Decision details

Approval of funding and other matters to enable the Council to deliver a new Extra Care Scheme, Haworth Close, Bury

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Cabinet Member (Cabinet Member for Strategic Housing and Support Services) submitted a report seeking approval to capital funding in order for the Council to deliver a new extra care scheme at Haworth Close, Bury.        


Delegated decisions:


1.  That approval be given to capital funding as detailed in the report submitted.

2.  That approval be given for the Council to enter into an agreement with the Homes and Communities Agency under the Affordable Homes Programme 15-18 and to apply to the Homes and Communities Agency to transfer grant funds from Six town Housing to the Council.

3.  That approval be given for the Council to enter into a contract, as detailed in the report, in respect of the works contract.


Reason for the decision:

The Council can deliver this significant scheme, with more robust management and mitigation of risks and with the added advantage of the asset being held within the Council.


Other option considered and rejected:

To reject or amend the recommendations.

Publication date: 05/09/2016

Date of decision: 20/07/2016

Decided at meeting: 20/07/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/08/2016

Accompanying Documents: