Report attached
A presentation will be given at the Meeting
Additional documents:
Simon Bedford from Deloitte LLP provided an update and presentation on the SRF’s priority projects – the new Civic Hub, Market Chambers Building, residential housing and proposed new school.
Feasibility assessments for the Civic Hub were being carried out which could support any Council bid for public funding. It was stated that the redevelopment of the site is seen as an opportunity to develop a new public services hub in the heart of Radcliffe town centre. This will bring regenerative benefits into the core of the town and provide confidence for other owners to invest in their property and the town in general. It will help to drive additional footfall within the town centre, improving its vitality and viability to the benefit of existing and new businesses.
It was noted that as the SRF was now a material planning consideration, Members would have more scope when considering applications in Radcliffe.
Surveys and feasibility reports for the Market Chambers building were also being completed and opportunities related to the TSB building were being assessed. The building is centrally located within the core of the town and is an attractive building in a prominent position. The building is largely vacant and in need of comprehensive refurbishment. The SRF proposal is to bring the whole of the building back into active use, with potential to include flexible working space for young start-up businesses and entrepreneurs, particularly those in the technology and creative industries sectors, as well as retail and office use.
In terms of housing developments, it was noted that this one of the key SRF proposals and that the ELPM site was to be developed in partnership with Homes England and funding had been secured for School Street through GM’s allocation of Brownfield Land Fund. As homes cannot be built in isolation, it was noted that a key part of the SRF was a comprehensive transport plan, including car parking and it was agreed that sequencing of infrastructure management alongside development proposals was important.
In relation to the proposed new high school, members noted that discussions had been held with the DfE regarding the specific education provision needs of Radcliffe (rather than the wider Bury South area) which supported STAR Academies’ application to DfE for funding, the outcome of which was still awaited.
With regards to leisure facilities, a comprehensive leisure review across the borough was ongoing and as such the proposals for Radcliffe were still fluid. It was noted that leisure facilities would be developed, but what and when these would be was decided once the requirements had been determined.
The Radcliffe Cabinet Committee noted the progress made on the SRF strategy and the proposed next phase of activity.