Decision details

Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report and Refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing submitted a report presenting an annual report for the Health and Wellbeing Board for 2014/15 and a refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy. The refreshed strategy has five overarching priorities and is now a condensed version of the original strategy and is presented as a ‘Plan on a page’ with Team Bury Branding. A copy of the ‘plan on a page’ was circulated at the meeting for information.


The Cabinet was also requested to support a recommendation to Council to amend the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board with the inclusion of a Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service representative.


Delegated decisions:


1.   That approval be given to the vision and direction of the refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

2.   That approval be given to support the following priorities:   

·         Priority 1 – Starting Well

·         Priority 2 – Living Well

·         Priority 3 – Living Well with a long term condition or as a carer

·         Priority 4 – Ageing well

·         Priority 5 – Healthy Places

3.   That the Bury Health and Wellbeing Strategy Governance Structure be noted.

4.   That progress be reviewed in the 2015/16 Annual Report.

5.   That support be given to amend the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board to include a representative of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.


Recommendations to Council:


1.   That the Health and Wellbeing Annual Report and Refreshed Health and Wellbeing Strategy be approved.

2.   That the membership of the Health and Wellbeing Board be amended to include of a representative of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.


Reason for the decisions:

The Health and Wellbeing Boards has a statutory duty to produce a Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject the recommendations.

Publication date: 02/11/2015

Date of decision: 14/10/2015

Decided at meeting: 14/10/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 27/10/2015

Accompanying Documents: