Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member (Business Engagement and Regeneration)submitted a report presenting the draft Bury Growth Plan which is a high level strategy document setting out how, through collaborative working, the Council can achieve its ambitions for healthy, inclusive, sustainable and managed growth and increased resilience.


The Bury Growth Plan addresses the requirement for physical development in the borough and recognises the need to support social and economic growth to help create thriving, healthy and equitable communities. It also recognises the need for infrastructure and public service changes to support growth.


The Plan stresses that growth will require interventions to mitigate against negative environmental impacts and to support a low carbon economy.


Delegated decisions:


1.           That approval be given to the Draft Bury Growth Plan, subject to targeted external stakeholder consultation.

2.           That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Leader of the Council to incorporate any nonstrategic changes prior to adopting and implementing the Plan.


Reason for the decision:

The Bury Growth Plan recognises that Bury’s population is growing and more jobs and homes are needed in the Borough to accommodate this growth.


Other option considered and rejected:

That Cabinet identify specific revisions to the Draft Bury Growth Plan prior to the commencement of consultation.



Publication date: 07/11/2016

Date of decision: 19/10/2016

Decided at meeting: 19/10/2016 - Cabinet

Effective from: 03/11/2016

Accompanying Documents: