Issue - meetings

Procurement and tender of new gym equipment (£500k) across all three Leisure Centres

Meeting: 02/09/2020 - Cabinet (Item 181)

Procurement and tender of new gym equipment (£500k) across all three Leisure Centres

A report from Councillor Andrea Simpson, First Deputy and Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing is attached.

Additional documents:


In the absence of Councillor Simpson, Councillor O’Brien, Leader of the Council presented a report seeking agreement that the Leisure services department can progress with the procurement of new gym equipment.  


Delegated decision:


Cabinet agrees to:


Continue with the tender and procurement of new gym equipment across all three leisure Centres within the agreed capital programme.

This will replace all gym equipment. There are currently 131 items of equipment across the leisure suites to replace to mitigate any health and Safety Concerns and ensure we remain competitive locally and continue to meet and exceed customer expectations.

The procurement process and tender will encompass much more than just the purchasing of equipment, it will allow for the upgrade of equipment which will enhance the biomechanics for a natural, smooth and efficient workout along with an innovative digital system to deliver a personalised exercise experience for the user.

The tender will also include a long term annual maintenance agreement allowing the service to grow its insight on customer use, will be included along with staff training and upskilling (CPD), communications support, and return on social investment.

Competitive quotes or tenders will also be obtained as required for essential and other H&S works carried out at the leisure facilities.


Reasons for the decision:


Capital investment in the replacement of gym equipment across three leisure sites is required to ensure that all gyms remain safe and follow good asset management practice. The equipment is outdated and this new equipment.


Other option considered and rejected:


Continue with an annual maintenance agreement. The annual maintenance costs for the gyms at all three sites just exceeds £20k per annum, however it is important to note that there are some exclusions such as cosmetics, upholstery, attachments which incur additional cost as required. This is not a viable option to sustain long term as equipment is and will continue to fail and not be cost effective.