Decision details


Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


                  The Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) submitted a report advising Members on operational issues within the Licensing Service.


                   The report set out updates in respect of the following issues:


Licensing Hearings Panel; A Panel meeting was held on 25 April in respect of Killon Street Off Licence, where it was resolved to modify the conditions of the licence.


The Licensing Unit Manager provided and update in respect of safeguarding training, common minimum standards, pre-requisite assessments and knowledge tests.


In response to a question concerning Clean Air across Greater Manchester, the Licensing Unit Manager reported on engagement with the Taxi trade through the Environmental Health Department and stated that information had been sent to all private hire operators. Further engagement is proposed.


      It was agreed:


                    That the report be noted.


Publication date: 31/07/2019

Date of decision: 06/06/2019

Decided at meeting: 06/06/2019 - Licensing and Safety Committee

Accompanying Documents: