundation, to award contracts to the successful tenderers detailed in section 6.4 of the report. Any variations of costs due to unforeseen circumstances to be reported through and approved by the Cabinet Member for the Environment.
  • Agreed to delegate authority to the Executive Director of Operations in consultation with the Director of Law and Governance to negotiate and execute the final contracts.


Reasons for recommendation(s):


  • Development for 3G FTPs is identified as a priority for Council. The Top Park 3G pitch project has been developed in partnership with the County FA, Football Foundation and Ramsbottom United Junior Football Club. The project aims to maximise external funding and utilises approved capital match funding.
  • The community engagement has identified that are limited recreation facilities in Ramsbottom which has contributed to high levels of physical inactivity among young people. The Top Park community offer will create new opportunities for males and females of all ages and abilities to enjoy recreation football and other physical activities.
  • This project will provide a much needed facility for the community of Ramsbottom, supporting the delivery of the Bury North Neighbourhood People and Communities Plan and broader Let’s Do It! Strategy of the Borough.


Alternative options considered and rejected:


  • A reduced size scheme with a reduced external grant submission. As this would much reduce the outcomes of the project it would be unlikely to attract the external funding.
  • Consideration of an alternative site to develop the next 3G FTP within Ramsbottom or elsewhere within the borough. This could take up to 2 years to develop an alternative site proposal with the Football Foundation. Ramsbottom has been identified as a priority by the County FA and Football Foundation.


Publication date: 30/07/2024

Date of decision: 16/07/2024

Decided at meeting: 16/07/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: