Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/12/2018 - Licensing and Safety Committee (Item 279)


A report by the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services) is attached.


                  The Licensing Unit Manager presented a report submitted by the Assistant Director (Legal and Democratic Services), regarding an application for a Private Hire Driver’s Licence.


Applicant 21/2018 attended the meeting and was unaccompanied.  The Chair outlined the procedure to be followed and the Licensing Unit Manager read the report, which was accepted by the Applicant.


The report explained that the Applicant had been convicted of using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks on 12 February 2016 and fined £300 with 6 penalty points on their driving licence.


The Applicant addressed the Panel and explained that he did have insurance on his private vehicle which he thought expired on 19 February 2016, however, it actually expired on 19 January 2016, and therefore he was not covered at the time when he was stopped by the Police.


Following various questions from the Licensing and Safety Panel members, the Applicant admitted that it was a mistake on his part but he genuinely thought his insurance was valid.


                   Delegated Decision:


                    The Panel carefully considered the report and the oral representations by the Applicant and after taking into account the Council’s Conviction Policy and Guidelines and in accordance with the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 resolved, the panel agreed on a majority basis, that the application for a Private Hire Driver’s Licence by Applicant 21/2018 be granted.


                   The Panel noted that the offence, although of a serious nature, was the result of a genuine error.  The Chair re-iterated to the Applicant the seriousness of driving with no insurance and the Applicant accepted it was his mistake for which he was remorseful and it would not be repeated.