Issue - meetings

GM Transport 2040 Vision

Meeting: 11/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 300)

300 GM Transport 2040 Vision pdf icon PDF 270 KB

A report from Councillor Lucy Smith, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure is attached.

Additional documents:


Councillor Lucy Smith, Cabinet Member for Transport and Infrastructure presented the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040, Our Five Year Delivery Plan (2020-2025) and Local Implementation Plans.


The report provided details of the content and publication arrangements for the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040, Our Five Year Delivery Plan (2020-2025) and Local Implementation Plans. The report considers these documents alongside other planned strategic activities.


Delegated decisions:


Cabinet agrees to:


1.   Endorse the refreshed Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040 and Our Five-Year Delivery Plan for approval by GMCA and publication in November 2020, alongside GMSF.


2.   Approve the publication of the supporting Local Implementation Plan as an appendix to Our Five-Year Delivery Plan, acknowledging that these are “live” documents and will be subject to regular review and update as appropriate.


Reasons for the decision:


Approval of the recommendations will assist in GM Council’s being able to access future funding and initiatives to help deliver the transport related schemes set out in the suite of transport documents referred to in this report.


Other option considered and rejected:


To reject the recommendations.