Members of the Council are requested to declare any interests which they have in any items or issues before the Council for determination.
1. Councillor A Quinn declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as both his son and daughter-in law, work for the NHS, he is a member of the Trade Union, Unite and the Downs Syndrome Association.
2. Councillor D Quinn declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as an employee of the Citizens Advice Bureau and both her son and daughter-in law, work for the NHS
3. Councillor T Pilkington declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as an employee of the Manchester Foundation Trust.
4. Councillor S. Wright declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as his wife works for a school in the Borough.
5. Councillors Brown and Rydeheard declared personal interests in agenda Common Minimum Licensing Standards C.XXX as they both undertaken legal work representing the Taxi trade.
6. Councillor LJ Dean declared a personal interest in agenda item Notice of Motion C.XXX as a Chair of Governors
7. Councillor Farooq declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as an NHS Employee working at Fairfield General Hospital.
8. Councillor Lucy Smith declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as her husband is employed by the NHS.
9. Councillor Joan Grimshaw declared a personal interest in all matters under consideration as her daughter works for the Combined Authority.