Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
The Cabinet Member (Strategic Housing and Support Services) submitted a report regarding a proposed consultation on the Bury Library Service which will be based on on six Key Principles. The responses received could be used to provide the framework for a full review of the Bury Library Service in 2017.
The six Key Principles to be consulted on are:
1. To provide a Library Service across the borough which provide all residents with access to libraries and electronic services sufficient in number, range and quality to support reading for pleasure, lifelong learning, the development of new skills and the effective use of information.
2. To ensure that the needs of more vulnerable residents and groups protected by Equalities legislation are taken fully into account in the provision of these services.
3. To ensure that the resources committed to the library service are used as efficiently as possible by exploring options to reduce running and maintenance costs and to share premises with Council and other services.
4. To explore options for investing in technology to improve access to the library service for example by extending opening hours, increasing our digital services and enhancing provision for those with sensory impairments.
5. To welcome the contribution that members of the community can make to the Library Service as volunteers, supporting both traditional and digital services.
6. To meet local aspirations for a network of community spaces across the borough in which the council and local communities can work together as partners in meeting local needs.
In order to gain a wide range of views on the service, contact will be made with current library service users and non-users. The consultation will include an online survey, telephone survey, public meetings and face to face contact and this will be will be supported by a consultancy company.
The report provided an indicative timetable for the process to be followed, including the submission of the outcome of the first consultation phase report to Cabinet in October. A second consultation would then take place with a final report to Cabinet in March 2017. Consultation would then take place with staff members during April and May 2017 with the final implementation of proposals anticipated by 1 July 2017.
In welcoming the report the Chair also acknowledged the involvement of former Councillor Paddy Heneghan, for his work in initiating a review of the Bury Library Service, as the Cabinet Member responsible.
Delegated decision:
That approval be given to a consultation with all stakeholders concerning the Bury Library Service (time period - 13 June to 5 September 2016) that will focus on the six Key Principles, as detailed above, and will drive a review of the Bury Library Service.
Reason for the decision:
Bury Council has a duty to provide a comprehensive and efficient library service and is committed to continuing this provision within the available resources.
Other options considered and rejected:
To reject/ amend the recommendation.
Publication date: 16/06/2016
Date of decision: 08/06/2016
Decided at meeting: 08/06/2016 - Cabinet
Effective from: 21/06/2016
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