7 2019/2020 BUDGET REPORT PDF 570 KB
A Report from the Cabinet Member Finance and Housing is attached.
· Directorate Budget Reports
· 2019/2010 Capital Strategy & Capital Programme 2019/2020
· 2019/2020 Dedicated Schools Grant
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing submitted the budget report. The report provides Members with details of the 2019/20 revenue budget and outlines;
· the Local Government Finance Settlement for 2019/20
· Forecast outturn for 2018/19
· The budget strategy for 2019/20 and the approach to balancing the budget in future years
It also examines the robustness of the assumptions behind the budget forecast and it contains an assessment of the adequacy of the Council’s balances.
The Budget report is supported by the following documents;
· Departmental Budget Reports
· Capital Strategy 2019/20 – 2023/24
· Capital Programme 2019/20 – 2021/22
· Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) 2019/20
Delegated decisions:
1. That Cabinet approves the recommendations set out in the individual Directorate reports and Dedicated Schools Grant.
2. Cabinet notes the Budget Report 2019/20 and requests that the Council consider and determine all matters relating to the Budget, and the level of the Council Tax for 2019/2020, at its meeting on 20th February 2019.
3. Cabinet notes and approves, for onward submission to Council the Capital Programme for 2019/2020 and future years.
4. Cabinet approves, for onward submission to Council, the Capital Strategy for 2019/20 to 2021/22.
Reasons for the decision:
The Council has a legal obligation to pass its budget and Council Tax resolutions by March 2019. The Cabinet have full authority to implement the budget within the budget framework set by Council and they have wide discretion in doing so.
Other options considered and rejected:
To reject the recommendations.
349 2019/2020 BUDGET REPORT PDF 570 KB
A report from the Interim Executive Director of Resources and Regulation is attached.
· Directorate Budget Reports
· 2019/2010 Capital Strategy & Capital Programme 2019/2020
· 2019/2020 Dedicated Schools Grant
Additional documents:
Councillor O’Brien, Cabinet Member for Finance and Housing presented a report providing Members with details of the 2019/2020 revenue budget and outlined;
· Local Government Finance Settlement for 2019/20
· Forecast Outturn for 2018/2019
· Budget Strategy for 2019/2010 and the approach to balancing the budget in future years
The report also examines the robustness of the assumptions behind the budget forecast and contains an assessment on the adequacy of the Council’s balances.
Councillor O’Brien explained that the Council had had to change the way that it functions and make a number of short term decisions in the lead up to the roll out of the transformation work.
The Council will be working differently than it has in the past and will incorporate health and social care and the CCG.
Geoff Little, Chief Executive explained that the papers provided to the Committee were a lot more in depth than in previous years’ and contained more depth and detail on how savings will be delivered. Each Directorate had provided an individual report including audit trails, details of achievements made or not, new delivery models and partnership working.
Geoff explained that the Council would face a challenging year to deliver what it needs to and to build up reserves for the future in order that a 3 year rolling budget can be set from 2021 onwards. A Corporate Plan will be produced which will promote stronger Corporate Governance. Each Directorate will be required to produce their own 3 year plans which will include business plans.
Those present were given the opportunity to ask questions and make comments and the following points were raised:-
· Councillor Harris referred to the use of dormant Earmarked Reserves which was set out in the report and asked what these related to.
Councillor O’Brien explained that there had recently been a review undertaken of all of the Earmarked Reserves, the 5 that were included within the budget were identified as no longer being needed and could therefore be used as a one off.
· Councillor Bayley referred to the austerity measures that had been introduced by Central Government and asked what the cumulative effects to the Council were.
Councillor O’Brien stated that the Council had lost 650 staff members and had financial cuts of £97m, demand has increased across most services which had meant that difficult decisions had to be made.
· Councillor N Jones referred to the figures in the report regarding 200 – 300 new houses being built on brownfield sites and asked how this would be funded.
Councillor O’Brien explained that the Council could use borrowing to fund house building and grants would also be applied for through Homes England.
· Councillor N Jones referred to the 4000 houses that were mentioned further on in the report and asked how these would be funded?
Councillor O’Brien explained that business cases would be drawn up for each scheme. It was anticipated that there would be 200 to 300 houses built to start with and the money made going back into the pot ... view the full minutes text for item 349