Decision details

Draft Supplementary Planning Document 18 – Development Frameworks for Strategic Site Allocations at Elton Reservoir and Walshaw

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor O’Brien, Leader and Cabinet Member for Strategic Growth reported that this item concerns a new draft supplementary planning document that seeks to support the recently adopted Places for Everyone plan and the strategic housing sites at Elton Reservoir and Walshaw.


Members were asked to approve the draft supplementary planning document for a six-week period of consultation in order to establish stakeholder views on its content. Following consultation, all comments received will be fully considered and changes made where appropriate before the supplementary planning document is brought back to Cabinet for approval to adopt.


In response to a question regarding the provision of infrastructure requirements and the Council’s ability to enforce the infrastructure requirements regardless of the size of plot members were advised the purpose of the Places for Everyone Masterplan is to ensure this is done all developers must work towards this.


Members were encouraged to promote engagement with residents and to participate themselves.



·         Cabinet approves the draft Supplementary Planning Document 18 – Development Frameworks for Places for Everyone Strategic Site Allocations at Elton Reservoir and Walshaw attached at Appendix 1 for a six-week public consultation commencing no earlier than 15 October 2024; and

·         Cabinet delegates approval to the Executive Director of Place to make minor non-material editorial amendments to draft Supplementary Planning Document 18 – Development Frameworks for Places for Everyone Strategic Site Allocations at Elton Reservoir and Walshaw before consultation commences.


Reason for recommendations:


To ensure that stakeholders have an opportunity to have their say on the draft SPD.


Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 25/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: