Decision details

Biodiversity Strategy

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Quinn, Cabinet Member Environment, Climate Change and Operations reported that this item relates to the Bury Biodiversity Strategy which embraces the first consideration of what the Council can do to meet its biodiversity duty. It outlines the current state of biodiversity in the Borough and the actions that we can take to conserve and enhance our biodiversity assets.


A draft version of the Strategy was approved for consultation by Cabinet in December 2023 and consultation subsequently took place between 9 January and 20 February 2024. The consultation responses received are summarised in the Consultation Report which is attached at Appendix B. Following consideration of the responses, several changes have been made to the Biodiversity Strategy and these are also set out in Appendix B.


Following a discussion regarding the monitoring of bio-diversity members were informed that the Greater Manchester Ecology Unit will have an ongoing role. To be qualified to monitor sites a person requires responsible body status, which anyone with this expertise can apply for. Further information on who monitors currently will be shared with Cabinet once known.



·         Cabinet note the responses to the public consultation and the proposed post-consultation revisions as set out in Appendix B.

·         Cabinet adopt the revised Bury Biodiversity Strategy (Appendix A), noting that it will be reviewed within the next five years.

·         Cabinet delegate authority to the Executive Director (Place), to make any minor non-material editorial amendments to the Biodiversity Strategy ahead of its final publication.


Reason for recommendations:


To ensure that the Council has an up-to-date strategy in place for the conservation and enhancement of Bury’s biodiversity assets.

Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 25/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: