Decision details

Bury Art Museum

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: No


Councillor Morris, Cabinet Member for Culture, Economy and Skills reported that the report relates to the Bury Art Museum roof which needs a large capital programme to repair it at a total cost of £655,050.04


The Council bid for a grant from the Arts Council MEND Fund and was successfully awarded £589,545 to which the Council have approved a matched amount of £65,505


The Council will need to enter into a deed of covenant with the Arts Council guaranteeing the building will remain as an Arts Museum for a further period of 15 years.


Members were advised that once the building contractor is appointed, we will know more details about how long the Art Museum may need to be closed and further information will be brought to a future Cabinet meeting along with additional information about taking an Art Museum programme out into community venues.




·         Cabinet note the award of £589,545 from The Arts Council with £65,505 match funding from Bury Council with a total cost of £ 655,050.04

·         Cabinet request approval to draw down of the £589,545 grant to Bury Council in phases as set out in the Arts Council Awards Schedule

·         Cabinet note the Grant Agreement requirement to enter into Deed of Covenant with The Arts Council of England with restriction on title over the freehold of the building for a period of 15 years. This means Bury Council commits the building to a minimum period of 15 years as an Art Museum.

·         Cabinet instruct the Monitoring Officer to undertake all legal work associated with the grant agreement.

·         Cabinet note the procurement process for a Quantity Surveyor and Construction Manager £12,278 limit and Heritage Architect £32,350 limit.

·         Cabinet approve the start of the procurement for a main building contractor for [works] up to a value of £526,924. This will be subject to a further Cabinet report in December 2024 to approve the contract.


Reason for recommendations:


Approval to draw down the budget, approve the requirement to enter into a Deed of Covenant and approve the procurement process is sought so that the first phase of the MEND grant is released by The Arts Council.


Publication date: 01/10/2024

Date of decision: 25/09/2024

Decided at meeting: 25/09/2024 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: