77 Update on Covid-19 in Bury and the Local Response PDF 343 KB
A report from the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing is attached.
Councillor Andrea Simpson, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, presented the report which set out a summary of the local response to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic highlighting the additional measures to address the emergence of the more transmissible Variant of Concern B617.2 (Indian) variant and the need to maintain an on-going Covid-19 response over the longer term. Members also discussed their concerns over the amount of people experiencing poverty issues with regards to self-isolation, with the government’s eligibility criteria acting as a barrier.
That Cabinet:
1. Notes the comprehensive response to date.
2. Notes the potential for a fourth wave of Covid-19 and the potential for impact on hospitalisations, disruption to education, social and economic life and the planned further easing of lockdown measures.
3. Notes the need to maintain an on-going local response in the context of the continued global pandemic
4. Notes the resources received and committed to date and the work underway to develop a further resource allocation plan to support the continued response.
Reasons for the decision:
Other options considered and rejected: