Issue - meetings

Corporate Financial Monitoring Report April 2018 to September 2018

Meeting: 14/11/2018 - Cabinet (Item 213)

213 Corporate Financial Monitoring Report April 2018 to September 2018 pdf icon PDF 356 KB

Councillor O’Brien, Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing will report at the meeting.  Report attached.

Additional documents:


The Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing submitted a report setting out details of the Council’s financial position for the period April 2018 to September 2018 and projects the estimated outturn at the end of 2018-19.  The report also includes Prudential Indicators in accordance with the CIPFA’s Prudential Code.


Delegated decisions:

Members note the financial position of the Council as at 30 September 2018 and approve the recommendations from the recent LGA Finance Review regarding line management accountability to the S151 Officer as detailed in paragraph 2.4.


Reason for the decision:


The report has been prepared in accordance with all relevant Codes of Practice.